The colds then the hots and the bugs came back and bit my hummans and made them lay in there beds and feel sick and watch lots of seessme street why blowing now every one is on anti botic and two of mt burps are haveing tubes placed in there ears and the last one will have his done after thanksgiving the ears nose and thought guy said that should help my burps ear infections. I been on hevy dutiy pink blanket nursing duity thin inclodes me putting pink blanket in my mouth kneeding all over it and makeing sure it just broken in and purring on it so i can nap and my healing presedes after i do all this work LL has desed she needs to find her cougre and stand up for her self on my pink blanket after i just spent all that time putting my smell into it. Not cool So I play a game with LL i lay down and i burry my head in her fur and she thinks it okay to lick my ears that when i put the bity on and she thinks she can use tha paw to the face and well it was not very pretty from there let just say the fur did fly right off my pink blanket
So to get me back she keeps paw punching me every time i get the crazys and run. So i had no choice but to play LL in the middle with iris.
LL is in a bossy street lately Iris and i have no choice but to put LL back in her place Let just say the worlds will you cats cut it out have been used more than once.
My burps are leaving town in a little whie and the evel cat sitter will be staying with us.
i have good news i can eat pill pocket and not get sick this is huge make me getting my 1/4 a pill much easyer on poor maam
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our Dear Sparkle book finaly came
It took a while but it finly came in the mail yesterday. We been reading it wiff mama and we give the book too paws up sparkle gives some great adivice we love the letters so we deised we like to write are own
Lilly Lu siad she start
Dear Sparkle,
i used to be a fee fed kitty and i could nibble all say long. Then my borhter got sick and beusce he can't nibble on kibble any more i only see kibble at night and i am straving by the time I get it. I only get to nibble at night and i like my bean to watch me eat so i always leave some so she can worship me while i eat. but i miss the nibble How do i explan to her my need to nibble.
i like to Nibble
Maxie next
Dear Sparkle,
My momma has the most conferble pink blanket on her bed i snoze on it kneend it and make it my own evey day i love to sleep with it. but some times mama my mama like to lay on her bed with out going under the covers and wants me to share becuse she cold. I have no choice but to sit on her chest since it is my pink blanket but she said i getting heavy and it hard for her to breath breath how do i get my point that my pink blanket is all mine and that i not willing to share and i sorry she cold but it my blanket.
Pink blanket lover
Dear Sparkle,
I am a simimmiee and it is written i meezee my complantes loudly and since i am hunrgry at 2;55 am I have to meeze in the ear of my humman this behavior dose not get me feed but kicked out of the bed room and the door slamed so i must meeze even louder. How do i get my lazy hummans to get up and listen to me and feed me an extra can of paw-licking- chicken
Meezing in the morning
Lilly Lu siad she start
Dear Sparkle,
i used to be a fee fed kitty and i could nibble all say long. Then my borhter got sick and beusce he can't nibble on kibble any more i only see kibble at night and i am straving by the time I get it. I only get to nibble at night and i like my bean to watch me eat so i always leave some so she can worship me while i eat. but i miss the nibble How do i explan to her my need to nibble.
i like to Nibble
Maxie next
Dear Sparkle,
My momma has the most conferble pink blanket on her bed i snoze on it kneend it and make it my own evey day i love to sleep with it. but some times mama my mama like to lay on her bed with out going under the covers and wants me to share becuse she cold. I have no choice but to sit on her chest since it is my pink blanket but she said i getting heavy and it hard for her to breath breath how do i get my point that my pink blanket is all mine and that i not willing to share and i sorry she cold but it my blanket.
Pink blanket lover
Dear Sparkle,
I am a simimmiee and it is written i meezee my complantes loudly and since i am hunrgry at 2;55 am I have to meeze in the ear of my humman this behavior dose not get me feed but kicked out of the bed room and the door slamed so i must meeze even louder. How do i get my lazy hummans to get up and listen to me and feed me an extra can of paw-licking- chicken
Meezing in the morning
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Maxie Report
Well I not bloged in what seems forever do you even rember who i am I am Maxie And boy do i have alot to tell you. Well the hots of gone and the cools have moved in the leavs are falling to the ground Mamma is busy getting ready winter changing close getting new one nothing fits from last year but are luck mayla fits into ashlynn old winter stuff.
With the colds moving in the sicks have also come to pay a vist to our house so far they got both my butp girls and my momma i had to play maxie nighting gail as all 3 sat in the big bed and i sat right on the pink blanket making sure they were all ready to be loved and in returen the give me my chicken treets for all my hard work i also been helping them with with ther home made chicken soup. It a hard job it a good thing i there for my girls and mama they never get though the sicks with out me.
The other day mama foud ashlynn and me down on playing i was playing very nicely then mamma saw the jar off of two bottles of chicken treats she looked at ahslynn and said what are you doing she replyed feeding maxie his weight worth in chicken treats Mama looked at the bottles and said Ashlynn maxie is 12 lbs that alot of chicken and she said you better by more treat he love therse.
Mamas said that man the blue shorts bught me enough and i eattting too meany.
The food report is I found two flavors of food i am in love love love with
Merveric Mewoie Lau and Maeveric Paw lick chickeen I like tiki cat too but not as much as i once did. I tryed the Mac and Jack flacored it was okay but no paw licking chicken
I have miss paced nip rarge of when i nip i can only be wiff Iris becuse she defend her self and LL gets her tail in a knot
We have some big news were are thinking of being a feline Family of Four mama is thinking of a older girl Main coon are coon max. Mamma said she loves coons We not offical made up are mind but mama said NO KITTENS only adults '
With the colds moving in the sicks have also come to pay a vist to our house so far they got both my butp girls and my momma i had to play maxie nighting gail as all 3 sat in the big bed and i sat right on the pink blanket making sure they were all ready to be loved and in returen the give me my chicken treets for all my hard work i also been helping them with with ther home made chicken soup. It a hard job it a good thing i there for my girls and mama they never get though the sicks with out me.
The other day mama foud ashlynn and me down on playing i was playing very nicely then mamma saw the jar off of two bottles of chicken treats she looked at ahslynn and said what are you doing she replyed feeding maxie his weight worth in chicken treats Mama looked at the bottles and said Ashlynn maxie is 12 lbs that alot of chicken and she said you better by more treat he love therse.
Mamas said that man the blue shorts bught me enough and i eattting too meany.
The food report is I found two flavors of food i am in love love love with
Merveric Mewoie Lau and Maeveric Paw lick chickeen I like tiki cat too but not as much as i once did. I tryed the Mac and Jack flacored it was okay but no paw licking chicken
I have miss paced nip rarge of when i nip i can only be wiff Iris becuse she defend her self and LL gets her tail in a knot
We have some big news were are thinking of being a feline Family of Four mama is thinking of a older girl Main coon are coon max. Mamma said she loves coons We not offical made up are mind but mama said NO KITTENS only adults '
Friday, October 8, 2010
Happy Brithday to are Burp Mayla
Myla two years ago you were born to a mother who could not take care of her self or you. You had very hard fighting you came out fighting when we met you pepole thought you could not thive but again you proved them wrong. Today Mayla we cellbrate that fight the one that brought you hear. I am super proud to be your cat your a great little sister to my brup ashlynn and have learned well. I love my all girl tea partys with you makes me fell manly to be inculdeing in all that pink ruffles and teara eating chicken treats with my girls.
We could never imainge life with out you and we can imanige what we did before we love you alot Happy second Brithday we hope you enjoy your water park
Maxie, Lilly lu and iris
We could never imainge life with out you and we can imanige what we did before we love you alot Happy second Brithday we hope you enjoy your water park
Maxie, Lilly lu and iris
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
mu shue ( yes we late we did not know what to say)
Mu shue would have been 19 years young. This year we were able to "talk" to him again though miss dawn are annaml commactor. We learned alot about mu shue and Lilly. I knew mu shue was never lilly lu best freind I also learned that he was very postive of me and made it a point to Lilly lu to know that.He was not always nice to Lilly however he did love her in his own way.
We were able to ask him about the fire he said the worst part was it was very very loud and that the noise relly bothered him he hid in a desk way underneath and in a draw. He said there was no place for Lily Lu in the draw so he had to help her hide some were else. He also said iris was very upset by the whole thing and was a pain in the tail so he had no choice but to put her in the draw with him and she smmoshed him explaning the bit mark on iris neck.
He said he was never scard i never come back for him and told the girls it was safe to come out He said he only did it becuse he wanted me to be happy cuse he knew I loved the girls and he loved me so much.
This year I almost forgot about his brithday I was so enoved with day to day life when on his brithday it rained and poored and i got wet and i relized It was just like the frist time i met him. I said to my self shoot it his gotya / purrday
I had to say I was sorry. I said mu shue I am comming down to your gave on the 30th On the afternoon of the 30th i went and picked up his annaul pumkin and a bunch of oronge mums for his gave. It was a very windy day and it started to rain. I looked up in the sky and said Mu shue winnford pooh not funny you want me to come vist you change the weather as soon as i got to the cemtary and made it to his lot the wind stop the rain stoped and the sun peaked out. I walked over to his gave and rized i had not tended to it like i should the gross was over grown i went to going about tending to it sang him happy purrday and happy gota day and his song about him being speical that i sang to him evey night walked back to my car as soon as i got back to my car the wwather started again I knew mu shue was okay and someday i see him again. I know he has kayla he told me he has his sissy up there and she found him and they have each other and he loved me and not to be so sad over him any more sometimes it just hard.
I have yet to ever go back to boston market thinking about how he loved it so If i left boston market on the table untented he always get it. I know maxie would be the same way. I see alot of mu shue in maxie and i knwo mu shue gave him to me in love
We were able to ask him about the fire he said the worst part was it was very very loud and that the noise relly bothered him he hid in a desk way underneath and in a draw. He said there was no place for Lily Lu in the draw so he had to help her hide some were else. He also said iris was very upset by the whole thing and was a pain in the tail so he had no choice but to put her in the draw with him and she smmoshed him explaning the bit mark on iris neck.
He said he was never scard i never come back for him and told the girls it was safe to come out He said he only did it becuse he wanted me to be happy cuse he knew I loved the girls and he loved me so much.
This year I almost forgot about his brithday I was so enoved with day to day life when on his brithday it rained and poored and i got wet and i relized It was just like the frist time i met him. I said to my self shoot it his gotya / purrday
I had to say I was sorry. I said mu shue I am comming down to your gave on the 30th On the afternoon of the 30th i went and picked up his annaul pumkin and a bunch of oronge mums for his gave. It was a very windy day and it started to rain. I looked up in the sky and said Mu shue winnford pooh not funny you want me to come vist you change the weather as soon as i got to the cemtary and made it to his lot the wind stop the rain stoped and the sun peaked out. I walked over to his gave and rized i had not tended to it like i should the gross was over grown i went to going about tending to it sang him happy purrday and happy gota day and his song about him being speical that i sang to him evey night walked back to my car as soon as i got back to my car the wwather started again I knew mu shue was okay and someday i see him again. I know he has kayla he told me he has his sissy up there and she found him and they have each other and he loved me and not to be so sad over him any more sometimes it just hard.
I have yet to ever go back to boston market thinking about how he loved it so If i left boston market on the table untented he always get it. I know maxie would be the same way. I see alot of mu shue in maxie and i knwo mu shue gave him to me in love
Friday, October 1, 2010
Word of the day Maxie Style - ( chickhen)

I not had a word of the day in a long time and i have one thing on my mind CHICKEN
so todays world of the day is " chicken (chick- hen)
Part of speech : None
Defitons: a very yummy bird the when made into treats and sticky goodness belongs in Maxie, Lilly lu and iris tummys
Uses in a sentence: I have no idea why the lb jug of chick- hen treats is empty and resdue is left all over my wiskers can you please open a new bottole and top it of with some paw lickin chick-hen sticky goodness
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