Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Lilly test a new bed
Iris: Lily what you doing with that bed
Lilly Lu: well Iris since your just a kitten you need to lean this so watch carfule I am brakeing in my new pin crown bed.
Iris: oh why do you jump in and out of it
Lilly Lu: i am testing to make sure it has the right spot for sleeping in
Iris: oh but why do you paw it all over
Lilly Lu: iris you need to leave your smell in it before mu shue dose
Iris: but Lilly why do you rub your head on it
Lilly Lu: it the smell thing again
Iris: it looks like you pouncing in it see I can do that
Lilly Lu: Iris Iris Iris you dont just pounce in a new bed
Iris: look In and out this is full lay in the bed so i can chance you out
Lilly lu: sigh.... kittens so much to lean so little time
iris: enough bed testing it time for tail chace!!!!
Lilly, we know what it like breaking in a new bed. You has to make sure it is comfy and stuff.-Sia