
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

what a week wesday

Well it seem it is my sticky little person trun to vist the vet.

Well here the story some of you may know it.

Back in November My mama and dadda got a call would they like to be foster parents to a lil girl who need a home. They had taken the foster care classes and were on the list. The socal worker explaned that this lil girl had some speical needs. She was 13 mouths old and had been born at 25 weeks to a mother who used drugs and drinked she spent the frist 3 mouths of her life on a ventalor and was able to come off but spent the frist 6 mouth of her life in the NICU. She was now in a foster placement that was not the best setting for her and they were looking for a faimly that could foster to adopt her. The one catch was she was a very social little girl and would do well with other childern. UMMM hello we got other sticky.

After talking about it mama and dadda said they try it. They fell in love with the sticky lil person and in augest she became officaly theres.

every one was asstouded by her progress she wanted to keep up with her brother and sisters so she learned to sit up crawl, then walk and now run with them. She said her frist word Cat. We were excited becuse Ashllynn frist words were Max cat so we were two for 3 on the cat thing.

However she tends to catch everything around becuse her immune sytym is not quite as strong. And she has relly bad asmatha and has to take puff and uses a nebulizer when she sick.

She got some sort of bug on Saterday and she seem to recover by sunday but was still a lil off no worst of were on monday she was still a lil of she woke up tuesday morning and had a cough and said her ear hurt and she had a head ack. Well mama was going to call the dr sine miss ashlynn as some sort of rash anyway mama gave her some medison to help her ear pain called the dr. she had an apointment at 9:30 they took her temp it was 104.2 they were very worried the dr started to exama are sticky little bean when she said she did not feel well. and feel back and started shanking and her eyes rooled back and she got blue and shaking and vomited she did this for 5 min the dr put her on her side gave oxgen and keeped her air way open . When it stoped she said to mama that the sticky little bean need to go to childerns hospital via ambulince and they started to put ice packs under her arms to bring her fever down mama was very scard. she was sure there was brain damge or she had something wrong.

At the hospital they did all sorts of test inculding put a nedile in her back and she got to ride on the big cat michen.

They deised it would be best to make are sticky stay in at the hummon vet hospital so she could get iv antinbotics. So after talkig to Mr BG they deised it was best if mama went home for the night and keeped there rootine and take care of the cats.

By the time we the sticky little bean was starting to feel better they think she had a fever sezior not uncommin in toddlers and there shoould be no lasting damage to make sure they going to do a test wiff sticky things and wires of her head. But they feel she will probely need to stay for a few day to get antibotics becuse her chest x-ray showed phomina any ways. then she should be good to go.

I need to take good care of her cuse i know what it feels like



  1. Oh, what a terrible experience! We so hope the little girl is okay and recovers quickly from that scary medical problem. Your poor mom must be exhausted with so much going on. Purrs and tail wags.

  2. How frightening! We are purring Big and hard for your Mom & Dad's new little girl. And Mommy sends many prayers, as well.

    Get well soon, little one!

  3. Maxie, we just know yoo will be an excellent brofur to the little one. How sad she has had to go throo so much in life ... let's hope her life is now taking a turn for the better.

  4. We are sending lots of purrs for your little one! We know how scary asthma can be but all the other makes it even more so. WE know Maxie, Lilly and Iris as well as the twins will be great nurses.

  5. We are sending big purrs to your little sticky girl. She has been through a lot in her little life so far. Purrs for your mama and dad, too. They are very good people for giving her a home.

  6. That had to be super scary. We hope that your sticky girl is better soon.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  7. Oh Maxie we are behind and are so sad to hear your new little sticky bean is so sick! We are sending her tons of purrs and prayers to feel better soon. We have heard about those fever things before and oh it must have been so scary for your mom - but oh how lucky they were at the doctors office at the time! Since it has been a few days we hope she is doing much better and will be home soon! We are sending all of you, including your mom and the beans, hugs - this has to be tough for everyone!

  8. Keeping my paws crossed that she is okay.

    My mom just paid for the eyeglass case for Maxie's auction. It will be from
