Update: nothing new but i made some hard distioson I want take Lilly Lu to Tufts. I took Kayla there when they said she had FIP. Only problem i not sure we can offred it with the twins comming. I told Jared ( lilly calls him mr BG) that we going there no matter what!!!!!! SO the plan is to go to the vet tomrow have the ulrta sound and urin test then try and get in contact with tuffts to get lilly lu seen
Lilly Lu did greet me for her morning sticky stiffed it walked away so i gave her some nurer gell for callaiors. She groomed a little walked over to her grizzy with her Hello kitty stuff and has not moved. Mu shue is keeping an eye on her any time Iris get near Lilly he hisses i glad she going to the vet tomrow at 9 there going to be a snow strom toinght and tomorow mu shue seems bette Iris is back to being iris she wapped down a glass of ice tea i made for my slef.
keep up your purrs
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Not feeling so good
Lilly Lu was out of hiding for maybe 10 mins she came and looked at me near the door when up to her food bowl stiffed it. took some back rubs and went back into hiding. we going to see Dr Martin she the one who saved lilly lu last year. We saw Dr Lennord. we allway just thought as him as Mediocer he once saw lilly at the end and gave her antibotics. We relly like dr Martin and Dr Rogers and dr Synder they always been right on with mu shue and Lilly lu. Mu shue has been seezeing and caughing again and now has runny eyes. Iris has a runny nose but so far there eating and drinking fine unlike miss lilly. Ps when she was out of hideing Lilly lu made a big deal about the list of thing mu shue need to do to get ready for March 3. She also said we need to make sure we have 40 cats so the meezer can get all the green pappers. So she said you have to monday to help them and please do so. They good freind and freinds need to be helped!! the one photo you see of lilly on the contest was taken today she was so out of her leage modling wise she could beary hold her head up and keeped closeing her eyes. But she went though with it to help project ham. Okay i need to get up in 5 and 1/2 hours to go to work
UPDATE 5:30:
Lilly Lu is just beyond mesibual. The blood work came back with her kidney not being happy. I begged last night for them to take a urnin sample but they would not listen to me. They want to do an ultra sound and get a urin sample on sat. She so unhappy she just hides. and when i do find her she just looks so sad. she lost what lilly lu spunk she had. she lets me hold her. She hates to be held. she just so not her self. I feel like i am going against a brick wall the vets just will not listen to me. please purr for Lilly she so unhappy and feel alwaful you can just see it in her little eyes.
even though i not feeling so good i did a modling shoot for the spring has spurng conset bescuse i relly wanted to help my freinds the meezers. I did not ask for any reward and out of 20 or 30 picuter mama got one okay one. Then she patted me on the head and said Lilly your a good freind and a great cat still wainting to hear about blood work untill then if you need me you can find me hiding and sleeping
Lilly Lu was out of hiding for maybe 10 mins she came and looked at me near the door when up to her food bowl stiffed it. took some back rubs and went back into hiding. we going to see Dr Martin she the one who saved lilly lu last year. We saw Dr Lennord. we allway just thought as him as Mediocer he once saw lilly at the end and gave her antibotics. We relly like dr Martin and Dr Rogers and dr Synder they always been right on with mu shue and Lilly lu. Mu shue has been seezeing and caughing again and now has runny eyes. Iris has a runny nose but so far there eating and drinking fine unlike miss lilly. Ps when she was out of hideing Lilly lu made a big deal about the list of thing mu shue need to do to get ready for March 3. She also said we need to make sure we have 40 cats so the meezer can get all the green pappers. So she said you have to monday to help them and please do so. They good freind and freinds need to be helped!! the one photo you see of lilly on the contest was taken today she was so out of her leage modling wise she could beary hold her head up and keeped closeing her eyes. But she went though with it to help project ham. Okay i need to get up in 5 and 1/2 hours to go to work
UPDATE 5:30:
Lilly Lu is just beyond mesibual. The blood work came back with her kidney not being happy. I begged last night for them to take a urnin sample but they would not listen to me. They want to do an ultra sound and get a urin sample on sat. She so unhappy she just hides. and when i do find her she just looks so sad. she lost what lilly lu spunk she had. she lets me hold her. She hates to be held. she just so not her self. I feel like i am going against a brick wall the vets just will not listen to me. please purr for Lilly she so unhappy and feel alwaful you can just see it in her little eyes.
even though i not feeling so good i did a modling shoot for the spring has spurng conset bescuse i relly wanted to help my freinds the meezers. I did not ask for any reward and out of 20 or 30 picuter mama got one okay one. Then she patted me on the head and said Lilly your a good freind and a great cat still wainting to hear about blood work untill then if you need me you can find me hiding and sleeping
Sunday, February 24, 2008
the answers !!!!!!!!!!!
Dubble the Bruppys
Dubble the Fun ..
Dubble the treats
Dubble the Yum!!!!
IT's TWINS!!!!!!!!!!
Interducing ......
The theam of the Nursery is Hello kitty and Winnie the Pooh at Fenway park. Mama freind is going to do a mural of fenway with Helllo kitty and winnie the Pooh playing base ball Me Iris and Mu shue might make a speical guess aprennce in the meral too !!! Go red sox !!!!!
ansswers to guessing game,
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A guessing game
Mamaa Laura why are you shopping for these outfits i not going to were onnies
A cute red one

game also at Mu shue blog

and a pink one ???
game also at Mu shue blog
fashion thats not for me
Thursday, February 21, 2008
faishon show firday
It going to be cold with 9 inches of snow so i need to prepare. I pulled out my cute little lepard print jacket with hood to keep warm. This jacket is prefect for me becuse it pink and spotted and I love love love it. To get this jacket I had to win the best pet kiss contest at pet co. I won the cat contest. I was the only cat. I had to kiss my mamma laura
Here is the full view of this very fun coat. I will defently never be lost in the snow in this

Her i am parceing my new faviort pose the sexy spoty. You can all see a close up in the cute hood. I am pactinging to be america next plused sized cat modle
Here is the full view of this very fun coat. I will defently never be lost in the snow in this
Her i am parceing my new faviort pose the sexy spoty. You can all see a close up in the cute hood. I am pactinging to be america next plused sized cat modle
fashion show firday,
new spotty hoody
Sunday, February 17, 2008
frum Jetter Hairs
My great vaintines day freind the Great and talted Jh not only worte me the award winnintg vaintine He gave me the fablous collor for my moddling sesitions. It a great week Vaintines day and spring traing all in one week
Here i am trying a new posei call it my Spotty sexxy Loook.
In the a full figered moddle wiff a fabolous collor!!!
This picuter relly show off my spots i luv it thanks Jh

Oh yea one more thing ( go red sox)
Friday, February 15, 2008
spring traing up date

They warming up and getting ready today they going to have phicals meet wiff the preess and tomrow they have there frist offical work out life is great when smell of base ball in the air. My boys never dispoint aww yes it already spring...... speeking of the smell of luff
Did you see JH won he great and tanted and handsome he loves baseball like me we just got to do somthing about this yankees blue fing as Bosox red is much much better but enough said
Here what the judges had to say
"One of a kind""Not the most polished of all the valentines, but vary hartfelt.""He is vary skilled at love poetrey. Hoo else cood have fownd a rime for "bosox red"?"I loved the littul annymated heart arownd the logos on the caps.""Far and away the most orijinul.""What the....?"

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Vatintes day to my 2 vaintines
To JH There a question at the bottom for You JH
I love my Red sox
Just as much as I like you!!!!
********** Ps Spring Training starts today R u ready for another great seson ???
To Rocky My Best Freind
To rocky My Blocky
What whould life be with a best freind ?
THanks for lending me an ear
Keeping seecerts listening to me
And just being the best freind any kitt could have
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
sox on sunday

the equment has left the building..... pitchers and catcher repot on thusday and only 55 days till opening day that means spring is on it way now somebuddy do something about the snow
red sox,
spring training
Saturday, February 2, 2008
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