Today Is a great Day it the day to cellbrate me It already started out great Mama gave me chicken and trucky evo my faviort for befest normaly i get turcky and chicken but who know there was a chicken and tucky more chick-hen it also had a thick layer of chiken sprinkles and she growened up so chick-hen form treats too for me
I got a fouton for my upstairs room for my nights alone i have to spend nights by my self becuse LL and iris have to eat too and want some curchies. Then I got to order from my freind Babby Patches story I ordered treets and nip apple.
Mama said becuse i was sick we missed the girls purrday so she got them each somthing LL got a few cute dress mama said she have a faishon show soon.
And Iris got some mouies that were diped in are huge insane about of bubba love nip
Your all welcome to come and pary wiff us there be chicken and more chick-hen and more chick-hen dairy for LL and toona and srimps and lots of other stuff Mama said i am a miracle. I live wiff mama two full years
NOW IT'S YOUR GOTCHA DAY, MAXIE! Hope it's a good one and we are so happy that you are still here to celebrate it.
Snuggles and purrs,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL
Happy Gotcha Day Maxie - we hope you get spoilt rotten. Can we come over and get some chick-hen please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yay! Your Gotcha Day is finally here. I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all of that chicken!
Happy Gotcha Day, Maxie!!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Maxie!!
Happy Gotcha Day Maxie!! We hope you have the very best day! We think your chick-hen dinner sounds nommy.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Gotcha Day, Maxie! We are so happy to be at your party!
Happy Gotcha Day, Maxie!
We are thrilled to be able to celebrate it with you.
The chix-hen sounds tasty...we might start with that!
Happy Gotcha Day Maxie and many, many, many moooooore!!! At leasat your Mom remembered yours!!
(((((((HUGGGGGSSSS)))))))) from your TX furiends,
Happy Gotcha Day, Maxie! It's wonderful, a real miracle, that you are here to celebrate it. Lots of continued purrs and healing Light from us!
Hi Maxie - sorry we are late, but happy belated Gotcha Day! We hope you had a fun day!!
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