Lilly Lu, milk, ice cream pizza cheese , chicken greenies temp-tay-tions chieken flavored Oh sorry I was make my list of all the food i was going to eat when mamma was gone. That was what i told miss dawn I look foward to all the treets coming my way. I been a bit conspated and last night i healed up dinner mama gave me a big dose of laxaton success in the box and then i ate more. mama gave me a second dose this morning and it was very succfull sometimes becuse i am 14 lb cat in the body of 12 lb and i can not be botrered to excersize that would mean moving more than i have to get to the food bowl i get a bit on the conpated side mama will call dr c in after the frist. I also complaed loudly about maxie he driving me insane I do not like to move and yet he picks on me and complains it my fault.
Iris: Play feather, play ball, play toys play eat food play more thats what i said i said my faviort toy is LL and sometime i get crried away with maxie playing so hard
Maxie I not feeling well i tired and i complaned about my back it hurts when mama pets it and it lilly lu who starts it even if i start bitting her she sleeping in a bed that i need to have i am a ginger boy and can not help my slef.
We want to wish all are freinds happy mew year thanks for being are freinds
Lilly Lu iris and Maxie
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
snow and more
Well we got snowed in we got about 2 feet of the white stuff. We had a great X-mas the day after we had a blizzard we all staying in side. Mama and the brups are leavinf us to go to fl after the new yearr. We very excited to uses on mama gifts a gift for us to talk to miss dawn are amamimal commactor on Firday. Mama said it a good thing cuse Maxie is going off the deep end he playing very rough with me often and pulling wool alot and licking his beloved plastic. Mama thinks he has some anxitey and wants to find out whats bothering him before he go to tufts for the behavior clinc.
Ashlynn list was a new cat was frist last third on her list. So santa is not going to give her a cat as a gift since this santa saids no live amalmls for the hoildays so we waped up some foood and a bowl set and a collor and told left a note that santa has contacted mama and made plans for her to pick out her own cat after she got back form vaction.
We wondering if this thought is givng maxie is anxity disortor
well i got to eat some geenies
Lilly lU
Ashlynn list was a new cat was frist last third on her list. So santa is not going to give her a cat as a gift since this santa saids no live amalmls for the hoildays so we waped up some foood and a bowl set and a collor and told left a note that santa has contacted mama and made plans for her to pick out her own cat after she got back form vaction.
We wondering if this thought is givng maxie is anxity disortor
well i got to eat some geenies
Lilly lU
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mewoy catmiss
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Gift for Maxie from Lilly lu
Lilly Lu : Hay Maxie
Maxie: Hi ya Lilly Lu want to play
Lilly Lu: Maxie sure i got a a gift
Maxie: Oh Lilly Lu I did not get you anything I know i play chace in sted.
Lilly Lu: Maxie open your gift
Maxie okay it an empty box it a very decarted empty box I love boxes Lilly look it has stamps all over it Is it a toy box for my upsairs toys Oh how i need an toy box up stairs
Lilly Lu: ummmm yup go get all your toy and put them in the box then go in i be waitign on the out side
Maxie: Thanks LL this is great ( gets his toys and goes in the box) Hay wait I cant get out LL i stuck I cant get out will you help me
LIlly Lu : Sure Maxie I help you. I help you all the way to the north pole MR MAIL MAN COME AND PICK THIS UP IT A SPECIAL IT NEEDS TO GO RIGHT NOW
Iris: why dose he alsway fall for this and i have to russsue him. Maxie how meny times must we go over it when Lilly Lu offer you a box with stamps all over it DO NOT GO IN,
Maxie: oh ya i forgot do you think satan will still come.
Maxie: Hi ya Lilly Lu want to play
Lilly Lu: Maxie sure i got a a gift
Maxie: Oh Lilly Lu I did not get you anything I know i play chace in sted.
Lilly Lu: Maxie open your gift
Maxie okay it an empty box it a very decarted empty box I love boxes Lilly look it has stamps all over it Is it a toy box for my upsairs toys Oh how i need an toy box up stairs
Lilly Lu: ummmm yup go get all your toy and put them in the box then go in i be waitign on the out side
Maxie: Thanks LL this is great ( gets his toys and goes in the box) Hay wait I cant get out LL i stuck I cant get out will you help me
LIlly Lu : Sure Maxie I help you. I help you all the way to the north pole MR MAIL MAN COME AND PICK THIS UP IT A SPECIAL IT NEEDS TO GO RIGHT NOW
Iris: why dose he alsway fall for this and i have to russsue him. Maxie how meny times must we go over it when Lilly Lu offer you a box with stamps all over it DO NOT GO IN,
Maxie: oh ya i forgot do you think satan will still come.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
seecret paws and Assbley monster
My mama and dadda fave been stolen to a room we not alould in they go to it every time the brups are alseep it the place we call the asbely monster. yes This room is taking up all mama and dadda time and lots of bad words are said and A pink doll house wiff funtre is being made and a Train set and play kichen. Mama said she dose not like the words some assbely required
Mama almost forgot about are seacrt paw pacakage. it came yesrday LL got temp-tay-and grreenies she trying to work hard on eating them all i got a stocking full of toys and iris got a mousie with a futer butt to chew she loves it. We like to thank Willam for the great gift
Lilly Lu iris and Maixe
Mama almost forgot about are seacrt paw pacakage. it came yesrday LL got temp-tay-and grreenies she trying to work hard on eating them all i got a stocking full of toys and iris got a mousie with a futer butt to chew she loves it. We like to thank Willam for the great gift
Lilly Lu iris and Maixe
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dear santa paws by Iris
Dear santa paws,
I like to point out to you that i cuddle with Lilly lu and maxie for 45 mins before i pounced on her and made her run. I know i do this a skillon times a day but it is fun and i tryed being good so you know the adress nip, greenies, temptaytions ansd mousie with feather tails. My stocking will be the puple one marked Iris so fill it all the way
I like to point out to you that i cuddle with Lilly lu and maxie for 45 mins before i pounced on her and made her run. I know i do this a skillon times a day but it is fun and i tryed being good so you know the adress nip, greenies, temptaytions ansd mousie with feather tails. My stocking will be the puple one marked Iris so fill it all the way
Monday, December 20, 2010
I am dremaing of catnip Christmas Mewoed by Maxie and Iris
We are dreaming of a Catnip Christmas
Just like the ones I Should know
Where the catnip glisten,
and children listen
To our collar bells in the nip
We are dreaming of Catnip Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be full of nip
We are dreaming of a Catnip
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases nip
Just like the ones I Should know
Where the catnip glisten,
and children listen
To our collar bells in the nip
We are dreaming of Catnip Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be full of nip
We are dreaming of a Catnip
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases nip
Saturday, December 18, 2010
who knew - Maxie
Who knew tails are so Fragile or my teeth are so sharp. This is 75% LL fault you know she know better then to put her tail near my paws when i was resting I had no choice left and she started it. It was not me. I telling you I am the best Ginger cat in the house as well as the best boy cat in the house. Mama Laura stop looking at me like that this is all your fault too If LL were not up begging for treats her tail would not been near my claws and ended up being in my mouth if you had just not been stingey with those greenies this would all been over. So you see It 75% LL fault and 25% your fault and I am not to blam at all. After all I am the best Man Cat in the house!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Well if I can't get mama to give them I trick others- Lilly Lu
Well we the same thing happend last night with no treets two day I thought i would die of treet depevation I did not eat dinner again last night. So no treets Well that was till Grampa came over. You see Gramp and i have a special relationship and tongight he came over to be with my burps as my mama was headed out. When mama got home he was stillting there with the bag of treets and feeding them to us. he said you know the cats love these. Mama looked at him and said HOW MEAN DID YOU GIVE THEM LL SHOULD NOT HAVE HAND ANY. He said i dont know may 20 each i lost count but your going to need a new bag. Good old gramp he always a good guy and he know how to treat a treat seeking cat
Lilly Lu
Lilly Lu
Dear santa paws
Dear santa paws,
It me maxie I will try and be good. Only good is no fun LL my faviort toy and i think it fun to chace her around and pounce one her with iris I am the best boy cat in the house. Since i am the only.
If you must send coal then make it catnip favior or chick-hen falvor
If you like to give me gifts here is my list
1. a new catnip ball - i lost the last two
2. a Slay for of treets greenie temp=tayinons would be great ( you better make that four slay LL would like some too and she can treet like you not belive
Maxie the best ginnger cat in the house
It me maxie I will try and be good. Only good is no fun LL my faviort toy and i think it fun to chace her around and pounce one her with iris I am the best boy cat in the house. Since i am the only.
If you must send coal then make it catnip favior or chick-hen falvor
If you like to give me gifts here is my list
1. a new catnip ball - i lost the last two
2. a Slay for of treets greenie temp=tayinons would be great ( you better make that four slay LL would like some too and she can treet like you not belive
Maxie the best ginnger cat in the house
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Adddicted to treats Lilly Lu
Hello my name is Lillan Kayla Maire but you can call me Lilly Lu and i am adited to treats. It all sarted way back long ago i used to love dairy temptaytion but back in may when maxie was hurt and his ephousose could no longer eat treets the treets went away untill maxie could eat them too. Mama gave us freezed dryed chicken i never got into it like maxie and iris so i was treetless then when maxie was all better we meet the temp-tay-tions again only this time chick-hen and my new faviort Greenies on how i long for my treets. Before i knew it became all i thought about. Last night i did not eat my dinner due to my holding out for a snack that never came. Then it all came to a bad blow up last night around 1;45 am I was so hungry and all i could think of was treets I notmaly sleep in a cat bed and iris sleep on her pillow between mama and dadddy mama had the treets in a draw in her night stand I had to have them and I risked it all waking up mama and dadda being in iris way being paw punched i had to have treets. I jumped on the bed and stared useing my claws at mama feet she did not like this but she was still hald alseep so i risked it and sarted to walk to the night stand on the bed only problem Iris thought it was time to play and started to paw punch me so i had to defed my self. I heard a big loud ENOUGH GIRLS I AM SLEEPING NEXT TIME YOUR BOTH OUT. Finaly i got to the night stand and tryed to open the draw and nocked the lamp on the floor braking it. in my quest for trets Iris was very upset and mama was too she picked us both up thow us out and closed the door. Iris meezed and meezed and waped me for getting us thown out. I told her to cut out the meezing she told me i should meeze more but i no meezer. I started to work on rhat door with my claws frist i sratch it then i started using my paw to open that door. Finlay after about an hour i got it open I was after treats again and iris clamed her pillow again. as I type this i have still not eaten my dinner or been rewared for all my hard work with treets I am a bit upset about this. I love my treets and need more and more
Lilly Lu
Lilly Lu
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
SInging and danceing with Maxie LIlly Lu and Iris
okay every cat brake out those danceing paws and singing mewos becise we got the jigle Cats right here on this blog come sing and dance long
Monday, December 6, 2010
I been toruchered
Maxie here i going to tell you about this food probelm i am having. I have to flavors of sticky goodness i love mewoie lowie and paw licking chicken i switch off and on every other day. Well tonight mama put a cuver ball in she tryed putting another flavor that i used to like but not so fond of any more in my food. I had no choice but to scaf down half a cup of cunchies and then lick some of the gravy off but i very dispointed you know how when you have your mind set on one thing all day and she switches it becuse she wants you to eat this crap even if i did like it before i tiped it over befoe i ate it just to express my diss like. I starving send mewoie lowie green tempataytons i might wast away
Thursday, December 2, 2010
it been way to long
Well when we left off one mouth ago i was decaled a gift from uobove. Mama keeps saying i a gift from a king. Well I been eating chunchies again but mama said no more free feeding cuse LL is cunky and she need a more regalted diet. So we get to nibble in all diffent spots at night. We also decoved treats again since i can have them so far the winner with all 3 of us is Greenies. yesterday night for the frist night of Hunnnka we got a gift to share of a huge pack of them.
My feather on a stick got broken i sorry feather on a stick i got a little exicted and well your were well loved by mu shue before i got to you. Mama said not to feer that for hunnka if i am a good cat a new one might come my way. I can not wait it hard beeing good.
LL is teaseing me by sanding 2 feet away grooming her helf she just asking for me and iris to play LL in the middle. I also have a new game it called runn into LL at 100 mile an hour and take her down in a wressleing match. Unfountily i have to watch when i play this game becuse mama and LL dont think it as much fun as i do.
LL is my faviort toy she so much fun to pounce on run into chance and parctice my paw punching on. She such a versital toy i better then almost every other toy i have but she keeps screaming i runing her good times.
She said i beeter be good beusce santa paws is watching my every move. I trying hard but it seeems these "good sanders" are too hard too meet.
I mean relly
Maxie don't drop your food on the car
pet santa watching
Maxie it not a good idea to chance Lilly Lu around the house Santa Watching
Maxie please give LL back her bed santa watching
Maxie dont dive bomb LL from the top of the bed Sata is watching
Maxie please do not eat plastic bags it not good for you and Santa is watching
Gosh what can a can do teses days if not do anything fun
I made my last mr santa paws
Catnip ball
Loose nip
feather on a string
chicken treets
It also time for are yearly Vet gift. This year we only going to give to two vets.
Dr C becuse becuse though thick or thin she the best vet and Thats why LL is named after her
and Dr Stone becuse he saved me and took great care of me .
Mamam said she not giveing gifts to normal vet staff becuse we never been to the new vet
This year gift is going to be a doation to the feeline winn socity in there names.
Oh now back to mama She left us to go see permeids and camles and a spnex and now she done she going to leave us again to go away for a mouth.
Well hopely i can get her to post sooner
My feather on a stick got broken i sorry feather on a stick i got a little exicted and well your were well loved by mu shue before i got to you. Mama said not to feer that for hunnka if i am a good cat a new one might come my way. I can not wait it hard beeing good.
LL is teaseing me by sanding 2 feet away grooming her helf she just asking for me and iris to play LL in the middle. I also have a new game it called runn into LL at 100 mile an hour and take her down in a wressleing match. Unfountily i have to watch when i play this game becuse mama and LL dont think it as much fun as i do.
LL is my faviort toy she so much fun to pounce on run into chance and parctice my paw punching on. She such a versital toy i better then almost every other toy i have but she keeps screaming i runing her good times.
She said i beeter be good beusce santa paws is watching my every move. I trying hard but it seeems these "good sanders" are too hard too meet.
I mean relly
Maxie don't drop your food on the car
pet santa watching
Maxie it not a good idea to chance Lilly Lu around the house Santa Watching
Maxie please give LL back her bed santa watching
Maxie dont dive bomb LL from the top of the bed Sata is watching
Maxie please do not eat plastic bags it not good for you and Santa is watching
Gosh what can a can do teses days if not do anything fun
I made my last mr santa paws
Catnip ball
Loose nip
feather on a string
chicken treets
It also time for are yearly Vet gift. This year we only going to give to two vets.
Dr C becuse becuse though thick or thin she the best vet and Thats why LL is named after her
and Dr Stone becuse he saved me and took great care of me .
Mamam said she not giveing gifts to normal vet staff becuse we never been to the new vet
This year gift is going to be a doation to the feeline winn socity in there names.
Oh now back to mama She left us to go see permeids and camles and a spnex and now she done she going to leave us again to go away for a mouth.
Well hopely i can get her to post sooner
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I am a merrical
The other night mama had a dreem of mu shue she felt him purr and sleep right where he used to sleep and her dreem he said I cured him so he wont be sad. Mama said i know you did but he stil cant have kibble mu shue got very loud in his message I cuted him trust me I cured him he all better.
Sunday mama gave maxie a a few bits no vomiting no reguateteing nothing he just seemed to love his treet. Mama tested it again with a little more same thing. Yesterday morning same thing she tested it with about a 1/2 of cup of food nothing. Just like before expect maxie eats it real slow and only eats a little. Today maxie had his frist temp-tay-tions in around seven mouths.
Dr C said she has no explation for it but someone was looking out for maxie
Mama calls it a very expensive merical as she still has 1,000 to pay off for maxie on the care card. But it was worth every penny becuse she got maxie
Sunday mama gave maxie a a few bits no vomiting no reguateteing nothing he just seemed to love his treet. Mama tested it again with a little more same thing. Yesterday morning same thing she tested it with about a 1/2 of cup of food nothing. Just like before expect maxie eats it real slow and only eats a little. Today maxie had his frist temp-tay-tions in around seven mouths.
Dr C said she has no explation for it but someone was looking out for maxie
Mama calls it a very expensive merical as she still has 1,000 to pay off for maxie on the care card. But it was worth every penny becuse she got maxie
Friday, October 29, 2010
A little update
The colds then the hots and the bugs came back and bit my hummans and made them lay in there beds and feel sick and watch lots of seessme street why blowing now every one is on anti botic and two of mt burps are haveing tubes placed in there ears and the last one will have his done after thanksgiving the ears nose and thought guy said that should help my burps ear infections. I been on hevy dutiy pink blanket nursing duity thin inclodes me putting pink blanket in my mouth kneeding all over it and makeing sure it just broken in and purring on it so i can nap and my healing presedes after i do all this work LL has desed she needs to find her cougre and stand up for her self on my pink blanket after i just spent all that time putting my smell into it. Not cool So I play a game with LL i lay down and i burry my head in her fur and she thinks it okay to lick my ears that when i put the bity on and she thinks she can use tha paw to the face and well it was not very pretty from there let just say the fur did fly right off my pink blanket
So to get me back she keeps paw punching me every time i get the crazys and run. So i had no choice but to play LL in the middle with iris.
LL is in a bossy street lately Iris and i have no choice but to put LL back in her place Let just say the worlds will you cats cut it out have been used more than once.
My burps are leaving town in a little whie and the evel cat sitter will be staying with us.
i have good news i can eat pill pocket and not get sick this is huge make me getting my 1/4 a pill much easyer on poor maam
So to get me back she keeps paw punching me every time i get the crazys and run. So i had no choice but to play LL in the middle with iris.
LL is in a bossy street lately Iris and i have no choice but to put LL back in her place Let just say the worlds will you cats cut it out have been used more than once.
My burps are leaving town in a little whie and the evel cat sitter will be staying with us.
i have good news i can eat pill pocket and not get sick this is huge make me getting my 1/4 a pill much easyer on poor maam
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our Dear Sparkle book finaly came
It took a while but it finly came in the mail yesterday. We been reading it wiff mama and we give the book too paws up sparkle gives some great adivice we love the letters so we deised we like to write are own
Lilly Lu siad she start
Dear Sparkle,
i used to be a fee fed kitty and i could nibble all say long. Then my borhter got sick and beusce he can't nibble on kibble any more i only see kibble at night and i am straving by the time I get it. I only get to nibble at night and i like my bean to watch me eat so i always leave some so she can worship me while i eat. but i miss the nibble How do i explan to her my need to nibble.
i like to Nibble
Maxie next
Dear Sparkle,
My momma has the most conferble pink blanket on her bed i snoze on it kneend it and make it my own evey day i love to sleep with it. but some times mama my mama like to lay on her bed with out going under the covers and wants me to share becuse she cold. I have no choice but to sit on her chest since it is my pink blanket but she said i getting heavy and it hard for her to breath breath how do i get my point that my pink blanket is all mine and that i not willing to share and i sorry she cold but it my blanket.
Pink blanket lover
Dear Sparkle,
I am a simimmiee and it is written i meezee my complantes loudly and since i am hunrgry at 2;55 am I have to meeze in the ear of my humman this behavior dose not get me feed but kicked out of the bed room and the door slamed so i must meeze even louder. How do i get my lazy hummans to get up and listen to me and feed me an extra can of paw-licking- chicken
Meezing in the morning
Lilly Lu siad she start
Dear Sparkle,
i used to be a fee fed kitty and i could nibble all say long. Then my borhter got sick and beusce he can't nibble on kibble any more i only see kibble at night and i am straving by the time I get it. I only get to nibble at night and i like my bean to watch me eat so i always leave some so she can worship me while i eat. but i miss the nibble How do i explan to her my need to nibble.
i like to Nibble
Maxie next
Dear Sparkle,
My momma has the most conferble pink blanket on her bed i snoze on it kneend it and make it my own evey day i love to sleep with it. but some times mama my mama like to lay on her bed with out going under the covers and wants me to share becuse she cold. I have no choice but to sit on her chest since it is my pink blanket but she said i getting heavy and it hard for her to breath breath how do i get my point that my pink blanket is all mine and that i not willing to share and i sorry she cold but it my blanket.
Pink blanket lover
Dear Sparkle,
I am a simimmiee and it is written i meezee my complantes loudly and since i am hunrgry at 2;55 am I have to meeze in the ear of my humman this behavior dose not get me feed but kicked out of the bed room and the door slamed so i must meeze even louder. How do i get my lazy hummans to get up and listen to me and feed me an extra can of paw-licking- chicken
Meezing in the morning
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Maxie Report
Well I not bloged in what seems forever do you even rember who i am I am Maxie And boy do i have alot to tell you. Well the hots of gone and the cools have moved in the leavs are falling to the ground Mamma is busy getting ready winter changing close getting new one nothing fits from last year but are luck mayla fits into ashlynn old winter stuff.
With the colds moving in the sicks have also come to pay a vist to our house so far they got both my butp girls and my momma i had to play maxie nighting gail as all 3 sat in the big bed and i sat right on the pink blanket making sure they were all ready to be loved and in returen the give me my chicken treets for all my hard work i also been helping them with with ther home made chicken soup. It a hard job it a good thing i there for my girls and mama they never get though the sicks with out me.
The other day mama foud ashlynn and me down on playing i was playing very nicely then mamma saw the jar off of two bottles of chicken treats she looked at ahslynn and said what are you doing she replyed feeding maxie his weight worth in chicken treats Mama looked at the bottles and said Ashlynn maxie is 12 lbs that alot of chicken and she said you better by more treat he love therse.
Mamas said that man the blue shorts bught me enough and i eattting too meany.
The food report is I found two flavors of food i am in love love love with
Merveric Mewoie Lau and Maeveric Paw lick chickeen I like tiki cat too but not as much as i once did. I tryed the Mac and Jack flacored it was okay but no paw licking chicken
I have miss paced nip rarge of when i nip i can only be wiff Iris becuse she defend her self and LL gets her tail in a knot
We have some big news were are thinking of being a feline Family of Four mama is thinking of a older girl Main coon are coon max. Mamma said she loves coons We not offical made up are mind but mama said NO KITTENS only adults '
With the colds moving in the sicks have also come to pay a vist to our house so far they got both my butp girls and my momma i had to play maxie nighting gail as all 3 sat in the big bed and i sat right on the pink blanket making sure they were all ready to be loved and in returen the give me my chicken treets for all my hard work i also been helping them with with ther home made chicken soup. It a hard job it a good thing i there for my girls and mama they never get though the sicks with out me.
The other day mama foud ashlynn and me down on playing i was playing very nicely then mamma saw the jar off of two bottles of chicken treats she looked at ahslynn and said what are you doing she replyed feeding maxie his weight worth in chicken treats Mama looked at the bottles and said Ashlynn maxie is 12 lbs that alot of chicken and she said you better by more treat he love therse.
Mamas said that man the blue shorts bught me enough and i eattting too meany.
The food report is I found two flavors of food i am in love love love with
Merveric Mewoie Lau and Maeveric Paw lick chickeen I like tiki cat too but not as much as i once did. I tryed the Mac and Jack flacored it was okay but no paw licking chicken
I have miss paced nip rarge of when i nip i can only be wiff Iris becuse she defend her self and LL gets her tail in a knot
We have some big news were are thinking of being a feline Family of Four mama is thinking of a older girl Main coon are coon max. Mamma said she loves coons We not offical made up are mind but mama said NO KITTENS only adults '
Friday, October 8, 2010
Happy Brithday to are Burp Mayla
Myla two years ago you were born to a mother who could not take care of her self or you. You had very hard fighting you came out fighting when we met you pepole thought you could not thive but again you proved them wrong. Today Mayla we cellbrate that fight the one that brought you hear. I am super proud to be your cat your a great little sister to my brup ashlynn and have learned well. I love my all girl tea partys with you makes me fell manly to be inculdeing in all that pink ruffles and teara eating chicken treats with my girls.
We could never imainge life with out you and we can imanige what we did before we love you alot Happy second Brithday we hope you enjoy your water park
Maxie, Lilly lu and iris
We could never imainge life with out you and we can imanige what we did before we love you alot Happy second Brithday we hope you enjoy your water park
Maxie, Lilly lu and iris
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
mu shue ( yes we late we did not know what to say)
Mu shue would have been 19 years young. This year we were able to "talk" to him again though miss dawn are annaml commactor. We learned alot about mu shue and Lilly. I knew mu shue was never lilly lu best freind I also learned that he was very postive of me and made it a point to Lilly lu to know that.He was not always nice to Lilly however he did love her in his own way.
We were able to ask him about the fire he said the worst part was it was very very loud and that the noise relly bothered him he hid in a desk way underneath and in a draw. He said there was no place for Lily Lu in the draw so he had to help her hide some were else. He also said iris was very upset by the whole thing and was a pain in the tail so he had no choice but to put her in the draw with him and she smmoshed him explaning the bit mark on iris neck.
He said he was never scard i never come back for him and told the girls it was safe to come out He said he only did it becuse he wanted me to be happy cuse he knew I loved the girls and he loved me so much.
This year I almost forgot about his brithday I was so enoved with day to day life when on his brithday it rained and poored and i got wet and i relized It was just like the frist time i met him. I said to my self shoot it his gotya / purrday
I had to say I was sorry. I said mu shue I am comming down to your gave on the 30th On the afternoon of the 30th i went and picked up his annaul pumkin and a bunch of oronge mums for his gave. It was a very windy day and it started to rain. I looked up in the sky and said Mu shue winnford pooh not funny you want me to come vist you change the weather as soon as i got to the cemtary and made it to his lot the wind stop the rain stoped and the sun peaked out. I walked over to his gave and rized i had not tended to it like i should the gross was over grown i went to going about tending to it sang him happy purrday and happy gota day and his song about him being speical that i sang to him evey night walked back to my car as soon as i got back to my car the wwather started again I knew mu shue was okay and someday i see him again. I know he has kayla he told me he has his sissy up there and she found him and they have each other and he loved me and not to be so sad over him any more sometimes it just hard.
I have yet to ever go back to boston market thinking about how he loved it so If i left boston market on the table untented he always get it. I know maxie would be the same way. I see alot of mu shue in maxie and i knwo mu shue gave him to me in love
We were able to ask him about the fire he said the worst part was it was very very loud and that the noise relly bothered him he hid in a desk way underneath and in a draw. He said there was no place for Lily Lu in the draw so he had to help her hide some were else. He also said iris was very upset by the whole thing and was a pain in the tail so he had no choice but to put her in the draw with him and she smmoshed him explaning the bit mark on iris neck.
He said he was never scard i never come back for him and told the girls it was safe to come out He said he only did it becuse he wanted me to be happy cuse he knew I loved the girls and he loved me so much.
This year I almost forgot about his brithday I was so enoved with day to day life when on his brithday it rained and poored and i got wet and i relized It was just like the frist time i met him. I said to my self shoot it his gotya / purrday
I had to say I was sorry. I said mu shue I am comming down to your gave on the 30th On the afternoon of the 30th i went and picked up his annaul pumkin and a bunch of oronge mums for his gave. It was a very windy day and it started to rain. I looked up in the sky and said Mu shue winnford pooh not funny you want me to come vist you change the weather as soon as i got to the cemtary and made it to his lot the wind stop the rain stoped and the sun peaked out. I walked over to his gave and rized i had not tended to it like i should the gross was over grown i went to going about tending to it sang him happy purrday and happy gota day and his song about him being speical that i sang to him evey night walked back to my car as soon as i got back to my car the wwather started again I knew mu shue was okay and someday i see him again. I know he has kayla he told me he has his sissy up there and she found him and they have each other and he loved me and not to be so sad over him any more sometimes it just hard.
I have yet to ever go back to boston market thinking about how he loved it so If i left boston market on the table untented he always get it. I know maxie would be the same way. I see alot of mu shue in maxie and i knwo mu shue gave him to me in love
Friday, October 1, 2010
Word of the day Maxie Style - ( chickhen)

I not had a word of the day in a long time and i have one thing on my mind CHICKEN
so todays world of the day is " chicken (chick- hen)
Part of speech : None
Defitons: a very yummy bird the when made into treats and sticky goodness belongs in Maxie, Lilly lu and iris tummys
Uses in a sentence: I have no idea why the lb jug of chick- hen treats is empty and resdue is left all over my wiskers can you please open a new bottole and top it of with some paw lickin chick-hen sticky goodness
Saturday, September 25, 2010
It been too long
My mama has neglted the blog I am furry upset wiff her i have alot to blog about. So about a week ago maam noticed that i ( maxie) was so very very very tired I need a nap to get to were i wanted to nap. She suppected it was the medication i been on if your on it along time it can make you ohhh so sleepy So she tryed playing with the dose to see if i needed it anymoe well i do and i not eating as well wiff the reduced dose i only ate 4 of my 6 oz of samon last night and that is my favort. IF i not better on monday she call dr C again.
The good news is i have more engery And I can have nip party and LL got involed trying to groomm me in the middle of a nip party and i had nip rage Maam gave me a time out for it. I been able to hide in conners wait for LL to pass and jump ringt on her pinning her to the floor or better yet chaining her into iris who chacer her around the house back to me so i can pounce on her again. Iris and I both laned up in time out more than once
Yesterday mama went to pet smart to get litter and litter liners and she was looking in the toy section and found this matt blanket thing with a mousie in it and a featers on it and she said this look like a maxie toy if i ever saw one. she was not going to get it becuse i have lots of toys and it not my gota day and chonnanka or x-mas or my purrday or the ansversy of me being found. But then she herd a voice in her head it said why do you need a special day to cellbreat maxie every day is special with maxie becsuse your so thankful for him so it okay to get it. I glad she did becuse I love love love this toy I sleeped with it all last nigh showed it to my buddy in crime Iris this morning and to LL so they know just how special i am
I going to give you a quick brup update. Are Burp M. is going to be two on october 8 mama said when every one was two it was by by binky ( pasifire) This only ment Ashlynn and M. As Dylan had thown his out at 9 mouths and never looked back since. So today is a very sprical day for the girls the Binky Fairy is comming she going to leave gifts tomrow the girls hung there binkys in the trees so the binky fairy could take them to little tinny babbys
For Holween Mama thought they would not mind if she choces there costums so she picked a cute witch for M a cute black cat for Ashlynn and a Cute Bat for Dylan she found them from potty barn kids and they had matching treet buckets.
ashlynn started in with she not being a cat she wants to be a pink princess how could i do this to her? I could not love her becuse I want her to be a Black Cat.
Then Myla started in if ashlynn going to be a pink princess I want to be a memmaid
then Dyan if the girls get to choice then i do to i want to be a farmer with a real live horse and a cow
Well it took some doing but we reaching a comperized Ashlynn will be a pink butter fly pinness with a butterfly treat bucket with her name on it. M will get her memaide and will have a fish bucket. And Dlyan will be Money with a matching bannna bukcet mama how to exchage and the casher said awww you did not ask the kids what they wanted huh...... Oh well you win some you lose some.
Thats the news around here
The good news is i have more engery And I can have nip party and LL got involed trying to groomm me in the middle of a nip party and i had nip rage Maam gave me a time out for it. I been able to hide in conners wait for LL to pass and jump ringt on her pinning her to the floor or better yet chaining her into iris who chacer her around the house back to me so i can pounce on her again. Iris and I both laned up in time out more than once
Yesterday mama went to pet smart to get litter and litter liners and she was looking in the toy section and found this matt blanket thing with a mousie in it and a featers on it and she said this look like a maxie toy if i ever saw one. she was not going to get it becuse i have lots of toys and it not my gota day and chonnanka or x-mas or my purrday or the ansversy of me being found. But then she herd a voice in her head it said why do you need a special day to cellbreat maxie every day is special with maxie becsuse your so thankful for him so it okay to get it. I glad she did becuse I love love love this toy I sleeped with it all last nigh showed it to my buddy in crime Iris this morning and to LL so they know just how special i am
I going to give you a quick brup update. Are Burp M. is going to be two on october 8 mama said when every one was two it was by by binky ( pasifire) This only ment Ashlynn and M. As Dylan had thown his out at 9 mouths and never looked back since. So today is a very sprical day for the girls the Binky Fairy is comming she going to leave gifts tomrow the girls hung there binkys in the trees so the binky fairy could take them to little tinny babbys
For Holween Mama thought they would not mind if she choces there costums so she picked a cute witch for M a cute black cat for Ashlynn and a Cute Bat for Dylan she found them from potty barn kids and they had matching treet buckets.
ashlynn started in with she not being a cat she wants to be a pink princess how could i do this to her? I could not love her becuse I want her to be a Black Cat.
Then Myla started in if ashlynn going to be a pink princess I want to be a memmaid
then Dyan if the girls get to choice then i do to i want to be a farmer with a real live horse and a cow
Well it took some doing but we reaching a comperized Ashlynn will be a pink butter fly pinness with a butterfly treat bucket with her name on it. M will get her memaide and will have a fish bucket. And Dlyan will be Money with a matching bannna bukcet mama how to exchage and the casher said awww you did not ask the kids what they wanted huh...... Oh well you win some you lose some.
Thats the news around here
Monday, September 13, 2010
Not Me Maxie Monday
Dear Mama,
It was not me who ate a whole bottole freezed dreded chicken treats that you left the lid a little losses off when you went off even if i was found in the middle of the pilice of treats eating them and there was freezed dryed chicken resduie on my wiskers there was no prooff it was me and just becuse i was the only cat at the sean of the crime dose not mean i did eat the whole lb of chicken.
And if I did I have no idea why i have to wash it down with a can of 6 oz of tiki cat toona and taplia not leaving a single morsale.
So now that we esplsphed that it was not me we can open a new jar of chicken treats
It was not me who ate a whole bottole freezed dreded chicken treats that you left the lid a little losses off when you went off even if i was found in the middle of the pilice of treats eating them and there was freezed dryed chicken resduie on my wiskers there was no prooff it was me and just becuse i was the only cat at the sean of the crime dose not mean i did eat the whole lb of chicken.
And if I did I have no idea why i have to wash it down with a can of 6 oz of tiki cat toona and taplia not leaving a single morsale.
So now that we esplsphed that it was not me we can open a new jar of chicken treats
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
expanding my vocabalry and my tast buds
Today I deised to expand mor vabualry and my tast buds I did a little reachech and leaned a new word one I like as much as Tuna
The word of the day - Salamon ( Sam Mon)
Part of speech Noun
Defishishing An equaly as yummy fish as tuna that belongs in maxie belly
Uses in a senctence: It hard to desided between tuna and sammon so i think i should have both.

The word of the day - Salamon ( Sam Mon)
Part of speech Noun
Defishishing An equaly as yummy fish as tuna that belongs in maxie belly
Uses in a senctence: It hard to desided between tuna and sammon so i think i should have both.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A talk with an animal communicator
We've decided today is maama Laura's turn to blog
Maxie has become kind of fussy and is eating the love a flavor in the next cynicism knows about the same flavior. So I decided to go with an animal communicator he will live up my beautiful ginger boy. <
A friend mine had recommended Dawn. She said I wouldn't be disappointed. And I surely wasn't.
We started off with our conversation talking about Maxie. The first thing maxie said
was that he really loved the outside but he really wants access to the outside and that it was sad that he didn't have the outside. He said he used to be outside all the time.
I told her there was no way Maxwell was going outside that I had seen a least a dozen missing sings this summer there were coyotes in fisser cats in the area.
He also said that he gets a little lonely at nights that he very much sleep on the warm bed with the little girl. He's not very hungry on the fact that I give him tons of flavors he knows there'll always be something the next day.
He also told me he lets his food with some gravy straight out of the can. He misses dry food a little bit and it would be a preference if he could have it. He likes his room he would prefer to be free all night but understand. He said without the medicine that he felt crazy when I restarted it was starting to feel a little more hunger. He said I did the right thing by him. I had a hard decision to make. He says he has no more pain
We next moved on to lilly lu. Her first words i am hurgy there's usually food here. There's always something better on this side of the door. I had to laugh because she was searching for Maxwell from right at that second. She next said that she doesn't like loud environment she does love me however is more instink for her to run. She is comes from a line of feral cats. When asked why she did not eat her dinner last night she said I was sure there was something better on the side of the door I could have this morning.
I asked her about Mu shue. But how she felt about him. She said that he never liked her very much he was always giving her a dirty looks and was very possessive of me. And she knew he was my favorite cat. He was always telling her to stay away from me so that's why she stayed away. She was a little sad when he died she said it wasn't the same. She said Maxie and Iris sometimes get on her nerves. It led to hiding conners and pounce on her. She said Maxie doesn't do as much anymore. She said she loves her home and was so thankful. The only pain she have a she says of hurt to pop stools are very hard, she also said he very much wants contact with the ground at all times.
Iris was full of energy. Her main Complate with there's not enough hours in the day play on that I got to sleep at night and I put away her favorite toy won't make too much noise. She also said she doesn't like seafood she'll want it the chicken flavored food.
We then moved onto to mu shue. The. First sentence to me hello what took you so long. I'm fine with my kids I'm with my sister and love are very much. A hat or ask about the fire. He said he'd hidden inside a desk and try and Iris in however Lilly Lu did not fit as she hid somewhere else. He said the worst part of the fire was all the noise that the noise really bothered. He knew what was coming back and that I would find him a once the noise seltted he told the girls it was safe and took a nap.
He said he was never in pain. But he felt like he had the flu all the time. He said he just drifted away and that he knew I was sad sometime they wanted me to love again.
Kayla Said I'm here with my Baba he takes very good care of me. I met him here I'm okay
overall it was so glad I use an animal communicator to really get into the mind of my Fur babbys. Really helped me alot to understand them
Maxie has become kind of fussy and is eating the love a flavor in the next cynicism knows about the same flavior. So I decided to go with an animal communicator he will live up my beautiful ginger boy. <
A friend mine had recommended Dawn. She said I wouldn't be disappointed. And I surely wasn't.
We started off with our conversation talking about Maxie. The first thing maxie said
was that he really loved the outside but he really wants access to the outside and that it was sad that he didn't have the outside. He said he used to be outside all the time.
I told her there was no way Maxwell was going outside that I had seen a least a dozen missing sings this summer there were coyotes in fisser cats in the area.
He also said that he gets a little lonely at nights that he very much sleep on the warm bed with the little girl. He's not very hungry on the fact that I give him tons of flavors he knows there'll always be something the next day.
He also told me he lets his food with some gravy straight out of the can. He misses dry food a little bit and it would be a preference if he could have it. He likes his room he would prefer to be free all night but understand. He said without the medicine that he felt crazy when I restarted it was starting to feel a little more hunger. He said I did the right thing by him. I had a hard decision to make. He says he has no more pain
We next moved on to lilly lu. Her first words i am hurgy there's usually food here. There's always something better on this side of the door. I had to laugh because she was searching for Maxwell from right at that second. She next said that she doesn't like loud environment she does love me however is more instink for her to run. She is comes from a line of feral cats. When asked why she did not eat her dinner last night she said I was sure there was something better on the side of the door I could have this morning.
I asked her about Mu shue. But how she felt about him. She said that he never liked her very much he was always giving her a dirty looks and was very possessive of me. And she knew he was my favorite cat. He was always telling her to stay away from me so that's why she stayed away. She was a little sad when he died she said it wasn't the same. She said Maxie and Iris sometimes get on her nerves. It led to hiding conners and pounce on her. She said Maxie doesn't do as much anymore. She said she loves her home and was so thankful. The only pain she have a she says of hurt to pop stools are very hard, she also said he very much wants contact with the ground at all times.
Iris was full of energy. Her main Complate with there's not enough hours in the day play on that I got to sleep at night and I put away her favorite toy won't make too much noise. She also said she doesn't like seafood she'll want it the chicken flavored food.
We then moved onto to mu shue. The. First sentence to me hello what took you so long. I'm fine with my kids I'm with my sister and love are very much. A hat or ask about the fire. He said he'd hidden inside a desk and try and Iris in however Lilly Lu did not fit as she hid somewhere else. He said the worst part of the fire was all the noise that the noise really bothered. He knew what was coming back and that I would find him a once the noise seltted he told the girls it was safe and took a nap.
He said he was never in pain. But he felt like he had the flu all the time. He said he just drifted away and that he knew I was sad sometime they wanted me to love again.
Kayla Said I'm here with my Baba he takes very good care of me. I met him here I'm okay
overall it was so glad I use an animal communicator to really get into the mind of my Fur babbys. Really helped me alot to understand them
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Word of the day - Maxie
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Man cat mionday
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fashion show Firday
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mystry man cat Monday
Hi It me Maxie I need your help with a Mystry that has been driving me carazy
It is very manly to play with my track ball I love it I play and play and lay and lay But it has beecoem qutie a mystry to mee and I need your help to figger it out
Why can't I get the ball out of the track no matter how hard i try It is a mystry to me

Saturday, August 21, 2010
spotty sunday
I love to eat I eat one kibble at a time and i make a huge mess. However I like to tell you about last night were there was spotty abuse. I get to eat at 6:30 am 5;30 pm and 11"00 pm Maxie gets a can of sticky goodness at 11:00 and locked in a room all night,
Last night mama Laura insted of feeding us on time watched a movie and was 35 mins later wiff my 11:00 din din See becuse of Maxie condation he needs to be locked away before i get my food so how mama dose this is she feeds him frist. He like to be watched patted and played with after. So when his din din way deyaled my Din din got delayed and Iris din din got delyed well iris she just eats all night between jumping on off mama laura she got the night shift. I being abused I like to be watched and I was starving and cuse she tired she did not watch me to my tummy was fulll. I am bitt upset set this is not how you treat me on spotty sunday
Friday, August 20, 2010
Who Me .....
LL was sleeping in a bed wiff her grizzy
Maxie : LL that look commfy I want your bed please move
LL: Maxie i sleeping go away
Maxie: LL I said please
LL: And i said no
Maxie: Fine LL i have to take this into my own paws
Maxie goes and dive bombs LL
LL: runs and evuate bed
Maxie: Moves in to be and crawls under grizzy
LL: Goes mewos to Mama Laura
Mama Laura; grabs camra
You see I needed that bed LL was sleeping ther I asked please when i did not get what i wanted I had to take matters into my own paws after were living by maxies rules now
LL Not so fast Maxie I calling My Lawer ... Lets see were did i put finny email.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My mama has to confess maxie was doing so well when he got into iris curnches by mistake he got the frist 3 four bits no problem mama was so excited she let him have a few more then he regatated mama all worried becuse now he only licking the chicken off his food and he making the chewing after he licks indcating pain mama going to call dr c today she so just wants a complet healing for maxie
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Goodbye sweet freinds

This just sucks and sucks and sucks someore. Lex was a great freind he was always what we think of when we think of white he was a great freind we knew he hard heart desess but he always took such good care of his sister Mayba FE just wanted a freind i am sure a long line of cats were waiting to great them when they crossed over but there not a dry eye in the house
Lilly Lu iris and A Member of Gouoours gingers Maxie
Our wordless wedness is undeneath
Lilly Lu iris and A Member of Gouoours gingers Maxie
Our wordless wedness is undeneath
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
13 things heard this week
1. Maxwell i just gave you a treet you do not need more
2. Maxwell please i am trying to do things i cant stop and rub your ears
3. Maxie those are my feet you licking
4. Lilly Lu that my blood you digging out with you claws and it hurts
5 Yes Lilly You are getting your nail cut no matter how much you mewo in protest
6. iris if you watch you get your claws cut too
7. Iris it 4:25 in the morning please stop meezing
8. Maxie i am not your slave please stop looking at me with those sad eyes fine fine have another chicken treet.
9. Iris no please dont jump on my mouth and noise if ther coved i cant breath and if i cant breath then i can't feed you
10. Iris that was a very expeise toy in a roll of TP
11. Iris and Maxie i not sure LL like LL in the middle oh wait she could uses the excizes okay go for it.
12. LL i know you like to eat but please stop hinding in maxie room 30 mins before his din din time to try and get his din din when i give you sticky goodness you trun your noise up at it
13. I NOT YOUR SLAVE yes you can have more chicken, feather on a sitck and and nip ( side note she not a slave she well trained and as long as she meeting all are needs she can call it what ever she wants )
2. Maxwell please i am trying to do things i cant stop and rub your ears
3. Maxie those are my feet you licking
4. Lilly Lu that my blood you digging out with you claws and it hurts
5 Yes Lilly You are getting your nail cut no matter how much you mewo in protest
6. iris if you watch you get your claws cut too
7. Iris it 4:25 in the morning please stop meezing
8. Maxie i am not your slave please stop looking at me with those sad eyes fine fine have another chicken treet.
9. Iris no please dont jump on my mouth and noise if ther coved i cant breath and if i cant breath then i can't feed you
10. Iris that was a very expeise toy in a roll of TP
11. Iris and Maxie i not sure LL like LL in the middle oh wait she could uses the excizes okay go for it.
12. LL i know you like to eat but please stop hinding in maxie room 30 mins before his din din time to try and get his din din when i give you sticky goodness you trun your noise up at it
13. I NOT YOUR SLAVE yes you can have more chicken, feather on a sitck and and nip ( side note she not a slave she well trained and as long as she meeting all are needs she can call it what ever she wants )
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
telling the truth on tuseday
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Man caT Monday reporting the mews

This is my faviort spot to look out in on my screaned in proch where i feel like i on the outside but i am in side. It all mine, What am i on the look out for one mamma Laura. Yes that right the unthinkable happned last night. I was abanded so my mama could cheet on me and meet other cat moms Like sweet prerinies and showdo, molly and trooders mama. I LL and Iris did pack a baskets of goodys for there mama to bring home and I did get some nip.
But I almost straved to death i was left house with out any freezed dryed chick-hen and no chick-hen I was was even more hungry cuse LL ate my lunch. For a cat who hates sticky goodness she loves to eat it after i eaten some, I almost strayed while she was out eating prime rib. My dinner was late and not nearly enough frezzed dryed chicken on it. I can not stand these conditons much longer I being abused I mean freezed dryed chicken should be a main meal given any time i mewo.
And one more thing LL is mad about i stole another one her beds when she was not useing it. She trened to use my gota day gift one me a big box wiff pagcaing tape and LL stamp marked Aubdubi
So i am a Miffed man cat in seach of chick-hen
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
what a week wesday
Well it seem it is my sticky little person trun to vist the vet.
Well here the story some of you may know it.
Back in November My mama and dadda got a call would they like to be foster parents to a lil girl who need a home. They had taken the foster care classes and were on the list. The socal worker explaned that this lil girl had some speical needs. She was 13 mouths old and had been born at 25 weeks to a mother who used drugs and drinked she spent the frist 3 mouths of her life on a ventalor and was able to come off but spent the frist 6 mouth of her life in the NICU. She was now in a foster placement that was not the best setting for her and they were looking for a faimly that could foster to adopt her. The one catch was she was a very social little girl and would do well with other childern. UMMM hello we got other sticky.
After talking about it mama and dadda said they try it. They fell in love with the sticky lil person and in augest she became officaly theres.
every one was asstouded by her progress she wanted to keep up with her brother and sisters so she learned to sit up crawl, then walk and now run with them. She said her frist word Cat. We were excited becuse Ashllynn frist words were Max cat so we were two for 3 on the cat thing.
However she tends to catch everything around becuse her immune sytym is not quite as strong. And she has relly bad asmatha and has to take puff and uses a nebulizer when she sick.
She got some sort of bug on Saterday and she seem to recover by sunday but was still a lil off no worst of were on monday she was still a lil of she woke up tuesday morning and had a cough and said her ear hurt and she had a head ack. Well mama was going to call the dr sine miss ashlynn as some sort of rash anyway mama gave her some medison to help her ear pain called the dr. she had an apointment at 9:30 they took her temp it was 104.2 they were very worried the dr started to exama are sticky little bean when she said she did not feel well. and feel back and started shanking and her eyes rooled back and she got blue and shaking and vomited she did this for 5 min the dr put her on her side gave oxgen and keeped her air way open . When it stoped she said to mama that the sticky little bean need to go to childerns hospital via ambulince and they started to put ice packs under her arms to bring her fever down mama was very scard. she was sure there was brain damge or she had something wrong.
At the hospital they did all sorts of test inculding put a nedile in her back and she got to ride on the big cat michen.
They deised it would be best to make are sticky stay in at the hummon vet hospital so she could get iv antinbotics. So after talkig to Mr BG they deised it was best if mama went home for the night and keeped there rootine and take care of the cats.
By the time we the sticky little bean was starting to feel better they think she had a fever sezior not uncommin in toddlers and there shoould be no lasting damage to make sure they going to do a test wiff sticky things and wires of her head. But they feel she will probely need to stay for a few day to get antibotics becuse her chest x-ray showed phomina any ways. then she should be good to go.
I need to take good care of her cuse i know what it feels like
Well here the story some of you may know it.
Back in November My mama and dadda got a call would they like to be foster parents to a lil girl who need a home. They had taken the foster care classes and were on the list. The socal worker explaned that this lil girl had some speical needs. She was 13 mouths old and had been born at 25 weeks to a mother who used drugs and drinked she spent the frist 3 mouths of her life on a ventalor and was able to come off but spent the frist 6 mouth of her life in the NICU. She was now in a foster placement that was not the best setting for her and they were looking for a faimly that could foster to adopt her. The one catch was she was a very social little girl and would do well with other childern. UMMM hello we got other sticky.
After talking about it mama and dadda said they try it. They fell in love with the sticky lil person and in augest she became officaly theres.
every one was asstouded by her progress she wanted to keep up with her brother and sisters so she learned to sit up crawl, then walk and now run with them. She said her frist word Cat. We were excited becuse Ashllynn frist words were Max cat so we were two for 3 on the cat thing.
However she tends to catch everything around becuse her immune sytym is not quite as strong. And she has relly bad asmatha and has to take puff and uses a nebulizer when she sick.
She got some sort of bug on Saterday and she seem to recover by sunday but was still a lil off no worst of were on monday she was still a lil of she woke up tuesday morning and had a cough and said her ear hurt and she had a head ack. Well mama was going to call the dr sine miss ashlynn as some sort of rash anyway mama gave her some medison to help her ear pain called the dr. she had an apointment at 9:30 they took her temp it was 104.2 they were very worried the dr started to exama are sticky little bean when she said she did not feel well. and feel back and started shanking and her eyes rooled back and she got blue and shaking and vomited she did this for 5 min the dr put her on her side gave oxgen and keeped her air way open . When it stoped she said to mama that the sticky little bean need to go to childerns hospital via ambulince and they started to put ice packs under her arms to bring her fever down mama was very scard. she was sure there was brain damge or she had something wrong.
At the hospital they did all sorts of test inculding put a nedile in her back and she got to ride on the big cat michen.
They deised it would be best to make are sticky stay in at the hummon vet hospital so she could get iv antinbotics. So after talkig to Mr BG they deised it was best if mama went home for the night and keeped there rootine and take care of the cats.
By the time we the sticky little bean was starting to feel better they think she had a fever sezior not uncommin in toddlers and there shoould be no lasting damage to make sure they going to do a test wiff sticky things and wires of her head. But they feel she will probely need to stay for a few day to get antibotics becuse her chest x-ray showed phomina any ways. then she should be good to go.
I need to take good care of her cuse i know what it feels like
tatle tail tuseday Maxie runies a good time
This is me in my beloved pink crown bed I sleep in this bed morning noon and night. I have to get up to steach get a drink use the box. Now that maxie fee look what happen when i get out

This is photografic proff maxie is a good time steler as well as a pink crown bed stealer. but you know what I glad her around to steal my pink bed But maxie you better watch out My gota day gift of a box pagaking tape postage stampes and a lable that said To Aububi no backes Still hold true one wrong more and off you go

This is photografic proff maxie is a good time steler as well as a pink crown bed stealer. but you know what I glad her around to steal my pink bed But maxie you better watch out My gota day gift of a box pagaking tape postage stampes and a lable that said To Aububi no backes Still hold true one wrong more and off you go

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Man cat Monday with Maxie
Maxie Gota day

Today Is a great Day it the day to cellbrate me It already started out great Mama gave me chicken and trucky evo my faviort for befest normaly i get turcky and chicken but who know there was a chicken and tucky more chick-hen it also had a thick layer of chiken sprinkles and she growened up so chick-hen form treats too for me
I got a fouton for my upstairs room for my nights alone i have to spend nights by my self becuse LL and iris have to eat too and want some curchies. Then I got to order from my freind Babby Patches story I ordered treets and nip apple.
Mama said becuse i was sick we missed the girls purrday so she got them each somthing LL got a few cute dress mama said she have a faishon show soon.
And Iris got some mouies that were diped in are huge insane about of bubba love nip
Your all welcome to come and pary wiff us there be chicken and more chick-hen and more chick-hen dairy for LL and toona and srimps and lots of other stuff Mama said i am a miracle. I live wiff mama two full years
Saturday, July 31, 2010
is it time yet ??
Maxie: Is it my gota day yet Lilly you know the day were we cellbrate me
Lilly: Not yet Maxie in 24 hours
Maxie Oh ... yet ?
Lilly No that was 24 seconds Maxie
Maxie... How about now
Lilly . No Maxie
Maxie ... oh... how about now is it time yet?
Lilly gets up to leave
Maxie: were you going Lilly ?
Lilly: To get your gota day gift
Maxie: What ya get me ?
Lilly: Postage stamps to attach to you for the next time you ask if it time yet.
Maxie: Oh so is it time yet?
It satday Blog hop with our new freinds from nip and bones
Thursday, July 29, 2010
To My Little lion club 2 years after i frist met you
Dear Maxie,
thank you for letting me take over your blog today. I know what you siad about nick names but i am sorry You will allways be my Little man Lion club no matter how old you get. Two years ago today I frist set eyes on you. I rember falling in love with you right away. I rember getting home and telling the girls your getting a new brother. I would not be able to pick you up for a few days due to the fact that you need to go to the vet for a cheek up. I left you with a long tailed mousie that day and you loved it. It was the frist time you had catnip.
During this past two year we goen though alot you and me. I came to know just who you were and love you so much. I often wonderd what i do if you get sick how i mange all your needs. Your need to be so indpent you need to try and express your self with your teeth and claws. You seemed to mellow alot this year and just settle in and let us know how much we love you and how much you loved us
What I learned is I would rise to the occcation I would ask for help I would learn new styles of taking care of cats. Iris LL and Mu shue are all mewo no bit but you on the other hand well your all bit very little mewo.
I love you more than words can say. I still feel bad that I aloud this person to touch you and betay both of our trust. You trusted me I messed up I wish a millon sorry would slove it take away your pain you have and make it all better.
Maxie I sorry I never make it all better you can not have curchies ever again but maxie we both learn to adjust and lean new ways and lean to love each other even more. I make one promice to you maxie here two years after i saw you for the frist time You will alway be my little lion club and i love you with all my heart. Thank you for being part of my family.
Your humman slave Mama Laura
thank you for letting me take over your blog today. I know what you siad about nick names but i am sorry You will allways be my Little man Lion club no matter how old you get. Two years ago today I frist set eyes on you. I rember falling in love with you right away. I rember getting home and telling the girls your getting a new brother. I would not be able to pick you up for a few days due to the fact that you need to go to the vet for a cheek up. I left you with a long tailed mousie that day and you loved it. It was the frist time you had catnip.
During this past two year we goen though alot you and me. I came to know just who you were and love you so much. I often wonderd what i do if you get sick how i mange all your needs. Your need to be so indpent you need to try and express your self with your teeth and claws. You seemed to mellow alot this year and just settle in and let us know how much we love you and how much you loved us
What I learned is I would rise to the occcation I would ask for help I would learn new styles of taking care of cats. Iris LL and Mu shue are all mewo no bit but you on the other hand well your all bit very little mewo.
I love you more than words can say. I still feel bad that I aloud this person to touch you and betay both of our trust. You trusted me I messed up I wish a millon sorry would slove it take away your pain you have and make it all better.
Maxie I sorry I never make it all better you can not have curchies ever again but maxie we both learn to adjust and lean new ways and lean to love each other even more. I make one promice to you maxie here two years after i saw you for the frist time You will alway be my little lion club and i love you with all my heart. Thank you for being part of my family.
Your humman slave Mama Laura
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
wrapped around our paws
We got mama laura wraped around are paws you see it goes something like this. as you head halo has desised to stop selling my chicken dinner sprinkles they so nummy they what i love most of all in the whole world well next to chicken crublebles. I wont touch food unless it has a heavy lay of chicken sprinkles on top.
mama when to esplely for pet becuse we out of evo even though we order more mama said it not coming soon enough well why she was there she found two bottle of my chicken sprinkles she found 20 on line yesterday but we need as meany as we can get.
so she grabed the last two. and went up to the conter.
Mamma excusise me do you have any more halo dinner party chicken flovored?
Sales lady: Umm no there discutioning this proditic i am sorry
Mamma: Could you call other stores and she if they have them and could pull them off the self for me i picke them up
Sales lady why are you so obsesed with the chicken dinner party
Mama; it my cat Maxie shows picter on cell phone. He wont eat with out a heavy layet of chicken sprinles.
Sales Lady: have you tryed liv-a-little
Mama: those have to be crubled my cat can't eat chunksy mama starts to cry
sales:lady you could put it in a plastic bag and uses a rolling pin
Mama: yea sure it would only add more time onto my 35 mins it takes to make his meals. I already getting to sleep at one after i am done with him i guess i could make it 1:30
you see maxie cant eat soild food he went to the dentist and they burned his whole espousous top to bottome he had a feeding tube but now he can eat can food with no lumps but he takes medication two time daily i have to grid them up and fouse him to eat it. Please can you help me with finding chiken sprinkles. Did i menton his gota day is on suday. I spent over 6,000 in medical bills on him. I just need him to eat Well i could cheek
she starts makeing phone calls too all the other stores telling them maxie story She said can I have an adress we like to ship them to you we located 20 between all the stores
Oh yes
it is
She then goes to the self and takes of 6 pakage of liv-a-littles and said to me these are on the house. Tell the little guy happy got-a-day from his freinds at espely for pets.
Mama: crying thank you for helping my maxie. you only charged me for the two sprinkles can i pay for the rest. No there from us to the little man the sales lady said.
Mama came home and give me my yummy lunch with a think layer of chicken sprinkels it great to have a maam who wraped around my paws
mama when to esplely for pet becuse we out of evo even though we order more mama said it not coming soon enough well why she was there she found two bottle of my chicken sprinkles she found 20 on line yesterday but we need as meany as we can get.
so she grabed the last two. and went up to the conter.
Mamma excusise me do you have any more halo dinner party chicken flovored?
Sales lady: Umm no there discutioning this proditic i am sorry
Mamma: Could you call other stores and she if they have them and could pull them off the self for me i picke them up
Sales lady why are you so obsesed with the chicken dinner party
Mama; it my cat Maxie shows picter on cell phone. He wont eat with out a heavy layet of chicken sprinles.
Sales Lady: have you tryed liv-a-little
Mama: those have to be crubled my cat can't eat chunksy mama starts to cry
sales:lady you could put it in a plastic bag and uses a rolling pin
Mama: yea sure it would only add more time onto my 35 mins it takes to make his meals. I already getting to sleep at one after i am done with him i guess i could make it 1:30
you see maxie cant eat soild food he went to the dentist and they burned his whole espousous top to bottome he had a feeding tube but now he can eat can food with no lumps but he takes medication two time daily i have to grid them up and fouse him to eat it. Please can you help me with finding chiken sprinkles. Did i menton his gota day is on suday. I spent over 6,000 in medical bills on him. I just need him to eat Well i could cheek
she starts makeing phone calls too all the other stores telling them maxie story She said can I have an adress we like to ship them to you we located 20 between all the stores
Oh yes
it is
She then goes to the self and takes of 6 pakage of liv-a-littles and said to me these are on the house. Tell the little guy happy got-a-day from his freinds at espely for pets.
Mama: crying thank you for helping my maxie. you only charged me for the two sprinkles can i pay for the rest. No there from us to the little man the sales lady said.
Mama came home and give me my yummy lunch with a think layer of chicken sprinkels it great to have a maam who wraped around my paws
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dear Mom on Monday
Dear Mama Laura
today we all have one message MORE FREZED DRIED CHICKY. Yes to halo chicken dinner party Yes to Halo liv-a-little crubled on our food or soked in water yes yes yes. Yes to chicken crubles yes to chicken did we tell you we love chiken by the way Iris and maxie say yes to Nip too
Thank you for your attenton and investing in chick-hen we love it so by the way pet-co you off the list becuse you no longer caring my chick-hen dinner party
Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxie
***** I just found out that halo has discoued maxie dinner sprinklers i spent the morning bying out 3 stors of all i could find of dinner sprinkles Maxie would strave if he dose not have this
today we all have one message MORE FREZED DRIED CHICKY. Yes to halo chicken dinner party Yes to Halo liv-a-little crubled on our food or soked in water yes yes yes. Yes to chicken crubles yes to chicken did we tell you we love chiken by the way Iris and maxie say yes to Nip too
Thank you for your attenton and investing in chick-hen we love it so by the way pet-co you off the list becuse you no longer caring my chick-hen dinner party
Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxie
***** I just found out that halo has discoued maxie dinner sprinklers i spent the morning bying out 3 stors of all i could find of dinner sprinkles Maxie would strave if he dose not have this
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Whats going on on wesday
Well It seem that LL has been snacking though out the day. LL who never liked stick goodness when left for her now wants maxie sticky goodness and has pushed him out of the way to get it. we will start to ween her of cyrporohepine part of me loves having he on it becuse she so freindly but she now only thinking of food food food.
This means were back to stage one on how much Maxie is eating. Yesteday he ate a half can on evo and a half can of core at night. He seems like his engey needs are being meet however i will call dr c just to be sure when she come back next week.
He alSO need a fur shave as one side of his furr his so matterd beusce of all he went though.
Iris licked one of her scabs off her sores on her back but it seems okay she went to the new vet for a cheek up.
Other new we heard from the bad vet. They gave us back the Money from the dental for maxie and said they pay 1000 and want to look at his reccord and might offfer more. They said that they would offer care there for life but felt follow up care from a new vet practice was not okay there for said no to anyone but them. i will not take maxie back there. I also got the frist I am sorry of this whole time it came from the offce manger she also said she knew for a fact that no one ment to hurt maxie and that dr lenord feels very bad to i am so agery at him.
I will never take maxie back there it not fair to him to have to go back. I can not trust he be safe there and I need to think about whats fair to Maxie
This means were back to stage one on how much Maxie is eating. Yesteday he ate a half can on evo and a half can of core at night. He seems like his engey needs are being meet however i will call dr c just to be sure when she come back next week.
He alSO need a fur shave as one side of his furr his so matterd beusce of all he went though.
Iris licked one of her scabs off her sores on her back but it seems okay she went to the new vet for a cheek up.
Other new we heard from the bad vet. They gave us back the Money from the dental for maxie and said they pay 1000 and want to look at his reccord and might offfer more. They said that they would offer care there for life but felt follow up care from a new vet practice was not okay there for said no to anyone but them. i will not take maxie back there. I also got the frist I am sorry of this whole time it came from the offce manger she also said she knew for a fact that no one ment to hurt maxie and that dr lenord feels very bad to i am so agery at him.
I will never take maxie back there it not fair to him to have to go back. I can not trust he be safe there and I need to think about whats fair to Maxie
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dear Mamma on Monday
Dear Mama Laura,
We have a few things we like to say. We do not like all the nick names coming out of your mouth like Prince ginger Fussy Tail and his sister Princess strees meezer and Fluffy spotty, and Mazie , And Iris do you have to be so loud? Maxie you cost a Millon
The nick names should be
Queen Lilly You can feed me more kibble Lu
Prince Maxie you can have any food you, and all the nip want Millon
Princess Iris yes I get the mousie for you and play with you more Meezeir Garcie Maire
Thank you for you attention to this matter
The Royal cats of the house
We have a few things we like to say. We do not like all the nick names coming out of your mouth like Prince ginger Fussy Tail and his sister Princess strees meezer and Fluffy spotty, and Mazie , And Iris do you have to be so loud? Maxie you cost a Millon
The nick names should be
Queen Lilly You can feed me more kibble Lu
Prince Maxie you can have any food you, and all the nip want Millon
Princess Iris yes I get the mousie for you and play with you more Meezeir Garcie Maire
Thank you for you attention to this matter
The Royal cats of the house
Friday, July 16, 2010
F stands for Fussy and Finkenie on Fiday
Maxie aeems to be doing okay LL had a clean out day but is back to need another laxtive as what worked once now is back to not working again. She eating okay I not too worried about her.
Maxie on the other hand he likes somthing one moment the next he hates it. He figered out i put his meds in his food and thinks i am posineg him. If he not 100% I am going to talk to Dr stone who maxie loves on monday
Iris had a slight raise in her Prozic and spent time with her cat shrink. I always wonder if she meezer he dislike but seem better with some nip and has been having some nip party with Maxie and some puple mousie that the both Iris and Maxie have landed belly up in the middle of the living room more than once
Maxie on the other hand he likes somthing one moment the next he hates it. He figered out i put his meds in his food and thinks i am posineg him. If he not 100% I am going to talk to Dr stone who maxie loves on monday
Iris had a slight raise in her Prozic and spent time with her cat shrink. I always wonder if she meezer he dislike but seem better with some nip and has been having some nip party with Maxie and some puple mousie that the both Iris and Maxie have landed belly up in the middle of the living room more than once
Monday, July 12, 2010
Why On wedsady
Why dose chicken toping only tast good as a toping not mixed into food - Maxie
Why dose the ball never come out of the track on matter how hard i try- Maxie
WHy dose the zoom groom make me drool but i hate thr fur emaatior = Maxie
Why dose the canip banna not as much fun as the catnip apple filled of the same nip?= Maxie
Why can't there be more play time? - irs
Why food tast so yummy after LL has eaten from the bowl - Irs
Why cant I mama arm dont have barrrys for endless howrs of feather on a sirck - Iris
Why dose te air tast better at the back door but i want nothing to do with the sreaned in proch ?
Why dise the water in the fountin tast better after maxie washed his feet in it ? - LL
Just some questins on are mind
Why dose the ball never come out of the track on matter how hard i try- Maxie
WHy dose the zoom groom make me drool but i hate thr fur emaatior = Maxie
Why dose the canip banna not as much fun as the catnip apple filled of the same nip?= Maxie
Why can't there be more play time? - irs
Why food tast so yummy after LL has eaten from the bowl - Irs
Why cant I mama arm dont have barrrys for endless howrs of feather on a sirck - Iris
Why dose te air tast better at the back door but i want nothing to do with the sreaned in proch ?
Why dise the water in the fountin tast better after maxie washed his feet in it ? - LL
Just some questins on are mind
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Maxie apptie seems way down in the last few days he licks the chicken topoing off his food but nothing more he eats a little. I gave him his stumatie today but i wonder if he burned his ephoughous when he got into what i thought he could not get into and regaated he doing his little tough thing more. I not sure if it becuse i am also shoveing food on him at every turn becuse i want him to eat so badly and dont want to go back to tufts. Gosh maxie just eat you food and stop asking for the curchies. We almost had a near disater with curchies. Lilly Lu was begging for dinner and I had locked up Maxie for the night and I went to feed her dinner No sooner then i put her curnchies in a bowls Maxie come running in. J did not know why he was locked up so he unlocked him when he said good night to him. But no harm was done no chunchies were ingested by the wrong cat.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Ode to Crunchie
Crunchies crunchie chunchies
I would to muchie munchie munchie
soking you till your soft is not same
I wish we would never part
I dream of chunch chunch i wish i could munch munch
Side not make can not eat any dry food that has not been pre soked due to his struchter and he could chock and he could reguate eating it. However this is all he thinks about he tys to get it at every trun he just wants to have it
I would to muchie munchie munchie
soking you till your soft is not same
I wish we would never part
I dream of chunch chunch i wish i could munch munch
Side not make can not eat any dry food that has not been pre soked due to his struchter and he could chock and he could reguate eating it. However this is all he thinks about he tys to get it at every trun he just wants to have it
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Whats up in are house
i lL got draged to Dr C yesterday i had only been eating a few bits I used to eat more. She said normal she admitt but since I am LL and she know me she put me on Cyproheperide and a new laxtive I ate some yesterday I even mewoed to mama that i wanted food/ Mama thinks I am a Nibbler and that prart of my problem since Maxie cant eat kibble and I can only eat Kibble. Mama wanted to make a kitty door for me but thats not going to work out pluse that fact maxie is Hudnni he can get out or into anything. He said it his taltet.
Maxie is cone free for the frist time in a long time since 5/20 this morning he got him self in a mood and got his tail all in a knot and climb under the bed
Iris has blad spots from over grooming she stop short of licking her self to she braking skin. She very sentive to change Mama said to iris if you dont stop your going for coach time. Thats iris behavioal dr. Mama called them and he agreed iris need to be back on prozac becuse she a sensitive meezer who dose not handle change. Iris said she dose handle it by Meezing at the top of her lungs
Maxie is cone free for the frist time in a long time since 5/20 this morning he got him self in a mood and got his tail all in a knot and climb under the bed
Iris has blad spots from over grooming she stop short of licking her self to she braking skin. She very sentive to change Mama said to iris if you dont stop your going for coach time. Thats iris behavioal dr. Mama called them and he agreed iris need to be back on prozac becuse she a sensitive meezer who dose not handle change. Iris said she dose handle it by Meezing at the top of her lungs
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It Lilly Lu turn ....
we been in the middle of a heat wave here and we only have window ac and LL refuses to to stay in a room wiff AC and she only eaten a few bits mama caling Dr C. also pleae purr a meezer in my nabor hood she gone missing and we seen sings at the super duper market that coytos were around and two cats were missing
Iris ( Who is the only cat in this house not sick and staying in side at all times)
Iris ( Who is the only cat in this house not sick and staying in side at all times)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Dear Mom On monday
Dear Mama,
I like to call to your attetion that you have two hands one should be suching my ears at all time while. There has been a lack of srunching going on and my ears love scrunching
Dear Mama,
I know you just bought two bags of hills but i told you if you by too much food i will change my mind and not eat it. I know it was on sale at are vet but i like my food gotten daily do we have to repet this again. Also will you do somthing about the big ornoge fur ball in my crown bed expect for saying he had a hard time he can sleep any were .
Dear mama,
Last we we talked about feather on a stick. But this we need to talk about feather but mousie there behind the couch and i am too little to move it. Please get my toys also more feather on a stick and more food I do not like this feeding thing becuse of maxie it makes me mad
I like to call to your attetion that you have two hands one should be suching my ears at all time while. There has been a lack of srunching going on and my ears love scrunching
Dear Mama,
I know you just bought two bags of hills but i told you if you by too much food i will change my mind and not eat it. I know it was on sale at are vet but i like my food gotten daily do we have to repet this again. Also will you do somthing about the big ornoge fur ball in my crown bed expect for saying he had a hard time he can sleep any were .
Dear mama,
Last we we talked about feather on a stick. But this we need to talk about feather but mousie there behind the couch and i am too little to move it. Please get my toys also more feather on a stick and more food I do not like this feeding thing becuse of maxie it makes me mad
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 2nd brithday
Happy 2nd brithday to my faviort set of twins and my girl ashlynn I love you I be here to help read you a story at bed time I be the ornge cat on your pink blanket sugling your feet
we start off brithday weekend with ice cream sunday party
Topmmrow we hit the beach for a cookout and a brithday firworks.
On monday we have a splash park/ Fram party
we start off brithday weekend with ice cream sunday party
Topmmrow we hit the beach for a cookout and a brithday firworks.
On monday we have a splash park/ Fram party
Friday, July 2, 2010
Maxie a tube feed gradate
Maxie went and saw dr C yesterday. I waraped him in his grizzy and off he went to tufts and to see dr c so she could pull out his tube and clean off his sight. He now has a boo boo and he came home and ate and then ate around a can of food. He seems like he getting fusser I might just give him some soking wet kibble or some of his old foodleaned with chicken on it he always seems to ejoy that. He was all about cuddling for a while he still has a pretty nasty sore so he needs to be keeped in side. I just have to wipe it down i almost freaked out becuse was bleeding but dr c insured me all was okay and as long as it was just ozzing to wipe it down and not to panic. We getting a new kitty door with a lock out on it for all cats but LL since she needs to eat speacal stones food and iris eats at times and sticks her noise up at her food. LL is such a grazer she eat a few bits walk away eat a few more birs.
Maxie like that but i am hopeing with access only to can food this is what he be happy with.
Maxie like that but i am hopeing with access only to can food this is what he be happy with.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Want to be a Part of Maxie Miracle ?
Okay cats here the deal Mama is were the very frist One. The are her Blue and yellow just like maxie quit. The look like the Live strong bracelets we selling them for a doation of 10 green papers for a braclet each braclet will come with a picture Of Maxie and instutions on how to get to the Mericals for Maxie blog and take a picuter wereing the braclet or near it so we know who purring for him So hit up are doation button and order one and make sure you leave a adress so we can send you the info
Monday, June 28, 2010
Dear Momma On Monday
Furom Maxie
Dear Mama,
I do not care if your arm is tired i love the zoom groom use your other arm and keep brushing. I have Matts in my furr frum the lack of zoom grooming. So stop doing everything and start grooming
Thank you for your attetion to this matter
Furm Lilly Lilly
Dear Mama,
I do not care if i love Royal chain s/o for 3 years and you have a half a big big bag of it left I no longer wish to eat it and only want hills. We gone though this before if you by a large amount of stuff i will no longer eat it. I like my food bought daily I do not care if this means daily trips to the vets to by my food and lots of green pappers on gas I am worth it I am a queen after all and should be treated in such a mannor
Lilly I want Hills not Royla chian Lu
Frum Iris
Dear mama,
I have been a neglted meezer there has been a lack of feather on a stick and a lack of feactch being played and a lack of nip being spred for me to roll in i dont care if your trying hard to keep up with every one needs I have needs to that are not being meet in the form of play
Dear Mama,
I do not care if your arm is tired i love the zoom groom use your other arm and keep brushing. I have Matts in my furr frum the lack of zoom grooming. So stop doing everything and start grooming
Thank you for your attetion to this matter
Furm Lilly Lilly
Dear Mama,
I do not care if i love Royal chain s/o for 3 years and you have a half a big big bag of it left I no longer wish to eat it and only want hills. We gone though this before if you by a large amount of stuff i will no longer eat it. I like my food bought daily I do not care if this means daily trips to the vets to by my food and lots of green pappers on gas I am worth it I am a queen after all and should be treated in such a mannor
Lilly I want Hills not Royla chian Lu
Frum Iris
Dear mama,
I have been a neglted meezer there has been a lack of feather on a stick and a lack of feactch being played and a lack of nip being spred for me to roll in i dont care if your trying hard to keep up with every one needs I have needs to that are not being meet in the form of play
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Update On Maxie By Maxie
The better I feel the less contrable i am Today Maam came in and i had taken off my foo foo close and i had manged to get my elzbethen collor off Maam tryed to get me dressed back up less just say there was blood drawn and it was not mine. Then after I ate a bresfest that i downed I then down some wet kibble and spent the rest of the day scarching and mewoing and thowing a fit to get out out out. After 5 or six time drawing mama blood while trying to put on my collor she gave up good thing there was not much skin left and she need that catnip shower gell stuff. mama said Fine I give up I down a second bresfest and then a Lilltt lunch at four used the box and then played mewo at the door Finaly i escaped and I found Lilly frist thing i did Sit on he while she was in what she clams is her pink crown bed but we know the truth it mine mine mine. Mama said I can be free till meds at 11 followed by diiner good thing it time for my Maxie snack
maxie who need his tube out now now now
maxie who need his tube out now now now
Maxie getting better
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thought of The Day
Why do vets and people who make me made not bath in catnip ? it would make them taste better when i have no choice but to eat them alive.
Just a thought
Just a thought
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Maxie here TT.... things that piss me off
Hi everyone I am ready to blog a bit today I wanted to tell you things that make me mad about everything I been though
1. Vets who say I have" Issues" ( I do not have issue i just do n0t like them)
2. Dr Stone ( he my buddy) He needs more salt for when i try to eat him alive
3. Dr C I like her too but she needs more sugar for when i try and eat her alive ( she always said Maxwell I love you no matter how upset you get. )
4. When I demand mama go and get her. I don't care if she not around FIND HER
5. why cant i have my grizzy at tufts I know they said they afraid they lose it.
6. The cone this is a big one I HATE THIS THING
7, being locked in a room/ cage is no fun I just want to go be free free free
8. Mama always shoving food in my face yes I eat it but please how would you like food in your face
9. Lack of treets ( I don't care if Temp-tay-tions are hard for me to eat I still love them
10. where is the chick.hen
11. This A/D stuff yea i eat it but dose not mean i dont want my evo any more
12. All this talk about the bridge make me have to put the Bitey on pepole
13. Did i tell you how hourble this cone and how bad it is to have a tube sticking out your side
1. Vets who say I have" Issues" ( I do not have issue i just do n0t like them)
2. Dr Stone ( he my buddy) He needs more salt for when i try to eat him alive
3. Dr C I like her too but she needs more sugar for when i try and eat her alive ( she always said Maxwell I love you no matter how upset you get. )
4. When I demand mama go and get her. I don't care if she not around FIND HER
5. why cant i have my grizzy at tufts I know they said they afraid they lose it.
6. The cone this is a big one I HATE THIS THING
7, being locked in a room/ cage is no fun I just want to go be free free free
8. Mama always shoving food in my face yes I eat it but please how would you like food in your face
9. Lack of treets ( I don't care if Temp-tay-tions are hard for me to eat I still love them
10. where is the chick.hen
11. This A/D stuff yea i eat it but dose not mean i dont want my evo any more
12. All this talk about the bridge make me have to put the Bitey on pepole
13. Did i tell you how hourble this cone and how bad it is to have a tube sticking out your side
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mu shue dose it again
true story.
A few days before maxie started to eat last week I prayed. I always been praying to god but this time I tryed something diffent I tryed praying to Mu shue, It went something like this. Mu shue I miss you so much thank you for maxie. I know i could have been a better mother to Maxie I tryed I love him so he become a member of my family. You saved the girls once I know i am asking the imposbule but please if you have any pull up there save Maxie then it started to rain by the time i got out of the car it had stoped. That was the day Maxie started to eat. While he still can't eat dry food he can eat can food. he starting to come back to me lilttle by little. My babby lion cub Thanks Mu shue with your beafule angle wings and you heart of gold thanks for loveing us
A few days before maxie started to eat last week I prayed. I always been praying to god but this time I tryed something diffent I tryed praying to Mu shue, It went something like this. Mu shue I miss you so much thank you for maxie. I know i could have been a better mother to Maxie I tryed I love him so he become a member of my family. You saved the girls once I know i am asking the imposbule but please if you have any pull up there save Maxie then it started to rain by the time i got out of the car it had stoped. That was the day Maxie started to eat. While he still can't eat dry food he can eat can food. he starting to come back to me lilttle by little. My babby lion cub Thanks Mu shue with your beafule angle wings and you heart of gold thanks for loveing us
Hi everyone Maxie meet his can 1/4 requment yesterday and he up to about a 1/2 can today he still need to eat more. I am giving him collor brakes for eating and he seems to be enjoying those. The vet had the neve to put the charge for Maxie dental on my mastercard. Well i called the creit card commpney and despouted the charges. I have to call tufts i think i been dubbled billed but not sure. Sometimes it just takes a phone call with them.
I should also call Dr C with an update but i think i am going to wait one more day Idon't want to jinks anything. The big issue i have right now is meds. Liquoid vis pill i am trying both. Pill is a bit harder but easyer on Maxie as I have to make sure he eats the small amount of food. So his six am med was given more like 7:00 am
I feel like i the summer is almost stoping with out me. It hard to bevlie the twins will be two in so little time
Ashlynn they say has the vocabulary and mental abitly for a child two to three times her age. She talks non stop about anything and everything she even talks for dylan.
Dylan phical abitly amizes everyone he can thow a ball with great acrecy and kick one too he loves sports but most of all he loves amamimals he very kind and gental with them and looks at every book about amimals. said he wants to be a "cat dr" to "make maxie better" however he still wants a "live horse" "real cow" "live goat"
"live pig" - Aka dylan wants to live on a fram. We talked about it not for me.
Ashlynn Loves amamls too she loves cats and dog and most of all Maxie. She always wants to help amamals and dose not understand why "every cat cant have a good home" she loves to go to the shelter and bring gifts things the cats don't use she has plans to adopt or get homes for each and every amamla she meets
Becuse of there love for amamles they having a brithday party on real live farm with a petting zoo. They having about 10 freinds come down. Then there also going to have a family party at the beach with fireworks.
Ahslynn thinks the american flag is her and dylans "brithday flag" so cute
well i got to cal tufts and deal with the bad vet. I try and update on maxie latter
I should also call Dr C with an update but i think i am going to wait one more day Idon't want to jinks anything. The big issue i have right now is meds. Liquoid vis pill i am trying both. Pill is a bit harder but easyer on Maxie as I have to make sure he eats the small amount of food. So his six am med was given more like 7:00 am
I feel like i the summer is almost stoping with out me. It hard to bevlie the twins will be two in so little time
Ashlynn they say has the vocabulary and mental abitly for a child two to three times her age. She talks non stop about anything and everything she even talks for dylan.
Dylan phical abitly amizes everyone he can thow a ball with great acrecy and kick one too he loves sports but most of all he loves amamimals he very kind and gental with them and looks at every book about amimals. said he wants to be a "cat dr" to "make maxie better" however he still wants a "live horse" "real cow" "live goat"
"live pig" - Aka dylan wants to live on a fram. We talked about it not for me.
Ashlynn Loves amamls too she loves cats and dog and most of all Maxie. She always wants to help amamals and dose not understand why "every cat cant have a good home" she loves to go to the shelter and bring gifts things the cats don't use she has plans to adopt or get homes for each and every amamla she meets
Becuse of there love for amamles they having a brithday party on real live farm with a petting zoo. They having about 10 freinds come down. Then there also going to have a family party at the beach with fireworks.
Ahslynn thinks the american flag is her and dylans "brithday flag" so cute
well i got to cal tufts and deal with the bad vet. I try and update on maxie latter
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
quick Maxie up date dont stop the purring
Hi every one Maxie ate almost a full can of food yesterday this morning not so much but he ate some socked kibble he seemed to be something he relly liked he ate it with out vomiting. His tube seems to stoped working all toghter so i am going to be giveing him his meds by mouth insted of tube please purr. Please purr he is able to eat. Today I let him have a little freedom he went into his cat room found his toy box knocked it over and started to sort his toys cat nip and no catnip then layed on the catnip plie before sleeping in one of his faviort spots
LL is still being fussy dr C is doing some reacher for me she may just be a socal eater and land up eating sokeing wet kibble as well. As last thing we need is her stones back.
Keep purring for maxie to eat a can to can 1/2 a day
LL is still being fussy dr C is doing some reacher for me she may just be a socal eater and land up eating sokeing wet kibble as well. As last thing we need is her stones back.
Keep purring for maxie to eat a can to can 1/2 a day
Monday, June 21, 2010
Purrs for eating a small tube
keep purring for eating for Maxie Dr C put on a 3 way valve and got a small funtiobul tube for medication only she precibed an abitite sumatiante for maxie every 3 days and some soft food he ate the small amount offered to him he seemed like he liked it he must remained coned at all time his eating is he must eat small meals and socked kibble maxie said he wants his kibble soked in catnip he sleeeping on his grizzy he needs to eat a can to 1/4 can a day if not more purr for eating
Purrs for eating
the crack tube can only be replaced sugerglicaly this is major sugery however this is not what we want right now. The plan is to take him how watch how he eats for the next two days if he eats well the tube comes out next week if he eat nothing then we have no choice but to do the tube. The problem is the tube can not be done with endocpicly like the last one due to the strickters they dont even want to try that as at this point it would do more harm then good. But if he'll eat with out reguation then we in the clear.
As for LL she said she thinks she maybe feeling the stree in the house and by lettting maxie be more of a cat she maybe feeling better. Please purrr for eating well....
As for LL she said she thinks she maybe feeling the stree in the house and by lettting maxie be more of a cat she maybe feeling better. Please purrr for eating well....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To the ememncey room
Maxie feeding tube cloged then after it cloged mama got it uncloged with coke and water after it uncloged it cracked almost in half we went to tufts ER since we can not go to Vicon that 10 mins away since they cant do whats needed. Funny thing is that right before it happend mama said I do not need to go to tufts to night, Ugg the tube will have to be replaced in the morning the estmetie is 1000- 1500 ugg.
Happy father day and another update
Frist off this be Iris updateing for LL as she is in a mood and a half she dessied that she no longer like royal chain s/o he special food and is being a royal pain in the tail about it She eats a few bits and acts like we posiening her she onlly been eating for two year so now she ready to be a pain in the tail since maxie needs attenton
Now that that is done we like to tell you about father day. Today I desided being a princess meezer was a good day to cough up a hair ball on J side of the bed. Yup he steped in it frist thing I did not get a thank you though i got an IRIS GRACIE MAIRE YUCCKY. I worked hard on that fur ball i dont know why he was upset
Then mama feed us food i goobled it all down while miss fussy acted like the world was ending more for me. Mama said she talk to DR C tommrow or Dr stone about LL.
Mama made maxie tube feeding and feed him cleaned up the kicken she need to change the linner and scub out Maxie box up stairs so she poor extra litter in the extra linner started cleaning up down stairs and said once she came back down to get maxie tubes cleaned she go get it. It was a fresh box a girls got to go in a fresh box s both me and LL went in Maxie box to test it out.
Mama Laura then got every one ready to go out for the day. They had bresfest wiff Grandpa and then off to the state park for some swim time. Then the sky opened up and lighting and thunder came out so the state park was cut short it was okay buscese they got home just in time to feed Maxie.
Maxie seems better today he still eating a little mooshed food. But all he could think about was out. That is better becuse he getting his spunk back it used to be all he thought about was napping. He very very loney in his room Mama has to call the great Dr C and the great DR Stone tomrow to talk about LL and Maxie they just tough work.
mama said she got to go cuse she needs to Make Maxie feed followed by fuilds for LL
Iris princess meeezer reporting
Now that that is done we like to tell you about father day. Today I desided being a princess meezer was a good day to cough up a hair ball on J side of the bed. Yup he steped in it frist thing I did not get a thank you though i got an IRIS GRACIE MAIRE YUCCKY. I worked hard on that fur ball i dont know why he was upset
Then mama feed us food i goobled it all down while miss fussy acted like the world was ending more for me. Mama said she talk to DR C tommrow or Dr stone about LL.
Mama made maxie tube feeding and feed him cleaned up the kicken she need to change the linner and scub out Maxie box up stairs so she poor extra litter in the extra linner started cleaning up down stairs and said once she came back down to get maxie tubes cleaned she go get it. It was a fresh box a girls got to go in a fresh box s both me and LL went in Maxie box to test it out.
Mama Laura then got every one ready to go out for the day. They had bresfest wiff Grandpa and then off to the state park for some swim time. Then the sky opened up and lighting and thunder came out so the state park was cut short it was okay buscese they got home just in time to feed Maxie.
Maxie seems better today he still eating a little mooshed food. But all he could think about was out. That is better becuse he getting his spunk back it used to be all he thought about was napping. He very very loney in his room Mama has to call the great Dr C and the great DR Stone tomrow to talk about LL and Maxie they just tough work.
mama said she got to go cuse she needs to Make Maxie feed followed by fuilds for LL
Iris princess meeezer reporting
Saturday, June 19, 2010
another update on Maxie
Hi every one we had one regation problem today but it was more my fault i was giving him kibble a big no no and he seemed to be doing okay then he vomited. He is still eating some moshed can food it hard to tell sometimes he eats it all some times nothing. He has a new habbit like to sleep on a pink blanket. He has a new habbit he takes the pink blanket puts it in his mouth and starts to kneed it. He never done this before but only dose it two blankets one that belongs to ashlynn.
Friday, June 18, 2010
quick updare

Hi everyone i going to make this a quick update. Every thing is about the same, Maxie is starting to eat some can food but as i said the process needs to be slow but it also needs to adjust his feeds as before we did not want him to feel hunger but now we do it a proccess of trile and error .
I just wanted to share with you what maxie braclets are going to look like. Ashlynn said there need to be the paws on both end and helped me with the collor they are the same collors used in maxie grizzy.
alot of my time is spent taking care of Maxie it takes about an hour to get a feed ready. his tube feed need to go in the blender then though a strannor then they need to be put in sringers . The gets sringers of water and cokie for just in case a big sringernge to cheek how much he has in his tummy and then draw up his meds. He gets between 4o to 60 tube food every i hours along with medicantion. then we look fot pain sing chewing of his mouth extra swalllowing if we see any a dose of pain meds we also have amazet for under the skin injection if he looks like he naunauous.
that means my day starts at 5 and ends after midnight by the tjme the last load of laurnry is in
I like to thank all the kind pepole who have helped us with maxie shirt and vet bills it means more than you know,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New update
Hi every one we sorry we not updated things are about the same maxie made an emency trip to tufts for a blocked feeding tube that once we got to tufts was unblocked. Maxie is starting to eat mush by mouth with out vomiting it has to be given very very slow in very very small amount. He can eat by mouth cunches one or two at a time but the dr said no to do it as it could make things worst. Right now we hopeing for the best but being prepared for the worst. Dose any body know where you can get cute long tee- shirts for pets cheep. Maxie need to were a shirt at all times becuse of the feeding tube. I found a few so i can wash one but i think Maxie would aprashite a few other clean shirts that were not so pink. LL is very jellous she said she wants a new dress I found a few cute ones but i am looking for a size medam for Maxie
He spends alot of time sleeping on a pink blacket on my bed or under the bed in the guest bedroom . It like he can hardly stay awake. Today he did enjoy an open window for a few mins.
Maxie braclets were order there will be only 100 so act fast they will be selling for 10.00 usa and 15.00 interntial for a doation to maxie fund then you will be diricted to go to what we are calling Maxie pray/purr blog where you can take picutes were the braclets or cats with them. We going to try and get a picuter of Dr stone and Dr C with maxie mercials braclet too.
VIP pet insurnince came to there sences they gave us 1000 to his 3,000 pet bill but they still a few more they saying no to. they wont tell me if they cover the stent but they did say if we cover the concdition that caused it then we may cover it.
Maxie is going at spot 13 like there no tomrow
LL said she not a Baske ball fan but go celtis !!!!!
He spends alot of time sleeping on a pink blacket on my bed or under the bed in the guest bedroom . It like he can hardly stay awake. Today he did enjoy an open window for a few mins.
Maxie braclets were order there will be only 100 so act fast they will be selling for 10.00 usa and 15.00 interntial for a doation to maxie fund then you will be diricted to go to what we are calling Maxie pray/purr blog where you can take picutes were the braclets or cats with them. We going to try and get a picuter of Dr stone and Dr C with maxie mercials braclet too.
VIP pet insurnince came to there sences they gave us 1000 to his 3,000 pet bill but they still a few more they saying no to. they wont tell me if they cover the stent but they did say if we cover the concdition that caused it then we may cover it.
Maxie is going at spot 13 like there no tomrow
LL said she not a Baske ball fan but go celtis !!!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Maxie Update
I thought i was going to post good news. Yesteday Maxie seemed to be on the road to recovery we were granted a 24 hour repeve he was eating well cruches even no vomiting nothing this morning i gave him a few crunches and he vomited and it looked like it had blood. Not an emncey becuse his ephousss is so ulrated. He did have a few licks of wet food and no thowing up but from his history he still scaring and soon he wont be able to groom him self and will need to be in the elizbethan collor at all times. right now i am keeping him out of it when he with me.
I did talk to dr C she informed me the stent needs to be payed for upfornt and it 2,000.
I told her that I get back to her. She said okay let me know how he doing and what you deside. the 2,000 is not including the cost of placement and other fees. This knocks me out for Imom now becuse they want the 2000 up front and they said they will not do upfront and tufts said we can't negiasahed on something like this becuse it needs to be payed for.
So right now I am in a demlema I would love to give maxie his merical but i spent 6,000 already do i spend a 6,000
As for going after Dr Lennord We are trying so far all he done is walk away. He refuses to admit neglet and I told him I going after his Linncess and he said I did nothing wrong. I told him you hated maxie thats what you did.
Today We cut a few bad matts out of his furr he smeed very gratful he used try and bite me but i think he know he feels better when it done we also used the zoom groom on him that he loves he purrs though it . We love Maxie
I also like to anonce a little fund raiser I am doing It called Help Maxie get a miracle. They are going to be blue and yellow slicon braclest we selling them for a 10.00 doation to Maxie miracle. this will incindeing shipping for the USA if your interntianl we ask 15.00 . They will be here in 6 -10 busssness days.
Every one who has one we ask you take a picuter or you or your cat with the braclet. We like you to post the picuter on Maxie purr/ pray blog I will be sending info with each braclet.
We like to thanks for everyone for there help. And everyone who has helped We Pray/pur for Maxie to get miracle
I did talk to dr C she informed me the stent needs to be payed for upfornt and it 2,000.
I told her that I get back to her. She said okay let me know how he doing and what you deside. the 2,000 is not including the cost of placement and other fees. This knocks me out for Imom now becuse they want the 2000 up front and they said they will not do upfront and tufts said we can't negiasahed on something like this becuse it needs to be payed for.
So right now I am in a demlema I would love to give maxie his merical but i spent 6,000 already do i spend a 6,000
As for going after Dr Lennord We are trying so far all he done is walk away. He refuses to admit neglet and I told him I going after his Linncess and he said I did nothing wrong. I told him you hated maxie thats what you did.
Today We cut a few bad matts out of his furr he smeed very gratful he used try and bite me but i think he know he feels better when it done we also used the zoom groom on him that he loves he purrs though it . We love Maxie
I also like to anonce a little fund raiser I am doing It called Help Maxie get a miracle. They are going to be blue and yellow slicon braclest we selling them for a 10.00 doation to Maxie miracle. this will incindeing shipping for the USA if your interntianl we ask 15.00 . They will be here in 6 -10 busssness days.
Every one who has one we ask you take a picuter or you or your cat with the braclet. We like you to post the picuter on Maxie purr/ pray blog I will be sending info with each braclet.
We like to thanks for everyone for there help. And everyone who has helped We Pray/pur for Maxie to get miracle
Saturday, June 12, 2010
VIP Pets Insurince I was a good human
Vip pets : Vip pets how can i seave you and your pet today ?
Mom Laura : May cat maxwell very sick i like to talk about his clam
Vip pets: Ceritlly can we have his policey number
Mom Laura: sure it is F-xxxxx
Vip pets; can we have your adress and phone number
Mom Laura : sure it is XXXXX RD XXXXXXX ( XXX) XXX- XXXX
Vip pets thank you let me look up your clam It looks like you gone though all your befits for this problem you see vip pets take an advarage amout it accouss the county it should take to fix the problem It seems like tufts is very expisve maybe you should shop around for a cheeper vet
Mom Laura: But you did not cover his eys or any thing else i sent you the reccords
Vip: You see you need to make sure everything is down on the form very deitaled you know.
Mom Laura: But maxie needs a stent no other cat has had one and only 5 dogs how can you help me
Vip: you see i relly can't approve I don't think we cover it.... let me see nope not listed Shunt are listed but not stents not covered sorry pluse as i said you used all your befits for this clam I am sorry. You can go ahead and do it and smittet it we wont know if we cover anything till after it done i am sorry. I think you should shop around for a cheeper place to do it.
Mom Laura: but this is the only place there is no were else do you not understand it never been done before it the cats last chance I put in more in then i got out
Vip pet: I see you only put 153 dollora a year
Mom Laura: Strage i have a charge of 500 a year I have the suprior plan you know the one with the high coverage look if Maxwell dose not get this he'll die do you not care.
Vip: I am sorry you fell this way I am just the messager. we will cover 60 dollors to ethanathia though
mom Laura: whome should i adress the picuters of my dead cat too do you want them faxed or mailed maybe i do both when he dies i want you too feel my pain too. Maybe I send you a picuter of my two year old daugher at his grave sight
Vip pets; I see your up set why don't you talk to someone else. I put you on with my suprivizer. Click
side note; I relly love the 76 dollors you gave me for all maxie over 6,000 vet bills i chocie vip pet in case i should need it now i do i find out you dont want to help.
Mom Laura : May cat maxwell very sick i like to talk about his clam
Vip pets: Ceritlly can we have his policey number
Mom Laura: sure it is F-xxxxx
Vip pets; can we have your adress and phone number
Mom Laura : sure it is XXXXX RD XXXXXXX ( XXX) XXX- XXXX
Vip pets thank you let me look up your clam It looks like you gone though all your befits for this problem you see vip pets take an advarage amout it accouss the county it should take to fix the problem It seems like tufts is very expisve maybe you should shop around for a cheeper vet
Mom Laura: But you did not cover his eys or any thing else i sent you the reccords
Vip: You see you need to make sure everything is down on the form very deitaled you know.
Mom Laura: But maxie needs a stent no other cat has had one and only 5 dogs how can you help me
Vip: you see i relly can't approve I don't think we cover it.... let me see nope not listed Shunt are listed but not stents not covered sorry pluse as i said you used all your befits for this clam I am sorry. You can go ahead and do it and smittet it we wont know if we cover anything till after it done i am sorry. I think you should shop around for a cheeper place to do it.
Mom Laura: but this is the only place there is no were else do you not understand it never been done before it the cats last chance I put in more in then i got out
Vip pet: I see you only put 153 dollora a year
Mom Laura: Strage i have a charge of 500 a year I have the suprior plan you know the one with the high coverage look if Maxwell dose not get this he'll die do you not care.
Vip: I am sorry you fell this way I am just the messager. we will cover 60 dollors to ethanathia though
mom Laura: whome should i adress the picuters of my dead cat too do you want them faxed or mailed maybe i do both when he dies i want you too feel my pain too. Maybe I send you a picuter of my two year old daugher at his grave sight
Vip pets; I see your up set why don't you talk to someone else. I put you on with my suprivizer. Click
side note; I relly love the 76 dollors you gave me for all maxie over 6,000 vet bills i chocie vip pet in case i should need it now i do i find out you dont want to help.
Friday, June 11, 2010
We don't know what to say. Maxie sugery showed it was no better but no worst howeer in his vomiting eposeds he re burned his ephousous. There is one last thing that can be tryed a stent. No other cat has had one and no garteees it would work. But it cost 6,000 mama dose not have that on top of what she already payed.
Choice two takle him home keep him coftuble and then put him to sleep with in ten days. Mama takeing choice two giving us a little time to just be a family and make memmorys. Take picuters and love him. she going to try I mom but is not hopeful. We ask that every one please give us a few days just to deal with our greif
LL and family
Choice two takle him home keep him coftuble and then put him to sleep with in ten days. Mama takeing choice two giving us a little time to just be a family and make memmorys. Take picuters and love him. she going to try I mom but is not hopeful. We ask that every one please give us a few days just to deal with our greif
LL and family
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Miracles for Maxie
please cats we need purr for Miracles for Maxie
please tweet this post it as your face book stats and on your blogs
Laura , Lilly Lu Iris
please tweet this post it as your face book stats and on your blogs
Laura , Lilly Lu Iris
Monday, June 7, 2010
Maxie dose man cat monday - I am bad to the bone

So why am I so bad to the bone well i am always a little on the fisty side for a cat so this motning mama did not clan my box and they been making me were a shirt i manged to get it off and pop on it after all I no LL here. Then i manged to get my elzibethien collor off and well a man need a clean spot 13. when she tried to re dress me in foo foo stuff i bit her mama laughed and said that my maxie. I feeling much better today However i still need to go back this week and hiss and growl and then kiss dr stone, It a game i pay with him First i try and eat him then he rubs me the right way and i melt into purring.
Well i just thought i do an update since LL seems to taken over my blog hay I not see my girls in over a week and i miss them
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