
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy motherday

well we just wanted to wish every mom a happy motherday esplely our mama Laura who we thought we get presdents Iris  and Mikey started by chaceing Callie Rose up the stairs for a mother day wake up of the best kind then It was LIlly Lu who mewoed her hunger and  gave mama a mothers day Hair ball  then she relized she could not find Maxie Again and she got scared turns out he got locked out on his screaned in porch all night.   Mr BG let him out cuse he was mewoing and forgot about him  The kid beans are makeing mommy bresfest funny thing is mama can't eat most of it cuse she still recoveing for her BI pass  but she take a few bits of what she can and tell them how good it is and feed the rest to MR Bg who she calls her Mr Garbage Can

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It was just a little walk about what the big deal

Yea so i had a little advencher the handy man came and was working out side and left the front door open and i took a walk about the neberhood  When i did not show up for dinner mamma knew something was wrong  i always show up for dinner about 2 houts early. she looked all over the house and it hit her i must gotten out side. It was raining pretty har and she had to put on her rain coat umberal and  her rain boots and she walked the neaberhood calling my name frist time nothing second time i came running out from under a bush and thow my self at mama laura after all i did not want to miss dinner. After dinner i begged to go out on my screaned in porch again and mama said  Mavwell Mufsa Millons get away from the door your out side even on the sceaned in porch time is now limited to suppervision till you earn back my trust.  after meny atttems i went an played with my paw braker, I was a little wet but know worst for the wear and ir was just a little walk about what the big deal

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My thoughts on thusday

So did you hear the big new Jessica Simmon named her babby after me Maxwell But just for the record i am way cuter then any burp a celbrety could have I just can 't help it