One year ago the unthinkbul happened. My compment building of 3 years had a fire. That day mama Laura came home for lunch and could not get back in to her house she tryed she noticed new cures she asked what was going on some told her there was a fire in the bick building. She said I live there witch one. There two attached It truned out it was her building. She begged them to find us but they would not. It was not till late 2 days latter we were ressused. Mu shue saved me and Iris today I decated as Hero day to rember mu shue pooh king cat who will aways be my hero.
The question Yes we our moving we moving out of framingham mama is furry sad to an apt in Marlbrough it has a great school systm and a play ground walking distences and we got a new furry family member
Please help me cellbrate hero day