Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009

we wanted to post this on the 22 but the internet were mama abanded me to was bad and she said it would have to wait till she got back so here it is.
Mu shue passed on to the bridge six mouths ago. His stone is set in place. Mama feels like she finaly is at peace Iris and I have one last mu shue favior to ask as you all know mu shue was a hero he never wanted to be called that he just thought he was doing a man cats job. Dragging Iris out and saveing us from smoke. We nomated mu shue for best fur sibbling plase vote mu shue it mean so much to us
She said All that can be done here on earth for mu shue has been done. A hero/king has been given a space fitting for him.
She said Now she contrates on building a better reationship with Maxie. Knowing Mu shue wants that
We see you at the bridge big guy....... we love you .... and always will
Friday, January 16, 2009
about Lillly Lu on Firday
It all started with the fling a mam string I loved it but i never worked so hard in my life so mama noticed i was caughing a little and seemed breathless. So she called the worderful DR C at tufts who felt i need an x-ray and a lung wash. I had this doen about 3 mouths ago. The wash show infation and hemrging at the microscopic leval so she put me on clovmox. She also wants to test me for Heart worm. It is very rare for cats to have this but Fatle if they do all you can do is control the symtoms in cats. She going to call today to talk to DR C. She also going away south to get out of the cold. in =5 framingham Please purr that i dont have heart worm Mama said she could not take another mu shue right now and lose me too
Lilly lu
Lilly lu
Friday, January 9, 2009
Fashion show Firday
Well i not had a good fashion show in so long. Right before maxie came and You know what I sorry. I am the creater of Fashion show Firday so I should be doing it I have only a few outfits but today is all about my new hat. My seecert paws Toolhouse gave me a home made Hazle Lucky taquiltly hat and collor. Hazle is on of my most faviort caster she runs the cats in need of purring list.
I normal do not do hats i do not like my ears touch but this is the one expection i love this hat i give it four paws way up. I love it almost like i love my fling aman ming string...... well maybe not that much
Thursday, January 8, 2009
l love fling a ming on a string
sata paws broght this gift for maxie and irs but it must have been mislabled becuse it my new faviort toy in the whole world and every thing belogs to me becuse I THE ALA QUEEN CAT. I was here frist. I DO NOT play with toy i stop playing meany meny years ago but this is the best toy I love it this is a few min into my 45 min play sestion i must have every morning before my morening nap Maxie and iris only play with it when i say so. It so hard beening queen
I love fling aming string
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
worldless wedsday wiff Maxie ..well almost
Hi all it maxie here. I sorry Mama been in a mood she been missing mu shue like nuts she read dewy the Libary cat and it his persnalty was alot like mu shues. so she cryed buckets. And Lilly Lu was going to blog but well she additced to Fling a Ming on a string. Yes my freind Lilly Lu is playing. Iris and I love it too But miss Lilly Bookers over it she play for hours on end and wine for more. so it me today. Good news becuse she so busy this is what happend. MY GRIZZY MONE
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