Well after readying Daisy the Curly cats blog I desied since I been he almost 5 years that it time I confess. 13 things mama Laura gets mad at me for
1. I steal stuff and dragg it into plasss like a cat bed or a closet and make my self a nest of thing I have been known to get some big things.
2. I cant wait for ice cream tast and I been know to go from full begging to LiLLY LU THATS MY ICE in seconds
3. I am fussy eater I like one type of food then mama laura by it and stocks up and I wont touch it again after she bought more
4. I get nevous and scrach things such as mama carpet Laura
5. I must have my back spot rubbed and be called Betfulal while i am eating ( espely when she in a " hurry")
6. I been known to put the bitty on Mu shue hard( but in my defence it only after he pinnied me down and started gromming me over I did not mean to brake the fur mark)
7. What I lack in mewo I make up in 4am pounceing
8. I have figged out how to open a freser cheew open an ice cream contor and get my self furry sticky and furry full
9. any time a fridge door open I must jump in to inpectet my milk and cheese to make sure we have enough some time i been to help my self before being helped out
10. I like to hide ( my faviort place in on top of the cabbits then I jump down and suprize attack mama Laura)
12. I begg for sticky goodness every morning but will not eat it after she has stocked up on it. ( i like my sticky goodness bought in one can or pouch at a time after all she should go to the store and get me a new pouch or can every day you never know when she might land up wiff a new bed or blanket becuse she been tere I am so cute
13. When I dont get my way in the litter box I just go next to it or in a connor.