
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lilly Lu at the bridge By mama Laura

I wanted to write a little something for Lilly Lu. I tried a few times to put my thoughts down but land up crying so this might come out a little Random

Lillian Kayla Maire AKA Lilly Lu was named for her very special vet Dr Lillian Cornjo who took great care of her. for many years.

When Lilly was a kitten she would always sleep on my bed. She was returned 3 times for bad nigh time behavior she was going to go to rainbow bridge but a little blue bird told me to stop at that shetter where i found her. There she was a cat named "snowball" white with these cute little black spots on her head. I was in love we bonded over a can food that she had not eaten and then ate. she was only 7lbs you could see her ribs.

Lilly lu was never a cuddly lap cat she like to have her feet on the ground did not like to be picked up. She did love to be petted mostly on her black spots on her head and under her chin. She would wait on the stairs every night till everyone came up to make sure they patted her and said good night to her.

Lilly Lu was very fussy when it came to he box she did not like the feel of litter on her paws she also would pop out side the box if it would not up to her snuff. I know i need to completely change the box when she would uses the floor. when she went to use the box she stand up on the sill on the box as not to get her paw in the litter and then just leave as fast as she could.

Lilly Lu was know for her love of pink and her fashion ever since she was a kitten she was drawn to pink stuff. She loved to sleep in her pink crown bed I always called her queen Lilly Cat because she was queen in my heart and queen of are house hold.

Lilly fashion modeling happen when i saw Skeezix blog and i got a 1.00 tee shirt to my suprize she love modeling and would come running every time i pulled out a new outfit. She loved trips to the vet were she come in style in her pink case and her outfit of choice and proudly show off . Her last dress was in February were she was declared in perfect health. If only it was true. She proudly showed off for everyone.

Lilly Lu faviort food was ice cream whipped cream and pudding all of a spoon. Any time i eat something off a spoon she come running she had a tomato soup stain on her ear because last week i was eating some and she was begging for it so it got on her ear by mistake. Her last ice cream was last Friday were we shared a sugar free ice cream. I was not planing on shearing but she was and she made it know to me that she was planing on helping me out with her most favorite treat.

If i could not find LL all i had to do was shake a bag of geenies and off she come running she ate them for the last time at tufts in the waiting room.

This whole thing was very sudden and very unexpected. She was fine on Sunday she missed her dinner very un Lilly Lu and she was very sound a sleep this was not unlike her. Monday morning she did not eat bresfest I called tufts thinking URI she was breathing a bit heavy. I made a 1:00 Pm appointment with Dr stone since Dr C was not there. I agree to a chest x-ray and to go from there he was sure it would be a URI too.

She had fuild on her lungs and he said it need to be removed it was and a few hours latter it was found to be cancer I wanted to take her home did not want her to suffer i did not think she was suffering at the time.

She came home and was not LL she hid but ate a full can of food. By 9:30 she was back to rapid breathing and i knew. I made phone calls and I vowed not to let her suffer I called tufts and asked for records to be sent since when i called to make the appointment at a clinic i would never go back to they said they need conformation. Dr stone called at 10:00 i told him it was time i need records to be faxed over I had a 11:30 appointment He made the calls and when I got there about 11:15 and by 11:30 the vet came in we talked about what was going to happen she went to the bridge in her two most favorite pink blankets she was having trubble walking so i knew i had to give her the final gift I could.

Lilly Lu was more than just my cat she was a cat of the whole blogophire being saved twice by the kind people of the CB. For her final gift I would like to ask for help once again not to pay her final existence i really want to pay for this my self. But to help with her Legacy. Lets put an end to Feline cancer please donate to Feline Winn in her honor. Lets help other cats and lets learn from LL and how much love we all have to share.

She will be layed to rest next to mu shue at Pine ridge cemarety tomrowo funny thing is it is Mu shue purr day and Gota day. I guess they just both need me to vist each September

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lilly at the bridge

Lillan Kayla Maire AKA Lilly Lu  6/11/01 - 9/20/12 She was loved very much and will be missed

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lilly Lu sad news

Lilly Lu has cancer she had fuild drained off her chest we will keep her confrebal for the time being follow us on facebook for more infor

Friday, September 7, 2012

I am Moving Lilly lu

Well since Maxie is a pain and i not found of iris mikey or callie rose i have deseed it was time to take on home owner ship i browwed mama cat it card and bought my self a new place to live all for me I love it it is toatly me. I think i might have to fight skeexix off but i let him stay in one of my hello kitty gussess bed rooms. By the way there is a geenie bar there severubg greeines in the shape of HK her self

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Gota day Maxie

Maxie I love you happy gota day It feel like yesterday that you became a member of my family. You had big paws to fill and you fill them well . I can't imagine life with out you  Hapy gota day My little Lion boy we love you

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Well we did it again we missed buches of stuff. Lets see were do we start Mama had a Gastic bi pass in April to be thinner becuse she could not play wiff the beans as well was tired alot and was out breath walking up stairs had high blood presser one pont away form debitic and took 5 medison for acid reflex non that worked ect ect

So since that day mama has lost 45 wopping pounds Thats like one Iris One lilly and a maxie and a little left over  She now is under the 200 lb mark for the frist time in years!!!!

But it not come easy Mama has had kindey problems that have lead to stone and massive kideny infections  and a few hospital stays and then this time she hurt her little pouch and it need to be fixed,  She even missed the twins 4th purrday.

Now as for us we are all good, Maxie had an unset tummy and had to go to the vet. We expected a big flip and why he tryed they knew how to handle mr maxie and his bad bad vet behavior. We are glad to say that we fell we have the right set of vets this time  They did not flip out over Maxie flipping out and did not call him "the worst cat ever"  becuse he not he just maxie.

LL has her tail in knots lately the red sox suck and when i mean suck i men relly relly suck, She said she about given up and thowing he paws in the air and he and daddy and mommy sit at the tv and say all sorts of bad words and is thereing to trun her sox in for pin strips then she said even though things are sucky she has to stay wiff her guys though think and thin she thinking of going to help them out

As we are away for the summer at the summer cottoge becuse mama has been sick alot and has to be close to her bi pass place alot she been spending some time at home .

we will mewo more latter  thanks for stopping by

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy motherday

well we just wanted to wish every mom a happy motherday esplely our mama Laura who we thought we get presdents Iris  and Mikey started by chaceing Callie Rose up the stairs for a mother day wake up of the best kind then It was LIlly Lu who mewoed her hunger and  gave mama a mothers day Hair ball  then she relized she could not find Maxie Again and she got scared turns out he got locked out on his screaned in porch all night.   Mr BG let him out cuse he was mewoing and forgot about him  The kid beans are makeing mommy bresfest funny thing is mama can't eat most of it cuse she still recoveing for her BI pass  but she take a few bits of what she can and tell them how good it is and feed the rest to MR Bg who she calls her Mr Garbage Can

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It was just a little walk about what the big deal

Yea so i had a little advencher the handy man came and was working out side and left the front door open and i took a walk about the neberhood  When i did not show up for dinner mamma knew something was wrong  i always show up for dinner about 2 houts early. she looked all over the house and it hit her i must gotten out side. It was raining pretty har and she had to put on her rain coat umberal and  her rain boots and she walked the neaberhood calling my name frist time nothing second time i came running out from under a bush and thow my self at mama laura after all i did not want to miss dinner. After dinner i begged to go out on my screaned in porch again and mama said  Mavwell Mufsa Millons get away from the door your out side even on the sceaned in porch time is now limited to suppervision till you earn back my trust.  after meny atttems i went an played with my paw braker, I was a little wet but know worst for the wear and ir was just a little walk about what the big deal

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My thoughts on thusday

So did you hear the big new Jessica Simmon named her babby after me Maxwell But just for the record i am way cuter then any burp a celbrety could have I just can 't help it

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Man cat Maxie Monday

With Mama Laura Just recoveing or trying to revover and not doing a good job at haveing her belly rewired so she will be thin I dieced the only manly thing to do was to help Lilly Lu and brow my head into her so she can get the bitty after all i am in charge of this recovery becuse i am the man cat

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Thanks all who cam by for my gota day  I am sorry we not been able to post mama has her tummy rewired and she was in the hosptial for a few day then she had somthing called "dummping sydrom" this happens when mamaa eats something her body dose not like or need.  yesterday becuse her new tummy can not eat any dairy prodictics at all that means i did not get my beloved wippy cream or ice cream for my gota day but mama broke down and in all he pain let me have my greenies here i am with my geenie face before i chomp down.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

snoozy sunday

Sung to the tune of  I am dream of a white chrismims

I am dreaming  of geenies
Just like they used to Be
Were the geenies were plunful
and they  were given when i beg

as you can tell this is the only way  i get these now i have to take matters into my own paws last night and just ate though the bag till i got my greenies Mama said since she still sufffering we not getting treats she only aloud 3 shakes a day and all the broth and veggies she can eat and small heathy meal and no treats

Saturday, April 14, 2012

You Want What ??? Have you lost you mind

It offical My Mama Has lost her mind she preparing for her gastic bi pass and well that means she deiting big time she doing her pre opt deit and figers every thing in the house should suffer wiff her so put every one on deit less trees more exsise  Thank good for MR BG and are sticky Beans or we get no treats what so ever They been sneeking out of mama way to go to fast food mama find  out she said we all need to eat hleathy so we do not land up exra fluffy like her I like being fufffy Pass the Greenies I  were starving here as mama  gets ready to change her life dose not mean she has to change ours

Friday, April 13, 2012

Under cover Mouse

The best thing happen to us a huge box of toys from nip and bone the best was the under cover mouse we all enjoyed it. Mama is going to uses it one hour before and after meal time I was so tired yesteday I sleep though the entire night wiff out my normal 3 am wake up to beat up Lilly Lu and run though the house like my tail is on fire  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nip Pickel

My mama said yestorday was mu shue pooh hero day and she said mu shue loved his nip and his favort collor was green so it was nip pickels for all i enjoyed my nip pickle from tickel pickel on Lilly Lu grizzy quil I also took over the flying pickel and Lilly Lu Nip Pickel Ex Large is now mine

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mu shue Pooh Hero day

It that time a year were I Lilly Lu bow my head and rember my frist fur bother Mu shue. It was on April 11 that Mu shue saved me from a fire in my apt. He will always be my hero he may have not love me but he knew that  Mama Laura did so he saved me and Iris when mama was not able. Mu shue we know rainbow bridge is better cuse your there happy hero day

 Lilly Lu  and Iris

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our thoughts on thusday

Mama is going to have her gasticbipass on april 24 she will be gone for 3 to 4 days I going to miss her Mama Bought maxie chicken treets but did not get me any greenies I love chicken greenies I do not like frezed dryed chicken. Passsover is this Firday Mama is haveing alot of pepole over the house and the kids each learned one of the four questions in herwebrew. Then on sunday is easter and Mr BG invited over all his family  My easter dress was too short i want a new one. Speaking of  new one I want a new set of sibling who will let me be and stop chaceing me and will stop trying to eat my greenies.

Lilly lu

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Maxie vrs the Vet

The vet came to my house today and at frist i played all nice nice too the vet lady and her tec i ate some chicken treats and got waied I lost weight I 12lb it time for me to eat more can food mama Laura said no way then I trned into Pysco Kitty with hissing growling biting they brought out the hawk gloves I ripped them in to pice wiff my hissing mewoing bitting they manged to give me two shots brake my collor and  manged to not need any shots or exams for 3 years go me go me Mama thanked them and was so glad they made house calls and said i was not the worst cat they ever seen i goinng to work on that i have 3 years to sharpen my theeth and claws


Monday, April 2, 2012

The is comming For the Man Cat

Welll I learned something very deserbing the vet is commming to my house to do my shots This is happing tommmoew to make up for it Mamma Laura Let me have a Huge shopping spree at Nip and Bones she said she not going to let Babby Patches store go under and I getting new toys and My treet draw will be getting filled wiff nummys

I can't wait for my undercover mouse Tubro track toy wiff light up ball and bet a new catnip Ball becuse i lost mine and some pleg rats and a Yowal cat nip toy and best of all TREATS IN CHICKEN  I forogot the Neno bug toy but that okay Then she get me a Nip pickel  I cant wait till my stash comes

So were have we been well we been helping mommy she been getting ready to have sugery on her tummy to remove a big part of it so she will not beable to eat treats any more. and will not be fuffy any more it called a Gastric Bypass and we been helping her wiff her diet LL makes sure she eats all the wippy cream before mama and get it and I make sure to eat her turcky sandwitches after all i dont want to help her be fuffly I should only do my duity

Mama will be in the hospital 2 or 3 days wiff out us she said it maybe the best sleep she ever gets since Lilly Lu and I have it out on the Big bed 3 or 4 times a night and Iris gets involed too


Friday, March 9, 2012

Sate of emencey

this is how are treat draw used to look it was full wiff treets off all kinds  when ever we wanted a snack we mewo at the draw

this is how are treat draw looks now i know it shocking and sad to look at we down to one bag of greeenies and I  Lilly Lu will have that done by the end of the weekend This is an emencey of the hight kind mama Laura forgot her pleage

Mama Laura Pleage Algents to the United Cats of the House hold
One House Hold under the Cats
wiff cat nip and treets for all

This is sad something must be done ASAP  It is a Ture ementney

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our thoughts on Thusday

Mama Laura it is all your own fault that we woke you up at 3:25 am Yes I did have to give LL the Take down at thar time in the middle of the bed and when we were done chace her around the house  like a her tail was on fire I can just catch up on my sleep during the day you can too so stop winning and take a nap. I don't care if your busy during the day and stop not letting me nap becuse i get grouchy when i don't nap leading to more 3:25 am smack down Iris and mikey were involed too But why am i at fault  tje smack down just need to happpen and I do not like getting locked out of my speical quilt  on the big bed

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

toes on tusday

yes I have 2 diffent shades of pink toe nails sparkley pink on front and bright pink in the back

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Man Cat Monday Maxie takes control

My Mama is always say Maxie I do not have green pappers to by you new toys all the time you need to play with your old onees your one lucky cat you have food fresh water a litter box and some toys I not bying you a new catnip apple becuese you want it. So i had to take matter into my own hands I found she had better then green pappers  she has a shinny blue catit Card that you can uses on line for chicken treens and catnip apples and all sorts of other good you just type in the numbers on the catit card and boom before you know it stuff come right to you this thing is magic I don't know why she need green pappers when she has a catit catd

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fashion Firday

yes it dose take a real Man cat to pull of this look and it takes a man cat Seurce in his man hood to pull of this hat  I am Lucky I am just such A Man can

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Acatdemy awards

Well I do not know why i did not for best acress for Lilly Lu give Maxie a Bath to show she rule  As you can see here

So I dreessed up and waited for my Limo  I wanted something that would show off my spots and highlight my white fur and black makes you look skinnny so i went wiff this number

It black veltet wiff White laces and flower on the belt wiff a little bling   I waited and waited for my limo and it was a no show  Next year I takeing a plan and i bying tickets inadvaced I think wiff a little more funding Lilly Lu Give Maxie a Bath to show she rules will be the hit of next years acdemeny awards

Monday, February 20, 2012

Down with that man cat I am queen cat hear me mewo

I found this great quilt but there was a fat ginger cat who sleeps on it so i kicked his tail to the floor ans i showed him who the queen of this house and it not him I am in charge

Friday, February 17, 2012

fahion show firday

Today for Fashion show firday I wanted to show you my pink hounds toooth dress this dreess is my winter dress i love the black blow it matches my nose and my spots pecfecty  I was so exicted for a fashion show i not had one in a long time

But I willl nit work under these condtion the Big Oronge fuffy ball is running my shoot I demaded better paymet and a  ginger free house hold  There must be Ice cream and Wipped cream on a spooon as I am a super moddle  Get rid of the Fuff ball now   

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To MY fussy vanitine ( Mama Lauta with ashyn help)

There is a cat his name is Max he can be a little bit caray and a Little bit Fracs
He can be so Silly and he love to chase Lilly
He Know he might fine fine and we glad the he Mine
Maxie we Love you

Monday, February 13, 2012

Man cat Monday with maxie

Just another example of how adored i am. About the vet LL need her shots now and I getting mine in April cuese thats when i due so LL get to go and I get to stay home

Sunday, February 12, 2012

this is not good - Lilly Lu

My Mamma made an apoiment for me to go to the vet something about yearly shots and an exam  Mama also made an apoiment for the vet to come to Maxie becuse he dose not travel well and eats the vet, The Vet sends email reminders now bad vet bad bad vet  My mama is nevous about this vet becuse we only used them once becuse are old vet called maxie the worst cat in the world after he made him sick and deined he did any thing wrong

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

she left us for 3 full week

Mama laura left us and wiff a cat sitter for 3 week she came back too late for my purrday and missed it I wanted to stay mad and I did for 5.2 seconds before i thow my self into her arms for a good old fash head rubbing and some chicken. Well i want to thank you all for my purrday wishes this year mama got my gift earlu and put it away so i could have it I got a glady Paddy in my most faviort collor pink it perfect for snoozy  I desed i be nice for 5.2 second to Lilly lu and let her cuddle wiff me on my new quilt  Do not worrie as soon as i woke up she got the smack down i just took a nap frist  I also got chicken treat my faviort freezed dryed chicken

Lilly Lu thought we should give mama what she relly wanted and need since she left us for so long this moring she gave mama a muti room hair ball

Mama when and visted some place in Mami called Mami ink she has a picuter on her back of Mu shue wiff halo and angle wings and it said forever my hero undened neth  she loves it so much i asked he if it would wash off and she said it there for her whole life and she wanted it for along time

Monday, January 9, 2012

Man cat Monday with maxie

Dose this ever happen to you there you are sleeping in a bed on the big bed and mama watching tv and see that stupid ASPCA commertial wiff abused amaimals and she become alll mooshie and starts kissing you and making you all wet. It hard to be a Adorded and Worshiped Man cat But i could do wiff a little less slime

Sunday, January 8, 2012

YES by Lilly Lu

Yes I must thow up on your bed for the second day in a row you did not learn your lesson yesterday i was hungry at 3:25 am and it was even latter at 8:30 i am straving i do not care your tired just becuse you have that sleep apena thing and were a mask so i can not block your air way any more dose not mean i should not be feed.

Lilly I am Starving Lu

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dear Mama Laura By Lilly Lu

Dear Mama Laura,

It is all your fault i thow up all over your bed you see i was so hungery for bresfest that i gobbled it down so fast that i had no choice but to thow up all over your bed if you would have woken up at 3;25 AM when i was hungey and feed me insted of waiting till 7:00 this would not have happened. Now that My tummy is hurgery it needs to be filled up again so get of your Lazy back side and  FEED ME MORE


Lilly Lu  The Starving 17lb cat