The sky as a new littles angle we miss you here on earth. You touch so meany life is such a short time Good bye Litttle "sprout" We will always rember you

I sorry I never got to post yesterday I relly wanted to. Monty Q family has done alot of us. Before the twins were born he sent us alot of babby stuff mostly for dylan however there were a few things for ash too. He made the most incuble sock cats to help raise money for us after i lost everything. I just found out that the lease I thought and knew was a year was baited and switched to october 31. Shock and sickend at the fact of doing this again find a new place to call home right after I just found home came over me. Lucky it was all worked out I can stay here untill May 3 next year. Also I have made another life changeing distion. I am going back to work full time in September. I teach toddlers bean and I will be putting the twins in my school infeint program. I love being able to be close to them while I work. I truely belive group care can be good even for babbys. I also belive that I know they will be getting the best care they could get and best of all free care. dose not hurt.
Also we desed to take a family vaction to my parents condo in Mami Fl before everything gets hard. I want the twins to love the beach that I so love going to the one right out side my parents condo in FL. Not far from Daisy. I have made the chocies to leave Maxie Lilly and Iris this time all home with a cat sitter. I could not find a bording place to do sub q fuilds. Iris has always goen to the bording place but her and Maxie get along and Lilly and Maxie just ingore each other Unless lilly is getting too close the Maxie runs off.
we are comeing up one one mouth that my mu shue has been gone. I miss him so. I glad for Maxie but boy do i miss him. Lilly needs to go back to tufts just for some blood work. I been dreading the trip knowing how much I miss Mu shue. It will be good to see the Great Dr C but bitter sweet knowing she could not cure him. I plan to go to his grave and leave some oronge flowers for him hopely thusday. I miss him so much
Maxie diriea is come and go along with his hair balls. It seems to be he get a hair ball vomits and get dirrrea for a few days His super pet insucince pick up on the 18th so i not taken him to the vet yet. However while getting food for Lilly at the vet I did talk to them. I explaned how laxaton made things worst for the poor guy not better. He had non stop dirria for 3 days after a dose.
Now his stools seem better so the plan is since he needs to be sadated becuse he tends to be bad at the vet is to just watch and wait. If it g ets worst we will start with a stool sample then move on from there. He always still wants more and more food. Can you say sticky goodness addict. he also had his frist yowal catnip experpince. Can you say shredded nanna he so cute. Iris helped him out a little.
He started to warm up a little to me always wants me to rubb him he refuses ro jump up on any funtcher, i wish Iris would follow his lead. He dose play with iris at night. But backs off from Lilly Lu . She know it and oftern times just walks over to smell him as he runs away