Sunday, November 30, 2008
Lilly Lu update
The good news me max and my best bud iris are not the casue of Lilly Lu owies all over her back. She has sores all over her back a lot in scabs but some open. They all up and down. The vet said it looks just like Miss Lilly Her self was doing them. Almost she is bitting her self when grooming. Gssssh Lilly Lu. She said she thinks the skin is very very dry and cracking as well. Are apt is forsed air heat and it very very dry. Mama had to get hummifire for our burpys now she got to run out and get more for every room lilly lu goes into. She also said since we decreaing steridos that Lilly has some cels that incacede a alrric reaction to something. So now Lilly and iris and I are all getting fish oil. Hopely Miss Lilly Lu will stop bitting her self Ps are flash box broke we got a new flash box on sale at walmart on black firday rush morning we just need to get it started
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful/ update on lilly lu
This year we have alot to be thankful for and Lilly Lu said today was the day that we must say what we are thankful for before we dive into are ttucky sticky goodness with fishy flakes and chicken crubles.
I maxie am thankful for my new home. Some of you may not know this but the foster person who fosterd me keeped me in a bathroom with 6 other pepole. My hisotry go I was saved by a vet tec named Kerri from Clition, ma. She askd someone to help me get a home. The women was running a shelter out of her house. mama said she never seen so meany cats in her life and the place smelled like cat Urin. Thats when a certin cat lead mama Laura to me.
I have a great life i am thankful for iris my plate mate and parter in crim. I thankful for Lilly Lu becuse i like to follow he around and wesle wiff her food.
I thankful for warm cat bed. Mama said one of my freinds sent it to Lilly and Mu shue but I love it so.
I thnakful for no grain sticky goodness and the before grain compney who makes my food becuse it so yummy i cant help but keep my belly full. mama said my coat is supper soft and skilky and my eyes bright since i started eating it.
I thankful for chicken flavorted temp-tay-tion I dont think i get enough becuse mama calls them cat candy becuse they have grain in them.
I thanful for all of you being my freinds.
I got to hand the blog over to Iris now
I very thankful this yeat. I thankful to be alive and thankful to have toys thanks to all my freinds. You might rember I lost all my toys but you all came though like best freinds in the world. I thankful fo Maxie becuse he my best freind in the world. I thankful for a place to call home and great wonredful freinds. Okay is it time to play yet. I thankful Maxie and I have a place to call home and a toy box to empty all ovet the floor every night it loss of fun fun fun. Okay I got toys to play with balls and mousie . Maxie loves balls. I give to blog back to Lily Lu
I have alot to be thanful for I should have died more than once this year but you purr and pulled me though it. I thankful for my name sake Dr Lillan Cornjo. Becuse she the bestest vet int the whole wife world. I not just makeing it up she can handle fractiouis Max Max he hissed and he did not bit her she the only vet he never bitten. I thankful for My house and everthing I have. I thankul for freinds and food and thank everyone who helped me out i could never be here with out all your help. I foing to hand this over to mama who will update you on me.
Mamma Laura Here. I have a lot to be thankful for all your help got me were i am. Becuse of you my cats have toys bed and lots of things Every time I see lily drink form her fourion i am thankful. Now an update on Lilly Lu . I thought it was just one skin sore but it truns out there all over her back. Her skin has open sores there very tinny but i think they form dry skin caused by the steridos. The Great dr C is on vaction so she will see the Great Dr rogers at slades and if she thinks ther bad i will take her to tufts. The question is what has caused her skin to become so raw that she would have open sores.
Ps It not to late to get on The Lilly Lu hoilday card list we only adressed some we plan to do the rest later
I maxie am thankful for my new home. Some of you may not know this but the foster person who fosterd me keeped me in a bathroom with 6 other pepole. My hisotry go I was saved by a vet tec named Kerri from Clition, ma. She askd someone to help me get a home. The women was running a shelter out of her house. mama said she never seen so meany cats in her life and the place smelled like cat Urin. Thats when a certin cat lead mama Laura to me.
I have a great life i am thankful for iris my plate mate and parter in crim. I thankful for Lilly Lu becuse i like to follow he around and wesle wiff her food.
I thankful for warm cat bed. Mama said one of my freinds sent it to Lilly and Mu shue but I love it so.
I thnakful for no grain sticky goodness and the before grain compney who makes my food becuse it so yummy i cant help but keep my belly full. mama said my coat is supper soft and skilky and my eyes bright since i started eating it.
I thankful for chicken flavorted temp-tay-tion I dont think i get enough becuse mama calls them cat candy becuse they have grain in them.
I thanful for all of you being my freinds.
I got to hand the blog over to Iris now
I very thankful this yeat. I thankful to be alive and thankful to have toys thanks to all my freinds. You might rember I lost all my toys but you all came though like best freinds in the world. I thankful fo Maxie becuse he my best freind in the world. I thankful for a place to call home and great wonredful freinds. Okay is it time to play yet. I thankful Maxie and I have a place to call home and a toy box to empty all ovet the floor every night it loss of fun fun fun. Okay I got toys to play with balls and mousie . Maxie loves balls. I give to blog back to Lily Lu
I have alot to be thanful for I should have died more than once this year but you purr and pulled me though it. I thankful for my name sake Dr Lillan Cornjo. Becuse she the bestest vet int the whole wife world. I not just makeing it up she can handle fractiouis Max Max he hissed and he did not bit her she the only vet he never bitten. I thankful for My house and everthing I have. I thankul for freinds and food and thank everyone who helped me out i could never be here with out all your help. I foing to hand this over to mama who will update you on me.
Mamma Laura Here. I have a lot to be thankful for all your help got me were i am. Becuse of you my cats have toys bed and lots of things Every time I see lily drink form her fourion i am thankful. Now an update on Lilly Lu . I thought it was just one skin sore but it truns out there all over her back. Her skin has open sores there very tinny but i think they form dry skin caused by the steridos. The Great dr C is on vaction so she will see the Great Dr rogers at slades and if she thinks ther bad i will take her to tufts. The question is what has caused her skin to become so raw that she would have open sores.
Ps It not to late to get on The Lilly Lu hoilday card list we only adressed some we plan to do the rest later
Friday, November 21, 2008
ferice fighter firday : rembering Kayla and Mu shue

This is one of the frist mu shue picuter ever. he climbed in mama pooh bedding and mama snaped the picture it one of her faviort mu shue it just so him. I sorry it so light. We lost the orinial in the fire. The pepole who brought out what lilly mama had left broke it and ripped it she cryed at them why why why.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Man cat Monday with Me Maxie
It time for man cat Maxie monday. That means it all about me me me. I had a hard week Lilly Lu got mad i lost all her ice cream betting at the track she made me hand over the grizzy then me had to findsome were manyly to lay. Me manly ....
man cat maxie monday
Sunday, November 2, 2008
man cat monday
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday at the tracks with Max
Maxie is spending all his free time and allonce money at the track he clams he can stop any time he wants but this is an mupital times day habit this is how it go poor Maxie I hope we can get him ovet the track
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