We got mama laura wraped around are paws you see it goes something like this. as you head halo has desised to stop selling my chicken dinner sprinkles they so nummy they what i love most of all in the whole world well next to chicken crublebles. I wont touch food unless it has a heavy lay of chicken sprinkles on top.
mama when to esplely for pet becuse we out of evo even though we order more mama said it not coming soon enough well why she was there she found two bottle of my chicken sprinkles she found 20 on line yesterday but we need as meany as we can get.
so she grabed the last two. and went up to the conter.
Mamma excusise me do you have any more halo dinner party chicken flovored?
Sales lady: Umm no there discutioning this proditic i am sorry
Mamma: Could you call other stores and she if they have them and could pull them off the self for me i picke them up
Sales lady why are you so obsesed with the chicken dinner party
Mama; it my cat Maxie shows picter on cell phone. He wont eat with out a heavy layet of chicken sprinles.
Sales Lady: have you tryed liv-a-little
Mama: those have to be crubled my cat can't eat chunksy mama starts to cry
sales:lady you could put it in a plastic bag and uses a rolling pin
Mama: yea sure it would only add more time onto my 35 mins it takes to make his meals. I already getting to sleep at one after i am done with him i guess i could make it 1:30
you see maxie cant eat soild food he went to the dentist and they burned his whole espousous top to bottome he had a feeding tube but now he can eat can food with no lumps but he takes medication two time daily i have to grid them up and fouse him to eat it. Please can you help me with finding chiken sprinkles. Did i menton his gota day is on suday. I spent over 6,000 in medical bills on him. I just need him to eat Well i could cheek
she starts makeing phone calls too all the other stores telling them maxie story She said can I have an adress we like to ship them to you we located 20 between all the stores
Oh yes
it is
She then goes to the self and takes of 6 pakage of liv-a-littles and said to me these are on the house. Tell the little guy happy got-a-day from his freinds at espely for pets.
Mama: crying thank you for helping my maxie. you only charged me for the two sprinkles can i pay for the rest. No there from us to the little man the sales lady said.
Mama came home and give me my yummy lunch with a think layer of chicken sprinkels it great to have a maam who wraped around my paws