Hi It me Maxie I need your help with a Mystry that has been driving me carazy
It is very manly to play with my track ball I love it I play and play and lay and lay But it has beecoem qutie a mystry to mee and I need your help to figger it out
Why can't I get the ball out of the track no matter how hard i try It is a mystry to me

I bet it was really fun! I'd like to join you if you don't mind!
WOW! Are you using super laser to try to BEAM it outta there?!?
I think the inventors made it that way, Maxie, just to drive cats up a wall! Don't they know that once a cat catches something, they are supposed to be able to keep it?
We've been working on that mystery for some time now. Once Zoey got it out...and she's not telling us how. That's a girlcat for you....
Wally & Ernie
We have solved that mystery. We have a 4 year old grandbean that takes it out for us.
I will tell you Maxie..I have da sames problem!
Max, we can't help...we've been working on ours for YEARS!
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