Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
spotty sunday with a touch of fahison
An importent faishon tip Bannda can make a great accessry!!! Pink bannda wiff white spots is FURY in this year

As you can see It looks great with my pink toe nails

If you close your eyes real tight and wish that some one speical may telport him self over but then again can't this weekend Red sox yankkes need i say More
I know Jh was feeling bad so my boys and I talked about it and we thought that we let them have one But don't worrie we on are way back we WILL win again

As you can see It looks great with my pink toe nails

If you close your eyes real tight and wish that some one speical may telport him self over but then again can't this weekend Red sox yankkes need i say More
I know Jh was feeling bad so my boys and I talked about it and we thought that we let them have one But don't worrie we on are way back we WILL win again
pink bannda,
spotty sundy,
touch of fashion
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I am queen Lilly
Today has been a great day I took a 2 mile stroler ride I had to put on my pocho becuse it was a bit nippy and mama Laura said it was pocho weather I wanted to were my new queen dress. So she let me modle it for you here. wish mama Luck she going back to pet smart to runtrn recalled food. if you rember she was kicked out last week. And she not leaving wiff out cash in hand since she not aloud to go back she dont want a gift card!!!! So any ways one the promices Mama Laura made was i could were all my kote close any time I wanted so her is my new queen dress It purrfect It pink and has a teara on the bottom. Who needs to wait for fashion show firday when you can be stlylish every day I fink Skeezix and daisy will agree

And as an ending note the red sox play the evail emprie the yankees this weekend but this time it at there home But don't worrie the sox will win I have freinds who are helping me out pluse we all know the red sox are a better team sorry Jh. I make it up to you latter after the game but all is fair in luv and base ball GO SOX GO
And as an ending note the red sox play the evail emprie the yankees this weekend but this time it at there home But don't worrie the sox will win I have freinds who are helping me out pluse we all know the red sox are a better team sorry Jh. I make it up to you latter after the game but all is fair in luv and base ball GO SOX GO
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Fashion show Firday My frist post back
So I am back I am now have a Have a new nick name Lilly Attudite Lu. G_d thought i was going to rainbow bridge he can Just talk to my paw about that one

A front view Of my talk to the paw mussile shirt

Side view of My shirt

and the Pink Text that said Talk to the paw. I also were this shirt for my freind Mr Henderix He will under stand why. This shirt was 2.oo
I want to thank each and evey one of you cats and hummans who purred for me. I feeling much much better but I still have some way back. When mama was praying to Kayla to give her a sing that I was infact going to be okay This morning two blue Jay visted are patio. Talk about you sing all those who have helped wiff vet bills I like to send thank you to cats so please email me a snsil mail adress so i can send you a pink thank you card and a picuter
Oh i forogot one more fing I got the new automic litter box I been winning about and i LUV IT it get cleaned up 30 mins after i done so i just go again and best part is no mamma laura need mama do you fink we can get four of theses

A front view Of my talk to the paw mussile shirt

Side view of My shirt

and the Pink Text that said Talk to the paw. I also were this shirt for my freind Mr Henderix He will under stand why. This shirt was 2.oo
I want to thank each and evey one of you cats and hummans who purred for me. I feeling much much better but I still have some way back. When mama was praying to Kayla to give her a sing that I was infact going to be okay This morning two blue Jay visted are patio. Talk about you sing all those who have helped wiff vet bills I like to send thank you to cats so please email me a snsil mail adress so i can send you a pink thank you card and a picuter
Oh i forogot one more fing I got the new automic litter box I been winning about and i LUV IT it get cleaned up 30 mins after i done so i just go again and best part is no mamma laura need mama do you fink we can get four of theses
Saturday, April 14, 2007
supporting my sox on sat
every cat know I am a huge Boston Red sox cat Fan I love them I watch every game and I am the unfishal spotty good luck Charm. I still waiting for theo epstitine to make it offiacl.

Jh skillon supporiting the sox

Here is Jh skillon Laufiin wereing my hat i sent to Jh unforitinely Jh took down his picuter and i did not save it of him in a pink red sox hat This must been very hard becuse we all know that they yankkes fan but all fair in luv and baseball. Pluse I fink din din made it up to JH last night
next is my great freind Daisy The Currly cat Daisy took a very fun trip to Fenway park. I luv fenway park i wonder if she got a fenway frank can't go to fenway wiff out a beer and a fenway frank they go toghter
her frist stop was yakie way this is the street right outside feway park it were the party before the game happens It lots of fun you get to hear music and ther venders and all sorts of fun things on that street.

Ohhh look daisy gets to thow out the frist pitch

Go daisy Go

So next in Line is daisy special freind skeezix

here he is sleeping in his hat he called it the most beftful hat we also gave him his pink bunny to cuddle wiff
And then there Mao even though the pink was ment for skeezix

he went to prizon for stealing mail but last i heard he broke out and was hanging low wiff another red sox luving cat who has a pogo chair and froobrt ears
Next In are line is Kinko and Saibi

Here is Kiko being nice to his bunny freind and shareing the sox luv wiff his bunny that he bunny kicked early

Here is sabi in his pink red sox hat becse he said pink is the next black his mamma kitty got artistic wiff his picuter but he still looks great
What a support for my sox wiff out me I luv this look

Go red sox !!!!!

Jh skillon supporiting the sox

Here is Jh skillon Laufiin wereing my hat i sent to Jh unforitinely Jh took down his picuter and i did not save it of him in a pink red sox hat This must been very hard becuse we all know that they yankkes fan but all fair in luv and baseball. Pluse I fink din din made it up to JH last night
next is my great freind Daisy The Currly cat Daisy took a very fun trip to Fenway park. I luv fenway park i wonder if she got a fenway frank can't go to fenway wiff out a beer and a fenway frank they go toghter
her frist stop was yakie way this is the street right outside feway park it were the party before the game happens It lots of fun you get to hear music and ther venders and all sorts of fun things on that street.

Ohhh look daisy gets to thow out the frist pitch

Go daisy Go

So next in Line is daisy special freind skeezix

here he is sleeping in his hat he called it the most beftful hat we also gave him his pink bunny to cuddle wiff
And then there Mao even though the pink was ment for skeezix

he went to prizon for stealing mail but last i heard he broke out and was hanging low wiff another red sox luving cat who has a pogo chair and froobrt ears
Next In are line is Kinko and Saibi

Here is Kiko being nice to his bunny freind and shareing the sox luv wiff his bunny that he bunny kicked early

Here is sabi in his pink red sox hat becse he said pink is the next black his mamma kitty got artistic wiff his picuter but he still looks great
What a support for my sox wiff out me I luv this look

Go red sox !!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Fashion show firday
My speical freind JH has been feeling a little bad wiff his new brother posing in his blog and some other cats making coments about his weight. So i figered I make him feel better

I put on my super kwoute and sext pink robe and pulled out a candle and some cans of sticky goodness. Blue spa slelcet this stuff is premno!!!

So now I just wait for the supper sexy and handsome and muscial JH to come and teport over I pulled out My lepored pad and hello kitty pillow beucse they great to cudddle wiff and make it a little more sexy

I put on my super kwoute and sext pink robe and pulled out a candle and some cans of sticky goodness. Blue spa slelcet this stuff is premno!!!
So now I just wait for the supper sexy and handsome and muscial JH to come and teport over I pulled out My lepored pad and hello kitty pillow beucse they great to cudddle wiff and make it a little more sexy
Lilly Lu's 13 tips to being a plused sized supper cat modle
I luv fasion It so much fun I have such great cloths so I thought I give some tips to other cats
1) find a mentor - Mine is skeezix. I would bever know anyfing wiff out hinm
2. Dont forget you collor is an accessory. My collor is a dimmnond velvet collor wiff Lilly in dimonds
3. Be cute give the look I call this working the camra
4. make sure there plenty of temptaytion aroud / as well as sticky goodness

5. Incress your wardrobe. Demade more kote outfits Stand on top of you koyto close and stop your paws till you mama gets you more

6) Evining were is furry imported to one wardobe Black dose make you look skibny
7.) bows look great easply big one they discating to the eye

8) all ways have something cofublue to were for just in case you have to tree climb wiff spome one speical

9) have something for every sesions
10) You can never go wrong wiff pink

11).Have something for every major hoiday this was my easter dress I am a safe easter Lilly

12) spots look great they also distact the eye

13) never be afaried to root on your team as a plused sized super cat modle i feel it my duity to root on the Red sox
1) find a mentor - Mine is skeezix. I would bever know anyfing wiff out hinm
2. Dont forget you collor is an accessory. My collor is a dimmnond velvet collor wiff Lilly in dimonds
3. Be cute give the look I call this working the camra
4. make sure there plenty of temptaytion aroud / as well as sticky goodness
5. Incress your wardrobe. Demade more kote outfits Stand on top of you koyto close and stop your paws till you mama gets you more

6) Evining were is furry imported to one wardobe Black dose make you look skibny
7.) bows look great easply big one they discating to the eye
8) all ways have something cofublue to were for just in case you have to tree climb wiff spome one speical
9) have something for every sesions
10) You can never go wrong wiff pink
11).Have something for every major hoiday this was my easter dress I am a safe easter Lilly

12) spots look great they also distact the eye
13) never be afaried to root on your team as a plused sized super cat modle i feel it my duity to root on the Red sox
Fashion tips,
pluse sized supper modle,
thursday 13
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
wide boady work out wed
Going Oronge for Amimals
Sunday, April 8, 2007
There i was doing my day walk to my pink bed and i pass a sun chair with this great toy left on it ungarded I asked it if it was okay it seemed loney so I grabed him by his tail and i take him to bed and cuddle with him. Then mu shue comes over and destrubes my nap and starts yelling at me to runtun his toy. Well Finder Keeper I always telling him to take better care of his stuff
Then he goes crys to mama laura and I miss Lilly Lu get told you have to respect your elders and I know that mu shue best freind and to let him have it. Nothing to him about leaveing such a grat toy untented to get loney only to me This dose not seem fair I was trying to put him in my bed to nest with him
a safe easter Lilly
even though I don't cellbrate easter I got a new dress for it Becuse I need a new dress for eerything!!!!! As some of you know Lilly the plant is tocix to cats. Well Lilly Lu is perfecetly safe and Very fsshabul!!!!
fashion safe Lilly
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Lilly Lu Great Big Adventure ( to the hall and Back)

So mu shue chaced me out yet again.I fink he told you his story in his blog well it time for mine. He has done this to me meany a time when he dose i like to vist my naibor four doors down. Her name is Rachel. She has some devloumpentaly disbitlys and lives wiff someone esle who helps take care of her But ever since the monet I met her I liked he unless mu shue who hides for her and iris who just yowals at her but she my speical freind. So when i get out I like to see her she lets me in her place she even keeps a can of sticky goodness. for me. Mamma Had just switched brands and gave her a can since she dose not want her feeding me Junckie sticky goodness. Rachel leaves the door open so i can come and go as i please So when I went on my advger I went to Rachels But when she was not home I was not walking in on my own four feet after all I HAD BEEN CHACED OUT. so mama said she was sorry and picked me up and put me back in the apt i was sad Rachel was not home so i sunk out again to go see her and i cuddled wiff her this morning for a hour before going back to my place to be wiff mama after all i hard aready goten a second can of sticky goodness. I fink i may have to take up JH work out but i fink a nap is an order frist
Thursday, April 5, 2007
fashion show firday for my pink ladys
I am a member of a very importent group the Pink Lady I take my job very seiously. and for any job i need cute close to show you all


This shirt is a camfous shirt wiff a skull and cross bone becuse some times even as

This shirt is a camfous shirt wiff a skull and cross bone becuse some times even as a pink lady we are a gang and i am bad to the bone in a nice sort of way
a deital of the shirt
Pink ladys more formal ware

this i my new pink sweeter it has beads at the bottom that giltter It a little more formal when i have fomral pink ladys duitys to attened to and the best part SALE IT WAS 4.00 a little more than my allonce had but i put it on the master cat and will pay back mama laura latter

This shirt is a camfous shirt wiff a skull and cross bone becuse some times even as

This shirt is a camfous shirt wiff a skull and cross bone becuse some times even as a pink lady we are a gang and i am bad to the bone in a nice sort of way
a deital of the shirt

this i my new pink sweeter it has beads at the bottom that giltter It a little more formal when i have fomral pink ladys duitys to attened to and the best part SALE IT WAS 4.00 a little more than my allonce had but i put it on the master cat and will pay back mama laura latter
fashion show friady,
new shirt,
pink ladys
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Opening day for my beloved red sox
Aww it that time a year again were the flowers are starting to bloom and the smell of spring is in the air. And better than That the boys of summer are back in play Aww yes it spring time in MA . It opening day for my beloved red sox!!!! I so excited I got my tv tooned in and I got my red sox shirt on and I ready to play ball. Just rember to rub my spots for good luck!!!! I luv baseball time !!

I there for you sox just rub my spots for good luck and will be playing base ball in september too!!

I am all dressed and ready to go just let me know when i am need i been practing mewoing in jappenes too GO RED SOX !!!!!!!!!!!!

I there for you sox just rub my spots for good luck and will be playing base ball in september too!!

I am all dressed and ready to go just let me know when i am need i been practing mewoing in jappenes too GO RED SOX !!!!!!!!!!!!
opeing day,
spotty good luck charm
spotty sunday
For Spotty Sunday I though I try on my new spotty dress it just right for spring time it pink and spotty I luff it I got it in purrple too. I lufff shopping sales I had to spend allownce of 2.99 to get this dress. I fink i might have stroler money left over

You can see it fits mee just right and so prettty

I feel like a queen in this dress!! Stay tuned for tomrow post i am doing a open day post for my beloved red sox !!!! It will be extra special too

You can see it fits mee just right and so prettty

I feel like a queen in this dress!! Stay tuned for tomrow post i am doing a open day post for my beloved red sox !!!! It will be extra special too
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