snice it was my purrday in feburady i thought i should tell every one 13 about me Maxie
1. Me Love feet the smellyer the better.... this make mama Laura Laugh becuse mu shue used to have the same habbbit and she thought it was strange.
2. Me love my sticky goodness but only eat it in front of mama Laura NO OTHER PEPOLE
3. Me furry Notrenal me only eat stickygoodness at night and me love to play at night
4, My favort toy is my feather wand i play for hours
5. I just leaned it okay to be on funcher and in the bed and that it make mama smile and bring out treets
6. Me only eat grain free food. Mama thinks grains are bad
7. My name is Maxwell Mufsa Millon. ALL the M were for mu shue but When mama picked me up the lady said I thin he can be the mightly Lion he wants to be now. So me got the name Mufsa from the lion king and Millon cuse Mama said me had a millon little holes to fill.
8. Me love to be called Maxie or Max Max. Maxwell is to formal and Max is to short
9. MY nick name is Maxie Waxie
10. I only like thing on my trems I can be very very dangous if me hiss that me me done
11. When me go to the vet me let out on mewo one his then me go to CRAZY CAT state me hurt the vet and the photo go . Me get over stumalated
12. My faviort clorols are yellow and blue Yellow like my yellow banket on my pong and bule like my pong chair
13. Me in love wiff me sock kitty me sleep wiff her all the time.