UMMM excise me Yes I know i am cute ginnger and your glad i am alive so there for you cant take your eyes off me but PLEASE even A MAN CAT AS CUTE AS ME NEEDS HIS privcey
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fashion show Firday
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mystry man cat Monday
Hi It me Maxie I need your help with a Mystry that has been driving me carazy
It is very manly to play with my track ball I love it I play and play and lay and lay But it has beecoem qutie a mystry to mee and I need your help to figger it out
Why can't I get the ball out of the track no matter how hard i try It is a mystry to me

Saturday, August 21, 2010
spotty sunday
I love to eat I eat one kibble at a time and i make a huge mess. However I like to tell you about last night were there was spotty abuse. I get to eat at 6:30 am 5;30 pm and 11"00 pm Maxie gets a can of sticky goodness at 11:00 and locked in a room all night,
Last night mama Laura insted of feeding us on time watched a movie and was 35 mins later wiff my 11:00 din din See becuse of Maxie condation he needs to be locked away before i get my food so how mama dose this is she feeds him frist. He like to be watched patted and played with after. So when his din din way deyaled my Din din got delayed and Iris din din got delyed well iris she just eats all night between jumping on off mama laura she got the night shift. I being abused I like to be watched and I was starving and cuse she tired she did not watch me to my tummy was fulll. I am bitt upset set this is not how you treat me on spotty sunday
Friday, August 20, 2010
Who Me .....
LL was sleeping in a bed wiff her grizzy
Maxie : LL that look commfy I want your bed please move
LL: Maxie i sleeping go away
Maxie: LL I said please
LL: And i said no
Maxie: Fine LL i have to take this into my own paws
Maxie goes and dive bombs LL
LL: runs and evuate bed
Maxie: Moves in to be and crawls under grizzy
LL: Goes mewos to Mama Laura
Mama Laura; grabs camra
You see I needed that bed LL was sleeping ther I asked please when i did not get what i wanted I had to take matters into my own paws after were living by maxies rules now
LL Not so fast Maxie I calling My Lawer ... Lets see were did i put finny email.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My mama has to confess maxie was doing so well when he got into iris curnches by mistake he got the frist 3 four bits no problem mama was so excited she let him have a few more then he regatated mama all worried becuse now he only licking the chicken off his food and he making the chewing after he licks indcating pain mama going to call dr c today she so just wants a complet healing for maxie
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Goodbye sweet freinds

This just sucks and sucks and sucks someore. Lex was a great freind he was always what we think of when we think of white he was a great freind we knew he hard heart desess but he always took such good care of his sister Mayba FE just wanted a freind i am sure a long line of cats were waiting to great them when they crossed over but there not a dry eye in the house
Lilly Lu iris and A Member of Gouoours gingers Maxie
Our wordless wedness is undeneath
Lilly Lu iris and A Member of Gouoours gingers Maxie
Our wordless wedness is undeneath
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
13 things heard this week
1. Maxwell i just gave you a treet you do not need more
2. Maxwell please i am trying to do things i cant stop and rub your ears
3. Maxie those are my feet you licking
4. Lilly Lu that my blood you digging out with you claws and it hurts
5 Yes Lilly You are getting your nail cut no matter how much you mewo in protest
6. iris if you watch you get your claws cut too
7. Iris it 4:25 in the morning please stop meezing
8. Maxie i am not your slave please stop looking at me with those sad eyes fine fine have another chicken treet.
9. Iris no please dont jump on my mouth and noise if ther coved i cant breath and if i cant breath then i can't feed you
10. Iris that was a very expeise toy in a roll of TP
11. Iris and Maxie i not sure LL like LL in the middle oh wait she could uses the excizes okay go for it.
12. LL i know you like to eat but please stop hinding in maxie room 30 mins before his din din time to try and get his din din when i give you sticky goodness you trun your noise up at it
13. I NOT YOUR SLAVE yes you can have more chicken, feather on a sitck and and nip ( side note she not a slave she well trained and as long as she meeting all are needs she can call it what ever she wants )
2. Maxwell please i am trying to do things i cant stop and rub your ears
3. Maxie those are my feet you licking
4. Lilly Lu that my blood you digging out with you claws and it hurts
5 Yes Lilly You are getting your nail cut no matter how much you mewo in protest
6. iris if you watch you get your claws cut too
7. Iris it 4:25 in the morning please stop meezing
8. Maxie i am not your slave please stop looking at me with those sad eyes fine fine have another chicken treet.
9. Iris no please dont jump on my mouth and noise if ther coved i cant breath and if i cant breath then i can't feed you
10. Iris that was a very expeise toy in a roll of TP
11. Iris and Maxie i not sure LL like LL in the middle oh wait she could uses the excizes okay go for it.
12. LL i know you like to eat but please stop hinding in maxie room 30 mins before his din din time to try and get his din din when i give you sticky goodness you trun your noise up at it
13. I NOT YOUR SLAVE yes you can have more chicken, feather on a sitck and and nip ( side note she not a slave she well trained and as long as she meeting all are needs she can call it what ever she wants )
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
telling the truth on tuseday
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Man caT Monday reporting the mews

This is my faviort spot to look out in on my screaned in proch where i feel like i on the outside but i am in side. It all mine, What am i on the look out for one mamma Laura. Yes that right the unthinkable happned last night. I was abanded so my mama could cheet on me and meet other cat moms Like sweet prerinies and showdo, molly and trooders mama. I LL and Iris did pack a baskets of goodys for there mama to bring home and I did get some nip.
But I almost straved to death i was left house with out any freezed dryed chick-hen and no chick-hen I was was even more hungry cuse LL ate my lunch. For a cat who hates sticky goodness she loves to eat it after i eaten some, I almost strayed while she was out eating prime rib. My dinner was late and not nearly enough frezzed dryed chicken on it. I can not stand these conditons much longer I being abused I mean freezed dryed chicken should be a main meal given any time i mewo.
And one more thing LL is mad about i stole another one her beds when she was not useing it. She trened to use my gota day gift one me a big box wiff pagcaing tape and LL stamp marked Aubdubi
So i am a Miffed man cat in seach of chick-hen
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
what a week wesday
Well it seem it is my sticky little person trun to vist the vet.
Well here the story some of you may know it.
Back in November My mama and dadda got a call would they like to be foster parents to a lil girl who need a home. They had taken the foster care classes and were on the list. The socal worker explaned that this lil girl had some speical needs. She was 13 mouths old and had been born at 25 weeks to a mother who used drugs and drinked she spent the frist 3 mouths of her life on a ventalor and was able to come off but spent the frist 6 mouth of her life in the NICU. She was now in a foster placement that was not the best setting for her and they were looking for a faimly that could foster to adopt her. The one catch was she was a very social little girl and would do well with other childern. UMMM hello we got other sticky.
After talking about it mama and dadda said they try it. They fell in love with the sticky lil person and in augest she became officaly theres.
every one was asstouded by her progress she wanted to keep up with her brother and sisters so she learned to sit up crawl, then walk and now run with them. She said her frist word Cat. We were excited becuse Ashllynn frist words were Max cat so we were two for 3 on the cat thing.
However she tends to catch everything around becuse her immune sytym is not quite as strong. And she has relly bad asmatha and has to take puff and uses a nebulizer when she sick.
She got some sort of bug on Saterday and she seem to recover by sunday but was still a lil off no worst of were on monday she was still a lil of she woke up tuesday morning and had a cough and said her ear hurt and she had a head ack. Well mama was going to call the dr sine miss ashlynn as some sort of rash anyway mama gave her some medison to help her ear pain called the dr. she had an apointment at 9:30 they took her temp it was 104.2 they were very worried the dr started to exama are sticky little bean when she said she did not feel well. and feel back and started shanking and her eyes rooled back and she got blue and shaking and vomited she did this for 5 min the dr put her on her side gave oxgen and keeped her air way open . When it stoped she said to mama that the sticky little bean need to go to childerns hospital via ambulince and they started to put ice packs under her arms to bring her fever down mama was very scard. she was sure there was brain damge or she had something wrong.
At the hospital they did all sorts of test inculding put a nedile in her back and she got to ride on the big cat michen.
They deised it would be best to make are sticky stay in at the hummon vet hospital so she could get iv antinbotics. So after talkig to Mr BG they deised it was best if mama went home for the night and keeped there rootine and take care of the cats.
By the time we the sticky little bean was starting to feel better they think she had a fever sezior not uncommin in toddlers and there shoould be no lasting damage to make sure they going to do a test wiff sticky things and wires of her head. But they feel she will probely need to stay for a few day to get antibotics becuse her chest x-ray showed phomina any ways. then she should be good to go.
I need to take good care of her cuse i know what it feels like
Well here the story some of you may know it.
Back in November My mama and dadda got a call would they like to be foster parents to a lil girl who need a home. They had taken the foster care classes and were on the list. The socal worker explaned that this lil girl had some speical needs. She was 13 mouths old and had been born at 25 weeks to a mother who used drugs and drinked she spent the frist 3 mouths of her life on a ventalor and was able to come off but spent the frist 6 mouth of her life in the NICU. She was now in a foster placement that was not the best setting for her and they were looking for a faimly that could foster to adopt her. The one catch was she was a very social little girl and would do well with other childern. UMMM hello we got other sticky.
After talking about it mama and dadda said they try it. They fell in love with the sticky lil person and in augest she became officaly theres.
every one was asstouded by her progress she wanted to keep up with her brother and sisters so she learned to sit up crawl, then walk and now run with them. She said her frist word Cat. We were excited becuse Ashllynn frist words were Max cat so we were two for 3 on the cat thing.
However she tends to catch everything around becuse her immune sytym is not quite as strong. And she has relly bad asmatha and has to take puff and uses a nebulizer when she sick.
She got some sort of bug on Saterday and she seem to recover by sunday but was still a lil off no worst of were on monday she was still a lil of she woke up tuesday morning and had a cough and said her ear hurt and she had a head ack. Well mama was going to call the dr sine miss ashlynn as some sort of rash anyway mama gave her some medison to help her ear pain called the dr. she had an apointment at 9:30 they took her temp it was 104.2 they were very worried the dr started to exama are sticky little bean when she said she did not feel well. and feel back and started shanking and her eyes rooled back and she got blue and shaking and vomited she did this for 5 min the dr put her on her side gave oxgen and keeped her air way open . When it stoped she said to mama that the sticky little bean need to go to childerns hospital via ambulince and they started to put ice packs under her arms to bring her fever down mama was very scard. she was sure there was brain damge or she had something wrong.
At the hospital they did all sorts of test inculding put a nedile in her back and she got to ride on the big cat michen.
They deised it would be best to make are sticky stay in at the hummon vet hospital so she could get iv antinbotics. So after talkig to Mr BG they deised it was best if mama went home for the night and keeped there rootine and take care of the cats.
By the time we the sticky little bean was starting to feel better they think she had a fever sezior not uncommin in toddlers and there shoould be no lasting damage to make sure they going to do a test wiff sticky things and wires of her head. But they feel she will probely need to stay for a few day to get antibotics becuse her chest x-ray showed phomina any ways. then she should be good to go.
I need to take good care of her cuse i know what it feels like
tatle tail tuseday Maxie runies a good time
This is me in my beloved pink crown bed I sleep in this bed morning noon and night. I have to get up to steach get a drink use the box. Now that maxie fee look what happen when i get out

This is photografic proff maxie is a good time steler as well as a pink crown bed stealer. but you know what I glad her around to steal my pink bed But maxie you better watch out My gota day gift of a box pagaking tape postage stampes and a lable that said To Aububi no backes Still hold true one wrong more and off you go

This is photografic proff maxie is a good time steler as well as a pink crown bed stealer. but you know what I glad her around to steal my pink bed But maxie you better watch out My gota day gift of a box pagaking tape postage stampes and a lable that said To Aububi no backes Still hold true one wrong more and off you go

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Man cat Monday with Maxie
Maxie Gota day

Today Is a great Day it the day to cellbrate me It already started out great Mama gave me chicken and trucky evo my faviort for befest normaly i get turcky and chicken but who know there was a chicken and tucky more chick-hen it also had a thick layer of chiken sprinkles and she growened up so chick-hen form treats too for me
I got a fouton for my upstairs room for my nights alone i have to spend nights by my self becuse LL and iris have to eat too and want some curchies. Then I got to order from my freind Babby Patches story I ordered treets and nip apple.
Mama said becuse i was sick we missed the girls purrday so she got them each somthing LL got a few cute dress mama said she have a faishon show soon.
And Iris got some mouies that were diped in are huge insane about of bubba love nip
Your all welcome to come and pary wiff us there be chicken and more chick-hen and more chick-hen dairy for LL and toona and srimps and lots of other stuff Mama said i am a miracle. I live wiff mama two full years
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