Here i am sleeping in the best bed it pink and spotty and i have the famous pink bannda the one just like i sent to Tara she got to orongial one I got a spare but it purrfitt in my spotted bed. The pink brings out my head spots and my beloved back spot
Sunday, May 27, 2007
spotted sunday is back
It has come to my atteion that i have negleted one my faviort days of the week. I been so buzy wifff fashion show firday . Well this just can not happen I love spotty sunday too

Here i am sleeping in the best bed it pink and spotty and i have the famous pink bannda the one just like i sent to Tara she got to orongial one I got a spare but it purrfitt in my spotted bed. The pink brings out my head spots and my beloved back spot
Here i am sleeping in the best bed it pink and spotty and i have the famous pink bannda the one just like i sent to Tara she got to orongial one I got a spare but it purrfitt in my spotted bed. The pink brings out my head spots and my beloved back spot
Thursday, May 24, 2007
faishon show firday
Well faishon show almost did not happen i was so bussy looking at the back of my new kowyte musle shirt It said I rather be shopping I wearing this one to my vet cheek up !!!!
fashion show firday,
i rather be shooping
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Time of Day:. 5:30 am toona marini followed by bresfest just great!!
Day of the week: Firday &sunday( faishon show and spotted sunday they my days)
Season of the year: baseball seezon
Holiday:My Purrday JUNE 11
Beaches:humm never been to a beach Cape code maybe, nantucket marther vinnerard
song: Dirty water ( the boston red sox song)
Flower: Safe Lilly ( that me )
Talk show:" the only one i seen is good morning america ( mu shue has a crush on dinna sywer he truns on the tv and mewos at it and rubbs up agiast her every morning. I like the weather man Havary you my guy !!!
Movie: Feaver pitch ( it about my soxs i love my sox)
Soaps: one life to live ( that one for Iris and Mr hendex or should i say Tulip and benix)
Beverage: tuna marriti
Fruit: Mu shue _ he a furit cake dos that count
Snack: Ice cream more ice cream and more ice cream i mac and cheese too and a fenway frank
Food: Ice cream did i talk about ice and how ice cream goes so well wiff cake mama Laura and haow you could get an ice cream cake ... just a hint mama laura
Redsox update_ I am Happy to report that All my red sox fan club member came though for me in this game I was a bit worried But I had a talk with the boys and we said It time to them Yankies what we can do !!!!!
Day of the week: Firday &sunday( faishon show and spotted sunday they my days)
Season of the year: baseball seezon
Holiday:My Purrday JUNE 11
Beaches:humm never been to a beach Cape code maybe, nantucket marther vinnerard
song: Dirty water ( the boston red sox song)
Flower: Safe Lilly ( that me )
Talk show:" the only one i seen is good morning america ( mu shue has a crush on dinna sywer he truns on the tv and mewos at it and rubbs up agiast her every morning. I like the weather man Havary you my guy !!!
Movie: Feaver pitch ( it about my soxs i love my sox)
Soaps: one life to live ( that one for Iris and Mr hendex or should i say Tulip and benix)
Beverage: tuna marriti
Fruit: Mu shue _ he a furit cake dos that count
Snack: Ice cream more ice cream and more ice cream i mac and cheese too and a fenway frank
Food: Ice cream did i talk about ice and how ice cream goes so well wiff cake mama Laura and haow you could get an ice cream cake ... just a hint mama laura
Redsox update_ I am Happy to report that All my red sox fan club member came though for me in this game I was a bit worried But I had a talk with the boys and we said It time to them Yankies what we can do !!!!!
Hi Jh who laufin now !! That should show you they did it for me !!
Daisy is your faviort flower HUMMMP LILLY SHOULD BE !!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Who Me I am cute (Iris)
well I almost one now and I know better then to chew though the power cord to the computer. It must have been my aluter personaly Tulip she the one who scarches and brakes things not me cute Iris. I in big big time out it not fair and Lilly Lu will not mewo at me becuse she upset and mama laura is saying no purrday gifts untill i uses my allowence to fix the power cord. so i called Hp and they said it coverd under warteee and I can get a new one but it will take a few days sigh so i am grounded untill we get a new power cord.
iris who named is tuilp
Thursday, May 17, 2007
faishopn show
for fasion show firday I decied to go wiff this cute tube top and minnie skirt.
As you can see it is my faviort collor pink and well it cute athoth it dose show some my fluff
I can be incent and sweet in it like here
Our I could make it a little more spicey Like this

here is a detal of the skirt it has a cute bow
I fink I am too fluffy for this outfit it looked cuter in the fashion mag... OOppp I better get to
hideing those the vet told me LILLY LU NO READING GLAMOR KITTY
here is a detal of the skirt it has a cute bow
I fink I am too fluffy for this outfit it looked cuter in the fashion mag... OOppp I better get to
hideing those the vet told me LILLY LU NO READING GLAMOR KITTY
there has been some questions about my weight. I do not wish to talk about it too much
but I fink it is going up Mama laura said why she can still feel my hip bones and ribs they not as promeint as they once were.
also I let Iris answer her meme
meme ( iris)
I dont get to blog much Lilly Lu like to hog the blog becuse that okay becuse i only got a few days left in my kittenhood so i got to make the most of it since I almost a big girl now i be one on June 11.
seven radom facts about me
1. I rather play then eat
2. I am not fussy and luv just about any food
3. I can yowal like you never heard any time i am upset
4. I am scard of the dark any time the lights go completly off i start to pace and then cry and yowal and cry and pace it not a very pretty sight I have night lights all around just in case.
5. My faviort toy is my feather ball toys / feather but mousie i dont know why they land under the couch
6. I hate haveing my picuter taken
7. I have profected the game NO IRIS NO ... i luv to brake things it more than a hobby it a way of life. Mama Laura has goten good at catching fing but i still like the sound crash !! or scraching futerer I sure she loves this game as she keep repting it all over untill I then have to change my name to @$#**@ IRIS YOUR GOING TO BE THE END OF ME
seven radom facts about me
1. I rather play then eat
2. I am not fussy and luv just about any food
3. I can yowal like you never heard any time i am upset
4. I am scard of the dark any time the lights go completly off i start to pace and then cry and yowal and cry and pace it not a very pretty sight I have night lights all around just in case.
5. My faviort toy is my feather ball toys / feather but mousie i dont know why they land under the couch
6. I hate haveing my picuter taken
7. I have profected the game NO IRIS NO ... i luv to brake things it more than a hobby it a way of life. Mama Laura has goten good at catching fing but i still like the sound crash !! or scraching futerer I sure she loves this game as she keep repting it all over untill I then have to change my name to @$#**@ IRIS YOUR GOING TO BE THE END OF ME
Thusday 13 -13 random facts about Me Lilly Lu
I know I will let iris Blog tomrow I found new feather butt mousie and well she kind of busy right now. So any way back to the imported cat ME i liked laste week meem so much I wanted to do 13 random facts about me
1. i like to start and end my day wiff a toona martin this is 1 part toona juce 10 part smart water from the Minnie fridge not the big fridge wiff 2 not 3 but 2 ice cube stired not shaken srved in a big martin glass.
2. I love dairy
3. When the cold box is open I jump in to cheek on the dairy and make sure there is enough
4. I am offical cearal helper- I just stick my head in and help out
5. When i eat sticky goodness I like to have mama Laura sit behide me and watch me
6. I only will jump up for sticky Goodness after mama Laura sings a speical song to me
7. My faviort game is were is Lilly Lu? I fink mama laura likes it too as she can get in quite a huff looking for me.
8. I also like to play No Lilly and Iris No with Iris I still leaning this this game and Iris has it profected
9. I like to eat every one else food. Food tast better after mu shue and iris have eaten it any ways
10. I like my sticky goodness wiff chuchie in it
11. I luv hair ball stuff I been know to lick it right off mu shue paw he wont touch the stuff
12. I get a speical gel supplment every moerning that i like only take on top of the bed room scratching post it gives me extra callious becuse i only snack not eat alot at one time
13. I have a very high piched mewo thats short and soft that i only uses when i want somthing alot like a ride in my storller
1. i like to start and end my day wiff a toona martin this is 1 part toona juce 10 part smart water from the Minnie fridge not the big fridge wiff 2 not 3 but 2 ice cube stired not shaken srved in a big martin glass.
2. I love dairy
3. When the cold box is open I jump in to cheek on the dairy and make sure there is enough
4. I am offical cearal helper- I just stick my head in and help out
5. When i eat sticky goodness I like to have mama Laura sit behide me and watch me
6. I only will jump up for sticky Goodness after mama Laura sings a speical song to me
7. My faviort game is were is Lilly Lu? I fink mama laura likes it too as she can get in quite a huff looking for me.
8. I also like to play No Lilly and Iris No with Iris I still leaning this this game and Iris has it profected
9. I like to eat every one else food. Food tast better after mu shue and iris have eaten it any ways
10. I like my sticky goodness wiff chuchie in it
11. I luv hair ball stuff I been know to lick it right off mu shue paw he wont touch the stuff
12. I get a speical gel supplment every moerning that i like only take on top of the bed room scratching post it gives me extra callious becuse i only snack not eat alot at one time
13. I have a very high piched mewo thats short and soft that i only uses when i want somthing alot like a ride in my storller
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
wacky wednsay
This is my stuffed amial hamic some times i climb in her and keep real still
and then I play where is Lilly I just sit here as mama Laura looks all over becuse i look just like onne of her amimals. I love were is Lilly Lu. Mama Laura must love it alot bcuse she repests it alot

Shsss I am hideing don't tell ....
wacky were is Lilly Lu wed
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I got taged twice !!! I furry honnered becuse i was starting to feel forgoten about when i was not tagged at the think blooger awaard then I thought i had been forgoten about again So here we go
Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. My real name Is Lillan Kayla Maire
2. I am named after a Vet Dr Lillan Corjono at Tuffs vetanry school She was Kayla wonderful vet
3. I got the name Lilly Lu by mama when she used to say I love you mu shue pooh and i love you Lilly it needed somthing more So Lu just stuck Now it I love you mu shue pooh and I crazy 4 you lilly lu I think it sounds better that way
4. I am a very very shy cat i hide alot
5. I always liked look pretty after my baths becuse it made me feel speical
6 I love to pose I am a real ham No treets or anything need for my faishon show
it just good old Mama and me time and I love that
7. I do not relly play wiff toys. I have had every toy since i was a kitten when I was 10 mouths old mama Laura got me and she took every toy off the self at pet co and
bouth them for me I liked one or two but not a real toy player now they all iris and under the couch !!!
sighh i only got 7 wll maybe I do a thusday 13 about me Oh what maybe i do 13 fashion this is a hard choice I have to fink more
I tagg any cat who wants to play since i not sure who been taged and not tag
I hope i not brakeing the rules if I am then we can play mine and Iris faviort game
No Lilly No this game is also fun for mama Laura she like it so much she said it twice!!!!
Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. My real name Is Lillan Kayla Maire
2. I am named after a Vet Dr Lillan Corjono at Tuffs vetanry school She was Kayla wonderful vet
3. I got the name Lilly Lu by mama when she used to say I love you mu shue pooh and i love you Lilly it needed somthing more So Lu just stuck Now it I love you mu shue pooh and I crazy 4 you lilly lu I think it sounds better that way
4. I am a very very shy cat i hide alot
5. I always liked look pretty after my baths becuse it made me feel speical
6 I love to pose I am a real ham No treets or anything need for my faishon show
it just good old Mama and me time and I love that
7. I do not relly play wiff toys. I have had every toy since i was a kitten when I was 10 mouths old mama Laura got me and she took every toy off the self at pet co and
bouth them for me I liked one or two but not a real toy player now they all iris and under the couch !!!
sighh i only got 7 wll maybe I do a thusday 13 about me Oh what maybe i do 13 fashion this is a hard choice I have to fink more
I tagg any cat who wants to play since i not sure who been taged and not tag
I hope i not brakeing the rules if I am then we can play mine and Iris faviort game
No Lilly No this game is also fun for mama Laura she like it so much she said it twice!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
fashion show Firday Mousie hunting we shall go
I wanted to see why Iris loved mousies So i thought I give it a try on my vcation

I interduce my self to the mousie they names must be "gorgre" Hi Gorge I am Lilly Lu nice to see you

I put on a mussle shirt to show them who the boss is

I am giveing them the look I uses the advased Daisy techene of hitomtsing them

I interduce my self to the mousie they names must be "gorgre" Hi Gorge I am Lilly Lu nice to see you

I put on a mussle shirt to show them who the boss is

I am giveing them the look I uses the advased Daisy techene of hitomtsing them
Thursday, May 10, 2007
In memory of Tea cup

Just a quick note I did not have to go back to the vet. Mama Laura gave me Chichen and Lobster flavered sticky goodness today in and i did not like it much and did not eat much she was getting worried becuse this is what started to happen before I only ate a small amout before I got so sick But she gave me plan chicken flavored and I liked that and Chicken and Beef and I like that flovor I guess i just not a lobster girl
I am furry sad about tea cup I will never forget sweet tea cup may he be at peace at rainbow Bridge Kayla please welcome sweet tea cup and show him around
i am okay,
tea cup at rainbow bridge
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Spotty Sunday for my freind Tea Cup
Bad news I may have to go back to the vet again mama going to watch me and see how i do tomrow before makeing the call
kay as you all know Tea cup Is furry sick and When I was down Tea cup was there for us as well as the rest of the Bad Kitty Cats So Here what I going to do I am actioning Off My beloved Pink spooted Bannda for tea cup

Cute bannda may come and go but Cat freinds are forever!!! SO i be leaveing this post till tuesday eveing 6:00 Pm (est) come on freinds when I was in need you helped me out so Now lets help out a furry cute bad Kitty cat!!!!
Bad news I may have to go back to the vet again
kay as you all know Tea cup Is furry sick and When I was down Tea cup was there for us as well as the rest of the Bad Kitty Cats So Here what I going to do I am actioning Off My beloved Pink spooted Bannda for tea cup

Cute bannda may come and go but Cat freinds are forever!!! SO i be leaveing this post till tuesday eveing 6:00 Pm (est) come on freinds when I was in need you helped me out so Now lets help out a furry cute bad Kitty cat!!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
a commint was made by my best freind Rocky from Arty catsy that after we both got better that we need a vaction. Well I better and he better and I ready So invited a few of my freinds. I fink Daisy should brake out her swim suit so skeexix can faint and Invited my special freind Jh becuse he so special to me !!!!

I poored two glasses of Toona juice and a can Of hawwin dolfin free toona. And I put on my hulla skirt and my Lave and I wait for all my freinds to Join me on the beach !!!
Hay do you fink we see Mao I hear he on the Limb in a ornoge hawwin shirt

I poored two glasses of Toona juice and a can Of hawwin dolfin free toona. And I put on my hulla skirt and my Lave and I wait for all my freinds to Join me on the beach !!!
Hay do you fink we see Mao I hear he on the Limb in a ornoge hawwin shirt
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
thusday 13
13 things Mama Laura promiced if I be okay

1. an aunto matic ltter box
2. she scoop the box a mimum of 6 time a day
3. I could be the frist cat at the computer ever morning
4. My freinds would update there bloggys By 5:45 am HUMMM mama JH WAS LATE YOU PROMICED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. more beds
7. I get a storller'
8. Ice cream every night
9. more kote fashion I need one for every hoilday and occation
10. Yelling at Mu shue for treating me bad
11. No more commiten like Fluffy or Plumpkin
12. Some thing soft and pink would land my way
13. As much sticky goodness as I want
*** some of these she keeped some she needs to work on JH.... YOU BKOG NOT UPDATED MY MAMA PROMICED !!!!
1. an aunto matic ltter box
2. she scoop the box a mimum of 6 time a day
3. I could be the frist cat at the computer ever morning
4. My freinds would update there bloggys By 5:45 am HUMMM mama JH WAS LATE YOU PROMICED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. more beds
7. I get a storller'
8. Ice cream every night
9. more kote fashion I need one for every hoilday and occation
10. Yelling at Mu shue for treating me bad
11. No more commiten like Fluffy or Plumpkin
12. Some thing soft and pink would land my way
13. As much sticky goodness as I want
*** some of these she keeped some she needs to work on JH.... YOU BKOG NOT UPDATED MY MAMA PROMICED !!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

thank you to all who purred for me !!!! I could not have done it wiff out you!!!! every day I feel a little bit better and a little bit stronger
Okay Mama Laura you can type too..
Thank you I truely belive Lilly Lu pulled though becuse of all your purrs. I went for planing her barrelie to Planing a trific 7th brithday Party for her and Iris frist on June 11th. It funny Lilly Lu will be 7 becuse that how meany lives she has left she used one when I russuced her and they were going to send her to the bridge and Now one. Lilly Lu had only been sick one other time beside minnor things when i got her as a 10 mouth old kitten she had a Upper Repporty Infection. Other then minnor things she spent most her her life heaty it takes someehing like this to make you apprate her just a little bit more. I always loved her but now she has an extra speical place in my heart
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